Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 266 Foreign Ghosts, Vampires? Werewolf?

"Zhang Wei, answer the phone quickly, Captain Lin usually won't call you so early."

Lu Lianxue looked at the caller ID, and it was Lin Tong who called Zhang Wei. Looking at the time, it was after 6 o'clock in the morning. Captain Lin Tong came to Zhang Wei at this time, it must be something urgent.

Qiu Xiaolin also urged from the side:

"Xiao Weizi, answer the phone first, there is plenty of time for you, it's not too late."

Zhang Wei nodded.

After picking up the phone, before Zhang Wei could speak, Lin Tong's voice came first:

"Zhang Wei, sorry to disturb you so early, are you still sleeping?"

"Didn't sleep, just getting ready for morning exercise."

"Hey, I didn't expect you to still have the habit of morning exercises. I thought you didn't have any muscles, but how did you get your strength? Did you study hard and practice hard? What do you do morning exercises? I'll learn from you."

When it came to exercising, Lin Tong couldn't help asking.

Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"Captain Lin Tong, my morning exercise is for my waist. It's very hard. After all, I need to practice two times at a time. Are you sure you want to learn?"

"Waist? Are you going to train your abdominal muscles? Oh, I understand. The support point of a person is the waist, which is also the support of the spine. For strength to explode, the body must have a strong support, just like Zama same step."

Lin Tong murmured:

"It seems that I can't just train the strength of my arms. Just having the strength of my arms is not enough, and my body can't support the burst of strength."

For his words, Zhang Wei responded with a sentence:

"Hey, Captain Lin, how can you only use your hands? It's just Qilin's arms. Work on your waist."

"Okay, thank you Zhang Wei for reminding you, next time I'll practice horse stance and waist, pay attention to the solidity of the chassis, by the way, how should I practice."

Lin Tong made a sound out of curiosity.

Just when Zhang Wei was about to say something, Lin Tong's voice came again:

"I almost forgot, let's not talk about this, Zhang Wei, I have an urgent matter with you, do you still remember the newcomers from the Department of Health and Dao that you taught from Mount Wutai?"

His words come out.

The kind Wutai Mountain monks came to Zhang Wei's mind and said:

"Captain Lin, you mean, Wu Nian's senior brother?"

"Yes, it's them. I remember you taught them to drive out ghosts with a gun, right...then you have done some research on this, right?"

"It's okay, I understand a little bit, Captain Lin, why did you suddenly say this?"

That's all for words.

Zhang Wei paused, and said in Zhou Xingchi's tone:

"What? Do you want to learn? I'll teach you."

"No, no, I don't want to learn, I just want to say that if you have research on this, Zhang Wei, you can do me a favor, help me drive away a ghost."

Immediately afterwards.

Lin Tong explained:

"My colleague who joined the Department of Health and Dao at the same time as me recently encountered a troublesome supernatural event. Those ghosts are ghosts from abroad."

As Lin Tong said this, Zhang Wei changed his mood, and for a second his hands and Qiu Xiaolin's hands were licking each other, but when Lin Tong's words sounded, Zhang Wei stopped in the next second, and asked in surprise. road:

"Which ghost is it from abroad? Is it from the West? Is that a vampire? A werewolf? Captain Lin, you ask me about the gun, is it Frankenstein? Or is it not from the West, but a ghost from the Sakura Kingdom?"

After Qiu Xiaolin and the others kept tight-lipped, Zhang Wei was agitated, and now he was even more excited when he heard Lin Tong's words.

Since becoming a ghost exorcist, he has exorcised a lot of ghosts, three hundred if not four hundred.


Those who drive away are all domestic ghosts, and have never dealt with foreign ghosts, but with the folk knowledge given by the system, the knowledge of Longhushan, and the knowledge from the Ministry of Health and Daosi forum, Zhang Wei knows it, not only Daxia has it ghost.

There are also ghosts abroad.

It's just that foreign ghosts are somewhat different from Daxia's demons and goblins. Foreign ghosts are those ghosts spread by foreign folks, such as vampires, wraiths, werewolves, etc. Among them, there are also ghosts similar to Daxia, but they prefer to call them ghosts. Devil, devil.

The priests of the Holy See in the West are exorcists who specialize in dealing with demons and demons.

It is also because there are often different types of ghosts, and the previous methods of exorcising ghosts are difficult to deal with. For example, zombies are not afraid of holy water and garlic.

It's happened before.

There have been powerful ghosts in the west, and the western ghost exorcists couldn't deal with them, so they invited the eastern ghost exorcists to deal with them. After all, there are as many kinds of ghost exorcists in the east as there are stars, with various methods and methods. Many of them can not only deal with the ghosts in the east It is effective, and it can also be effective on western ghosts, such as the Gu masters in Xishuangbanna.

In Zhang Wei's view.

Maybe Lin Tong thought that his firearms exorcising ghosts is very modern and can deal with Western ghosts. After all, the West also uses silver bullets to deal with werewolves and vampires.


It may also be his own firearms to drive out ghosts. Lin Tong felt that he could deal with the ghosts his colleagues encountered this time.

Just when Zhang Wei was thinking about it.

"Not Frankenstein, vampires, some western ghosts, like ghosts."

Lin Tong's voice came:

"The thing is this. My colleague is the captain of the Department of Health in a place in Xishuangbanna Province. He has recently encountered some ghosts. They are foreign ghosts. The West likes to call these ghosts, but they are actually ghosts."

"They are somewhat powerful. They are the ghosts of some Western mercenaries after their deaths. They came to the local area through some channels."

"My friend found them two days ago, but they were killed by mercenaries. You know, some ghosts can gain specific abilities when they die, such as water ghosts. The same is true for those mercenaries. They have their own guns. .”

"Those firearms may have been held in their hands before they died, so they followed them after death."

"In the past, my friend also had a way to deal with the ghosts in the west, but this kind of long-range, and he didn't know anything about guns, so he couldn't deal with these ghosts with guns. He asked me for help. I thought of Zhang Wei. firearms."

When it comes to this.

Zhang Wei already understood Lin Tong's meaning, and it was as expected. The supernatural event that Lin Tong wanted to ask him to deal with was indeed related to his own firearms exorcising ghosts.

At this moment.

Lin Tong continued:

"Originally, I planned to find senior brother Wu Nian. They have also made some famous tricks recently, and taught you very well."

"But didn't something happen to Wutai Mountain recently? Sen Luosi attacked Wutai Mountain. Wutai Mountain must be dealing with it. It must be very busy. I'm sorry to disturb you at this juncture, so I came to ask Zhang Wei if you are free."

"Of course, Zhang Wei, if you're not free, it's fine. I can find someone else, the ghosts of the west, and our eastern ghost exorcists can deal with a lot."

Zhang Wei interrupted Lin Tong:

"Captain Lin, I'm not free right now, but I'll be free in a few hours. I can help with this. How about I go find you this afternoon?"

After receiving Zhang Wei's reply, Lin Tonglian nodded, smiling as if thinking of something:

"No problem, then do your morning exercises first. Zhang Wei, you are really hardworking. Now I understand why your strength has improved so fast. You work so hard. Morning exercises take hours. It seems that I can't be lazy."

"By the way, Zhang Wei is holding you up for a few minutes. You do your morning exercises for your waist. How did you do it?"

Facing Lin Tong's words, Zhang Wei raised the corner of his mouth and said leisurely:

"Here, you need to prepare two beloved girls."

Follow the voice.

Lin Tong: "?????"


(ps: It’s cracked, I just found out that I posted a comment yesterday, and readers can’t see it. I don’t know if the review chased me to the comment area. Can’t you see the comment I posted? Arrived, no wonder the readers said why I can’t see it, I posted the content reviewed yesterday)

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