Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 271: A Scene That Could Be Called A War Action Movie

The system prompt sounds.

The other ghosts for hire changed color, especially the ghost in the bulletproof vest who was grouped in the same place as the blond ghost. It was stunned, and it never expected that Miles was injured by a stun bomb.

【Ding! The hired ghost boss was stunned, Xie Te, are you kidding me, that bomb is a magic weapon? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +60]


【Ding! The hired ghost boss wants to swear at people, damn it, I understand, I said why the Daxia ghost exorcist didn't do anything these days, but just trapped us. It turns out that the Daxia ghost exorcist imitated secretly and secretly imitated us! 】

[The host gets the system but +70]

It's not just the bulletproof vest ghost thinking so.

The same goes for the other mercenary ghosts. Hearing the screams of the blond man ghost, there was only one thought left in his mind... Fake! Falk! !


Seeing the blond and strong man ghost being bombed by Zhang Wei, his orifices bleed.

The bulletproof vest ghost couldn't sit still, spoke angry English, and shouted:

"Shoot! Shoot! There's something wrong with that Daxia ghost exorcist. His blast bomb is a magic weapon. Be careful. Shoot everyone and kill him!!"


It also pulled out a 4a1 machine gun and fired repeatedly at Zhang Wei who was about to enter the first floor of the apartment.


Zhang Wei was too close to the first floor of the apartment, and walked into the first floor with one step, while the ghost in the bulletproof vest was on the top floor, losing Zhang Wei's vision.

Also at this time.

There was the sound of bullets pouring down on the first floor.

That was the companion who was ambushing on the second floor, and confronted Zhang Wei on the first floor.

Listening to the roaring sound of bullets being fired, although the ghost in the bulletproof vest didn't see the situation, it knew from the rapid-fire sound of the bullets that it was not the gunshot of its companion on the first floor, and the companion's gun could not shoot such a rapid bursting sound. .

Can't help it.

It thought that before Zhang Wei came, one of them was holding a Gatling in one hand, and it sounded like the roar of Gatling.

Think about it.

His heart skipped a beat.

The Great Xia Ghost Exorcist turned the blast bomb into a magic weapon, so it could be...

Just thinking about it.

His teammate's voice came through his walkie-talkie instantly. It was the voice of a mercenary ghost on the first floor. The voice was urgent and terrified:

"Support!! Ask for support!!! There is a problem with the Gatling of the Daxia Ghost Exorcist, it can hurt me, come and support me, ask for fire support, over! over! Falk! Come and save me! !"

Listen to the voice on the walkie-talkie, and the sound of machine guns and Gatling fighting from the first floor.

The eyelids of the ghost in the bulletproof vest jumped wildly and cursed:


It got up and rushed towards the first floor to support its teammates.

The other mercenary ghosts scattered on other apartment floors also rushed towards the second floor after hearing the call for help.

【Ding! The mercenary ghosts are yelling, damn it, it’s not the Terminator]

[Host obtains system points +230]

the other side.

On the first floor of the apartment floor.

It can be seen that on the stairs from the first floor to the second floor, there are two mercenary ghosts. They are leaning on the stairs. They dare not look up to see the situation outside the first floor. They can only raise their guns and point to the first floor. There was a burst of random shooting outside.

Their actions were not due to brain problems, they simply couldn't poke their heads out because...the enemy's firepower was too fierce.

Just a few seconds ago.

Zhang Wei walked into the first floor of the apartment, and immediately, he was attacked by the two mercenary ghosts, who fired machine guns at Zhang Wei.

Since the Miles sniper rifle can't break the opponent's head, and the bullet is bitten by the opponent, let them kill them. They have a uzi and an 11 submachine gun. Even if the opponent wants to bite the bullet, it is impossible to bite two bullets at once. Take a strafing submachine gun.


The idea is beautiful, but the reality is...

They suddenly discovered that the 'Terminator' in front of them was bulletproof for the head instead of bulletproof for the whole body!

Because of the lessons learned by Miles before.

They shot out submachine gun bullets.

Bullet rattling.

They all shot at Zhang Wei's whole body, chest, feet, hands and so on.

But Zhang Wei's whole body was not shot into a sieve. On the contrary, the bullets seemed to hit the indestructible steel, splashing the sparks of Yin Qi and wiping out the flames of Yin Qi, but they couldn't hurt Zhang Wei.

this moment.

Zhang Wei is really like the "Terminator t800" played by Schwarzenegger in the movie "Terminator". His whole body is made of metal machines.


Zhang Wei also reached out and patted the chest hit by the bullet, shaking off the dust on his body, and smiled at them.

【Ding! The two hired ghosts were stunned, my Satan, is this horse a s, or a real terminator. 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

The system prompt sounds.

next moment.

Zhang Wei raised the Gatling in his hand and shot at the two mercenary ghosts on the stairs.

The Gatling triple barrel turns.

There was a roar.

The fire snake spewed out instantly, and the bullets poured densely towards the stairs like a storm, da da da da...

To this.

The two mercenary ghosts didn't think anything, the ammunition couldn't hurt...

Before the idea came out, they sensed it, and the terrifying aura on the shot bullet made their pale grimaces paler with fright, and they quickly squatted down and leaned against the bunker beside the stairs. Gatling could hurt them, and they were beaten. will die!


Although they reacted quickly, they were not as fast as the bullets. Even if they squatted down in time, one was shot in the arm and the other in the abdomen.

Feeling the pain on their arms and abdomen, and seeing the ghost blood flowing out of the wound, they were terrified. Sure enough, there was nothing wrong with it. Gatling could hurt them, it was a magic weapon.


Where did they dare to stick their heads out, they could only raise their guns, pop them out and shoot blindly, so as to stop Zhang Wei from walking.

But listening to the roar of the bullets fired from the first floor, and feeling the shock of being shot at the bunker next to him.

The two mercenary ghosts looked at each other, and both could see each other's eyes.

Can't stand it.

This shit is too powerful.

Draft it, teammates? How come the support hasn't come yet.

【Ding! Two mercenary ghosts want to curse, Falk! Are you sure that this horse-riding person has come to Daxia? Why does he have the feeling of going to the battlefield when he was a mercenary in his dream?]

[Host obtains system points +90]

same moment.

It is an upstairs not far from the apartment.

Including Lin Tong, everyone was stunned, almost losing the ability to manage expressions on their faces, as if they were watching a movie.

"Liu Li, pinch me, I'll see if I'm dreaming."

Someone murmured.

As Liu Li pinched him subconsciously and felt the pain, he knew that he was not dreaming, and the scene not far away that could be called a war action movie was real...

Also at this time.

Lin Tong, who was holding the camera in his hand, saw his rough face, full of shock, his eyes stared like a bull's eye and said:

"Is this the gunfire exorcising ghosts..."

He finally understood.

Why are the monks on Mount Wutai taught by Zhang Wei to use firearms to drive out ghosts? Damn, who would not be obsessed with Zhang Wei's firearms to drive out ghosts? This is simply the "passion" of boys.

the other side.

He Qiao and the others are not much better.

Seeing the fierce confrontation between Zhang Wei and the mercenary ghosts, the mercenary ghosts took out the ghost guns that they thought were extremely lethal and fired at them, but Zhang Wei was not afraid at all, he took the Gatling to shoot at them, and shot against them , approaching them step by step, the mercenary ghost gave up the bunker in fright, and ran towards the second floor to the third floor

Even if the two sides are gun to gun.


Zhang Wei's firepower was too fierce. While holding the Gatling gun, he took the stairs, put down the wooden ammunition box, took out the machine gun inside, shot the Gatling gun in one hand and the gun gun in the other, and walked up to the ghost. up the second floor.

Then when other mercenary ghosts came to support them.

The two sides engaged in a firepower confrontation and an arms confrontation.

To this.

Without fear, Zhang Wei just stood in the corridor, letting the ghost mercenaries shoot at him wildly. He strolled in the courtyard and put down the wooden ammunition box, took out a rocket launcher from it, and blasted at them.

【Ding! The mercenary ghost desperately wants to scold people, damn it, you fouled by stepping on a horse! 】

[Host obtains system points +230]

boom! ! !

Bazooka ammunition fired.


There was a scream.

The three mercenary ghosts were in no hurry to escape, and were blasted to pieces by the rockets.

Seeing the fragments of his companion's blasted body falling to his feet and hitting his face, the rest of the mercenary ghosts were stunned.

【Ding! The mercenary ghost is crazy, come and tell me, is this place really riding a horse in Daxia?]

[Host obtains system points +240]

The system prompt sounds.

Seeing that they were being shot crazily by myself, they couldn't kill them no matter what, and they pushed all the way, suppressing their battle lines, retreating from the second floor to the third floor, falling from the third floor, retreating to the fourth and fifth floors...

【Ding! The mercenary ghosts are crazy, God, Satan, Jesus, there are real terminators in Daxia! 】

[Host obtains system points +250]

Also at this moment.

As the mercenary ghosts were suppressed by Zhang Wei's fire all the way, they retreated again and again...

Liu Li looked at He Qiao in a daze, and couldn't help opening her mouth:

"He team, are you sure you invited Zhang Wei? Not the Terminator?"


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