Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 272 Great Xia Is Known As A Forbidden Land For Mercenaries

Liu Li asked.

He Qiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, let alone Liu Li who was asking, he wanted to ask if he had invited the wrong person, but he didn't ask, holding up his binoculars, he didn't dare to leave the apartment not far away, for fear of Missed a minute and a second.

too fierce.

Zhang Wei's method of exorcising ghosts made He Qiao and the others understand for the first time what firepower suppression is and what is firepower shortage phobia.

Inexplicably, they thought of the fighting nation.

This is the same as the match between the mercenary ghost and Zhang Wei. Even if the mercenary ghost has the "powerful assistance" of the weapon, it seems to give people a "fucking" feeling of fierceness, but with the "monster" Compared with Zhang Wei, it is nothing at all.

There is no other reason.

Zhang Wei's firepower is much stronger than theirs. The key is that he has enough foundation. Others give him strong support to fight him. At most, he can stop Zhang Wei's progress, but he can't stop Zhang Wei from moving forward. A Gatling, da da da, hit it well The opponent was defeated and could only hide behind the bunker and retreat steadily. If there were too many obstacles, he would raise the bazooka and shoot it far ahead, sending away the bunker and ghosts.


From Lin Tong's point of view, a fighting nation vs... was being staged in the apartment not far away. The only difference was... Zhang Wei didn't yell 'Ula'.

He Qiao and the others were immersed in shock.

same moment.

in the apartment.

The mercenary ghosts were also immersed in the shock and the horror of the flames of war.

"Retreat, quickly cover and retreat."

I saw the ghost in the bulletproof vest holding a machine gun. The muzzle of the fire snake in his hand hadn't stopped the flames since just now, and he shot non-stop towards the corridor in front of him, straight at the 'Terminator' in the corridor.

【Ding! The hired ghosts were terrified, Shet, what kind of monster is this. 】

[Host obtains system points +200]

Looking at Zhang Wei who was holding a Gatling, facing the bullets he fired, and even though the bullets hit his whole body, he was still walking towards his side step by step.

Even though all the mercenary ghosts were still shooting and retreating while shooting, they were already panicking in their hearts.

Is that really the Great Xia Exorcist?

Why is it different from the previous Great Xia Exorcist?

Could it be that.

Is this the true face of Da Xia's exorcist?

It's not that they were thinking wildly, but that they suddenly remembered a saying that was circulated in the international mercenary circle.

【Ding! The mercenary ghosts are terrified, Falk! It turns out that 'Big Xia is called a forbidden place for mercenaries' isn't it a joke, it's true. 】

[Host obtains system points +210]

"I knew I would not choose Daxia to come and go to another country."

The bulletproof vest ghost murmured regretfully, among them he gritted his teeth and took out a flash bomb, pulled out the latch, and threw it at Zhang Wei.

boo! !

Flash bombs explode.

They took the opportunity to retreat to the sixth floor.

Also at this time.

In the light of the flash bomb explosion, a figure came out, it was Zhang Wei, his eyes with sunglasses moved, and fell to the stairs leading to the sixth floor, and then reloaded Gatling while walking .

that's it.

Zhang Wei forced the mercenary ghosts all the way back from the first floor to the twelfth floor, the highest floor, trying to force their retreat to death.


the other side.

Just when Zhang Wei drove the mercenary ghosts to the top floor of Twelve, He Qiao and the others focused on Zhang Wei.

At the back door of the apartment building, three strong men sneaked in.

It was a middle-aged man with two young men, one of whom was holding a baseball bat. They looked fierce and had tattoos on their bodies. They didn't look like good people in any way, not only from their clothes but also their expressions.

In fact.

They are loan sharks. Today, I learned that a person who borrowed money from them recently came to live here to avoid debts. Now they are here to collect debts.

at this time.

A middle-aged tattooed man walked into the apartment with his two little brothers. They didn't take the stairs, but walked straight to the elevator door. Although the apartment was old and there were no lights in the corridor at night, there was still an elevator, so it was useless.

While waiting for the elevator to come down.

The young man with the stick looked around, his eyes fell on the bullet holes shot by Gatling in the distance, and he couldn't help but say:

"This apartment is really crappy. No wonder that old Zhang hid here. Did people live in this place? You can see that the walls are full of holes. It might collapse if you live in the apartment."

For its words.

Another young man beside him rolled his eyes:

"Idiot, have you ever seen a crack in a wall, such a small hole and crack? It was clearly bitten by termites. This apartment is a dangerous building, so many termites bite like that."

The middle-aged tattooed man standing between the two also spoke, looked at the two of them, and said speechlessly:

"You're not much better. I think you two are idiots. It's a cement wall. Termites eat wood, not cement. It's obviously a hole drilled during renovation. Didn't you hear it? It's a big night. The apartment is still decorated."

in words.

The middle-aged tattooed man pointed to the upstairs, and he could vaguely hear the sound of booming from the apartment building, which seemed to be the sound of drilling holes for decoration.

"Uncle Li said so."

"It turned out that it was drilling. Uncle Li is more knowledgeable. It is not easy to work part-time now. He is still doing renovations at night. The decoration foreman is not a person."

The two spoke out.

The middle-aged tattooed man squinted at them, and said slowly:

"Normally, there is no part-time job that is easy now. Which one is not required to work overtime, and the labor force is squeezed out. The key labor pay is not proportional to the income. Do you think that every job is the same as us. Beating people and threatening them with cruel words can be enough. Did you get the money?"

"Uncle Li is right, we did it easily, Uncle Li, we must do it well."

"Me too, Uncle Li, you say what we are going to do, you say, we will do it."

The reply of the two echoed in the ear, the middle-aged tattooed man nodded in satisfaction, walked into the elevator and pressed the 12th floor, and then continued:

"This is your first order. I will guide you first. In the future, you will have to ask for debts yourself. Remember to be ruthless when asking for debts. Don't show good looks to those who borrow money. Hit them as soon as you need them. Do you hear me?"

"And if he dares to resist later, he will beat me severely. If he has no money to take, he will smash his house and take away his valuables. You must be ruthless. If you are not ruthless, you can only be punished." Bully."

He said and glanced at the young man holding the stick:

"It's useless for you to use this. It's just a bluff. If someone gets you in a hurry, they will kill you with a knife. Next time, bring a knife to defend yourself. It's useless to bring this kind of stick."

His words come out.

When the young man with the stick nodded, he asked casually:

"With a knife, what if the other party has a gun?"

The corner of the middle-aged tattooed man's mouth twitched, and he slapped the other side's head with a slap:

"Are you an idiot? This is Daxia. You are a beautiful country. Can you be shot to death while walking? There are no guns here..."


The elevator dinged, interrupting the middle-aged tattooed man's words. It meant that the elevator had reached a floor, and the elevator door opened.


The middle-aged tattooed man, the three of them had no ink marks, and started to walk out.

Just as they walked out.

Hearing the roaring sound coming from outside the door, they couldn't help but think of what they said before. Sure enough, they are decorating...

Just came up with an idea.

They are about to step out of the elevator doors.

But the next second.

They stopped, stopped in front of the elevator door, their expressions changed relaxed, and became terrified, and suddenly found that fires shot past the elevator door, and the roar sounded a bit unlike the sound of decoration.


They walked out of the elevator door and looked outside.

This look.

Their scalps felt like they were exploding, and they were terrified like never before.

I saw the corridor outside the elevator door, on the left side of the elevator door, a young man was holding a Gatling, and crazily shot the front, that is, the right side of the elevator door. Not like a human, more like a 'human' of a ghost.

Those 'people' were shooting at the Gatling youth, and a shootout broke out in this small corridor!

That's right!

It's a shootout!

And it wasn't the kind of gunfight that the police and bandits fought, but the street-level gunfight of the Nima War. Both sides used heavy weapons and ammunition.


When they poked their heads out, they happened to see that the young man threw a small grenade, accompanied by him shouting "Kill!!!"


With a bang, a bunker wall on the right side of the elevator door was blown up by a grenade, pieces of the wall flew, and screams of ghosts rang out. Obviously, several ghosts on the right were killed by the bombing.

Looking at the scene in front of me.

The three middle-aged tattooed men slowly retracted their heads and bodies as they walked out of the elevator door, as if they had rehearsed beforehand, and then...

The three frantically faced the door close button of the elevator door and the button for the first floor, frantically poking there with one finger Zen, as if poking so hard, the slowly closing elevator door would close faster.

Same time.

Their hearts were beating violently, and their faces were already filled with horror, and some were just fear, panic, and trembling.

"Fuck!! Close it, close it!!"

The young man who was holding the stick before, but now the stick has been frightened off, shouted.

Except for him, the other two were not much better, even the middle-aged tattooed man who was the boss over there before was sweating on his forehead.


They have only one idea.

Drafting, ah, it’s not enough, don’t we need a debt, as for this.

Among them, the other two youths were the most terrified. It was the first time they asked for debts, and they never expected such a development. At this time, their minds were full of... Didn't they say that it is easy to get debts, this damn is asking for debts? This is fatal! !

for a while.

They were terrified, and somehow understood why the one who borrowed money hid here, and this mother hid here, and the borrowed money would never come back.

With the elevator stopped on the first floor, and opened.

The three middle-aged tattooed men rushed out of the elevator together, and rushed out of the apartment while scrambling.


Hearing the sound from the top floor in their ears, their whole minds felt muddled, and they lost their ability to think. They didn't have time to think about what was going on, so they just picked up the phone to call the police.

Then when the alarm call is connected.

Not long.

Listening to the voice of the middle-aged tattooed man on the phone, the policeman said in a bewildered expression:

"What is it? The seventh part of the Terminator? The war between Taoist priests and fierce ghosts? The second part of Lord Variety? Predator vs. fierce ghosts? What are you talking about? Crazy, you guys, do you know that the consequences of calling the police are very serious? .”


(ps: This chapter of qaq is 3100 words, if you are weak, please send some free gifts "Generating Power with Love", thank you very much!)

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