Not only He Qiao and the others.

The same is true for Lin Tong, watching Zhang Wei's leaving back, his eyes feel like stars are twinkling, so domineering, this is his ideal image of a macho man, facing the ghost, even if the ghost is very fierce, he is still full of firepower, But he was not afraid at all, he went up hard and was unparalleled in bravery.

Think here.

Lin Tong hurriedly left, looked around, and set his sights on a building not far from the apartment, then picked up the backpack he brought with him, and took out a high-resolution camera from it.

its move.

Being noticed by He Qiao and the others, they all froze for a while.

"Lin Tong, what are you doing?"

He Qiao looked at the camera in Lin Tong's hand, and instinctively asked.

Lin Tong smiled and shook the camera in his hand:

"This? I was entrusted by someone to film Zhang Wei's process of exorcising ghosts. They want to learn more about Zhang Wei."

Everyone in He Qiao: "????"

Entrusted by others?

Are you sure it's not you who wants to learn?

Lin Tong didn't care about everyone's attention, because he himself also liked Zhang Wei's physical ghost exorcism, so he quickly called He Qiao and the others to the opposite building:

"Let's stop wandering here and go over there quickly. If we miss Zhang Wei exorcising ghosts, there will be no filming."


He Qiao and the others looked at each other and followed Lin Tong one after another. They were also curious about the strength of a 'celebrity' like Zhang Wei, and why they were allowed to use those weapons, which can deal with ghosts?

Also for this.

Before catching up, they all took binoculars. This was specially prepared before they came. After all, they were dealing with western ghosts with the ability of "long-range attack".


the other side.

Old fashioned apartment building.

at this time.

The mercenary ghosts scattered in the apartment building in twos and threes, observing the surroundings with full concentration. It has been more than half an hour since they were deliberately exposed, and they were waiting impatiently.

"Boss, they won't stop coming, it's been half an hour, why is there no movement at all."

The blond ghost grunted and looked at the bulletproof vest ghost.

The ghost in the bulletproof vest said very calmly:

"Wait a minute, the Great Xia ghost exorcists are stupid, stupid and kind, but that doesn't mean they have no brains. They should know our intentions and are discussing countermeasures. They will definitely not come over as soon as we are exposed..."

His words are not finished yet.

Including the bulletproof vest ghost, all the mercenary ghosts sensed it, and all looked towards the door of the apartment.


The corners of the ghost's mouth in the bulletproof vest appeared with a smear:

"Look, this isn't coming...huh???"

Not only the ghost in the bulletproof vest, but all the ghosts are at this moment, looking at the scene at the door of the apartment, although they are located in different places, their expressions are surprisingly the same, with a look of bewilderment.

【Ding! The mercenaries are confused, Wardfark? What 'thing' is that, ghostbuster? Or... the Terminator? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +200]

just now.

They all felt that someone came in at the door of the apartment. Although they didn't know who the other party was, they could tell from the other party's undisguised breath that the other party was a ghost exorcist, but they didn't wait for them to be surprised. The Great Xia ghost exorcist finally came But when he saw the other party dressed up.

"My Satan, boss, what is the Great Xia Exorcist doing?"

"I'm laughing to death, are the Daxia Ghostbusters joking? Do you think that we were mercenaries before we were alive, so seeing the Terminator will scare us into surrendering? Or do you plan to use this costume to let us relax our guard? I admit, I have already Relaxed."

"Why is there only one Daxia ghost exorcist, and where are the others? And is this Daxia ghost exorcist sure that he is here to deal with us? Dress like this?"

Seeing Zhang Wei walking like a tiger, he walked towards the apartment without the slightest hesitation.

The mercenary ghosts all laughed.

【Ding! The mercenary ghosts sneered, whether you are a terminator or a ghost exorcist, you have to die here]

[Host obtains system points +200]

The system prompt sounds.

The ghost in the bulletproof vest looked at the blond and strong man ghost, and gave a signal with his eyes. The ghost nodded knowingly, picked up a sniper rifle in his hand, and aimed at Zhang Wei who was about to walk into the first floor of the apartment from a high place.

boom! !

A shot rang out.

In the dark night, a bullet flew across precisely, and shot directly between Zhang Wei's eyebrows.

【Ding! The hired ghosts were overjoyed, haha, dead... No, what's going on, did you miss it? 】

[Host obtains system points +210]

Seeing the bullets fired, the hired ghosts were all pleasantly surprised. This shot hit Zhang Wei directly between the eyebrows. No matter what powerful ghost exorcist the opponent was, he would die if he was hit in the head.

However, the next second.

They were stunned.

After the bullet was fired, Zhang Wei paused, but he didn't get headshot as he imagined, nor did he fall down. He just stretched out his hand and scratched the center of his brow, as if a mosquito had bitten his brow just now, and stretched out his hand to scratch it.

Immediately afterwards.

After scratching twice, Zhang Wei continued walking towards the apartment building.

Seeing this scene, the mercenary ghosts all looked towards where the blond ghost was.

"Whatever Miles is doing, he can miss it. Is the Terminator distracting him, or he likes the Terminator and can't bear to shoot."

at the same time.

The blond and strong man named Myers wondered, he was clearly shot, how could he deal with nothing, but in doubt, it did not sit idle and fired another shot.

boom! !

Another shot was fired, hitting directly between Zhang Wei's eyebrows.

However the result...

The 'Terminator' still had nothing to do, and continued to move forward.


The brawny blond man suddenly became furious, and while walking around to adjust the angle, he shot Zhang Wei repeatedly until he fired all the bullets in the gun.

for a while.

bang bang bang bang...

The muffled sound of sniper rifles continued.


Zhang Wei still walked towards the apartment step by step without stopping.

Hire ghosts: "?????"

【Ding! Hired ghosts look weird, Shet! Something's wrong, there's something wrong with that Da Xia exorcist, why is his head still bulletproof...]

[Host obtains system points +220]

If they had thought that the blond-haired ghost's first shot was empty, then they had shot at least once with so many sniper shots, but the ghost exorcist, let alone his head was pierced, didn't even scratch his skin.

Just when they were surprised.

Zhang Wei, who was just about to step into the apartment, stopped.

Immediately afterwards.

Under their gaze, Zhang Wei raised his head, turned towards Miles, grinned with a mouthful of white teeth, and spit out a ghost bullet from his mouth:


Then he took out a pair of Terminator sunglasses from his pocket and put them on.


Zhang Wei had already discovered that Miles was shooting at it, and he even knew where the other party was shooting him, but not only was he not afraid, he even bit a bullet, and even took out his sunglasses provocatively. put on.

【Ding! Hire the ghosts sluggishly, Fack! How did he do it, catch bullets with his mouth? ! Could this be the legendary... Great Xia Kung Fu? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +230]

at this time.

I don't know that Zhang Wei has a system that can ignore the mercenary ghosts attacking by ghosts. Before they can startle, how did Zhang Wei bite the bullet?

"not good!"

"Miles be careful!"

The moment Zhang Wei put on his sunglasses, he was not idle and took out a bomb from his waist.

call out!

With a wave of his arm, he threw the bomb in the direction of the blond ghost, and at the same time shouted loudly:

"Fire boom!"


The blond man's pupils shrank, he cursed loudly, and rushed to the side to avoid the bomb.


A shock bomb exploded.


Although the blond ghost escaped, he was still deafened by the blast bomb. He felt that his soul was about to be shaken away, so he covered his ears and screamed.

Accompanied by the screams of the blond strong man ghost.

【Ding! The hired ghosts changed their colors, their eyes were tearing and they shouted in their hearts, Miles! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +230]


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