Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 273 Zhang Wei Is Fierce Like A Villain, Xishuangbanna Has A Special Job Of Exorcising Ghosts

the other side.

When the middle-aged tattooed man called the police.

In the apartment, Zhang Wei threw a grenade, and the mercenary ghosts who had already been forced to the top floor were unable to escape, and four of them were killed.

【Ding! The mercenary ghosts are extremely frightened]

[Host obtains system points +200]

Watching companions get blown to death.

The rest of the mercenary ghosts panicked, especially the two mercenary ghosts who were shot and wounded by Zhang Wei in the confrontation with Zhang Wei on the second floor. rushed out.

"Fack!! I'll fight you, Shet!! Die to me!!"

The ghost mercenary who was shot in the stomach rushed out frantically with his gun held up, and heroically rushed out to shoot Zhang Wei:

"Hurry up, I'll stop him, hurry up... ah ah..."

It knew that it would not live long, and the bullet that hit it had a problem, which made it bleed profusely. Instead of dying slowly, it would be better to use its own life to cover the retreat of other ghost companions.

Yet it had only spoken half of its words.

Zhang Wei's Gatling bullet shot over and it was hit.

see you.

The mercenary ghost was backing up like a slow-moving movie, bullets shot out of its body one after another, spurting streaks of ghost blood, and making ahhhhh sounds.

that sight.

Just like in a Hollywood shootout movie, the villain was shot randomly, and finally the mercenary ghost spilled ghost blood from the corner of his mouth and fell into a pool of his own blood.

"Do not!!!"

Another mercenary ghost screamed hoarsely and wanted to go to rescue him, but was held back by the bulletproof vest ghosts.

"Don't go, it's dead, don't let its sacrifice be in vain, go!"

"Let's go, we can't help it."

After sacrificing another mercenary ghost who had been shot in the hand on the second floor, the remaining three ghosts gritted their teeth and looked at Zhang Wei with tears in their eyes, and wanted to jump down from the apartment building to leave.

This scene.

He Qiao and the others stared in a daze.

"Why do I feel... Zhang Wei is fierce like a villain."

Liu Li's voice sounded.

He Qiao didn't respond to the other party, but made a gesture to retract the binoculars. He saw the mercenary ghost jumping down the building, and was about to set off to help chase. Now there are only three mercenary ghosts left, so when is it not to chase now? .

But at this time.

Lin Tong saw He Qiao's actions:

"He Qiao, you don't have to go after him, Zhang Wei alone is enough."

in words.

Lin Tong recalled that after Zhang Wei taught the monks of Wutai Mountain, the monks came back to report to him the scene of Zhang Wei's teaching, and...he asked He Qiao to prepare the list of munitions for Zhang Wei, and then he said leisurely:

"Compared to fighting ghosts at close range, Zhang Wei is better at long-distance combat."

"Uh... are you sure?"

Listening to Lin Tong's words, He Qiao and the others subconsciously looked at Zhang Wei who was holding a Gatling. Isn't close-range firefighting good at? ?

Lin Tong nodded and replied:

"Yes, just watch, Zhang Wei's long-distance combat...quick and ruthless."

As Lin Tong's voice came out.

Zhang Wei, who was on the top floor of the apartment not far away, looked at the mercenary ghost who jumped downstairs and fled. He turned around and opened the ammunition box next to him, took out a long box from it, and opened it. Inside was a heavy sniper rifle.

He quickly assembled a sniper rifle, set it up on the balcony railing, and aimed at the bulletproof mercenary ghost.

Boom! ! !

A heavy sniper rifle sounded.

The fleeing ghost in the bulletproof vest, as if his back had been hit, his body arched forward, and the whole ghost flew out.

watch carefully.

It had a hole in the bulletproof vest in the back.


The remaining two mercenary ghosts shouted and wanted to help the bulletproof vest ghost, but the other party stopped them.

"Let's go..."

The bulletproof vest ghost used his last breath, and after saying this, he died completely.

【Ding! The mercenary ghosts were distraught, ah! ! ! Daxia ghost exorcist! ! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

Before coming to Daxia, they came here with great ambitions. They never expected that, like their ancestors, they would be beaten into embarrassment by Daxia and died tragically in Daxia.

They want revenge.


Zhang Wei didn't give them a chance to escape at all.

With the sound of two heavy sniper rifles.

【Ding! The mercenary ghost is not reconciled before dying, why is it that the Daxia ghost exorcist can't kill you, it doesn't even scratch the skin. 】

[Get system points +50]

【Ding! The mercenary ghost dies without resting his eyes. I knew that I was going to steal the country. If I go, not only will I not have to die, but I may even be declared as a cultural product of theirs]

[Get system points +60]

The system prompt sounds.

Zhang Wei nodded in satisfaction, put the heavy sniper rifle back into the box, and checked the time:

"It's done, let's call it a day. It's still early at this point, and we can have a bridge rice noodle for supper."


Not long.

Zhang Wei and He Qiao met them.

With gratitude, Zhang Wei declined their invitation to stay and play for a few days:

"I have a girl to accompany me at home, and I still have studies. I will come to Xishuangbanna to play in the future if I have the opportunity."

Although it was a pity that Zhang Wei was not able to stay for a few days, but knowing that Zhang Wei wanted to eat late at night, He Qiao and the others also warmly wanted to treat him. This time Zhang Wei did not refuse. He was invited, and he should be invited to dinner.


A few people were left to deal with follow-up matters, and He Qiao and the others took Zhang Wei and Lin Tong to go for supper.

Before getting in the car.

Lin Tong shook the camera in his hand:

"I won't go, you guys go, I still have things to do, I was entrusted, I have to send them the video as soon as possible, He Qiao, just drop me off at the hotel."

He was impatient to send the video to Wu Nian brothers and sisters in Wutai Mountain, and he had already thought about it, and he would video with them when the time came, and he was looking forward to the change in their expressions.

In his opinion.

Those Wu Nian brothers and sisters must also be looking forward to this video.

The same is true.


Sanjin City, Mount Wutai.

at this time.

Although it was past 10 o'clock in the evening, the brothers and sisters of Wu Nian were still awake, sitting in front of the temporary tent, waiting for Lin Tong to send a video.

Tonight they got the news from Lin Tong that Zhang Wei was going to drive out ghosts with gunfire, and they couldn't wait to see Zhang Wei's exorcism.

It's not just them.

He didn't even sleep without thoughts, and when he learned that Zhang Wei was using Gatling, he came over curiously.

As for Xia Mei, she came here out of curiosity, but there was no way, although she knew that there were ghosts in this world, and she even had a face-to-face relationship with Wu Nian, but she had never seen exorcism before, so she was very curious about what it was like to exorcise ghosts.

Ding dong.

A WeChat notification sounded.

It was from the laptop of a brother of Wu Nian, Lin Tong sent a video chat, his face immediately became excited, and he clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, Captain Lin Tong sent a video."

Following Lin Tong's brief narration, Zhang Wei had already dealt with 10 mercenary ghosts, and he sent the video.

Immediately afterwards.

They clicked on the video and watched Zhang Wei's gunfire exorcising ghosts.

Dead silence.



Outside the entire tent, until after watching the video for a while, it was completely silent. The faces of the brothers and sisters present were full of surprises, and some of them seemed to have their eyes shining, as if they had discovered a new world:

"Amitabha, is it possible to exorcise ghosts with firearms like this? It is indeed Zhang Wei's teacher, and the poor monk has learned it."

"Using a strong body to block the fire, and then using sufficient firepower to suppress the ghosts, Zhang Wei is a brilliant benefactor."

"Why didn't the little monk think of this? I feel that we can do the same. Use the Buddhist golden body to strengthen the physical body, block bullets, and then use heavy firepower to save the ghost benefactors."

"Namo Amitabha, the little monk has benefited a lot tonight."

"Brother Wu Nian, what do you think?"

One junior looked at Wu Nian.

can be seen.

Wu Nian's cold eyes fell on the video, Zhang Wei raised Gatling, and pointed at the ghost who was shot in the abdomen, he couldn't help clasping his hands and said:

"Amitabha, although I have seen Zhang Wei exorcising ghosts more than once, but I opened my eyes once. This method of exorcising ghosts is really good. It is very similar to the time when the nine evil spirits gathered ghosts. Namo... Gatling Bodhisattva expelled ghosts. Ghost time is like that, and it seems that Zhang Wei has learned a lot from it."

His words fell.

Xia Mei, who hadn't spoken for a long time, also looked over, opened her mouth and hesitated, and said:

"Wu Nian, you ghost this how you exorcise ghosts?? modern..."

this night.

Wutai Mountain is not peaceful.

Although he did not encounter another rocket bombing, he suffered a mental shock.

this night.

After watching Zhang Wei's video, many monks in Mount Wutai were very inspired. Some even thought of worshiping Namo Gatling Bodhisattva overnight.

Even without thoughts.

Out of curiosity about Zhang Wei's Gatling exorcising ghosts, he went back and took out the Gatling that had been dusty for a long time, wiped it, and then started tinkering with it. Although he still likes Buddhism to exorcise ghosts, he also Advocate Buddhism.

But it is also a good thing to have one more method to exorcise ghosts and enhance one's own combat power. There is no need to let it go in vain. It is a good way to use it as a way to suppress the bottom of the box.

to this end.

Still this night.

Mount Wutai got in touch with the Department of Health and Dao, and contacted the Department of Health and Dao to order a batch of Gatling's arms.

I still remember.

When the staff of the Health and Dao Department received the call, even though they had already traded a lot of arms with Mount Wutai, they were still stunned when they heard that they wanted a batch of Gatling.

After the call was over, he put down the phone and couldn't help but whisper:

"What happened to the group of monks in Mount Wutai? Did they turn black after being blown up at the mountain gate????"

Another companion next to him heard this and asked curiously what was going on.


Under the explanation of the staff, the companion also looked strange:

"Huh? Gatling? This group of monks... Cough, you said that if Sen Luosi blows up Longhu Mountain, will the Taoist priests of Longhu Mountain also be blackened?"


the other side.

Xishuangbanna Province, Spring City.

at this time.

Zhang Wei was eating cross-bridge rice noodles at the Weidaosi station in Chuncheng. After all, the Weidaosi station here was selling cross-bridge rice noodles on the surface.

"How about it, Zhang Wei, this cross-bridge rice noodle doesn't suit your appetite."

"Haha, it's delicious."

"If it tastes good, eat more. Xishuangbanna Province has the most rice noodles across the bridge, hahaha."

He Qiao laughed.

Zhang Wei responded with a smile:

"Xishuangbanna not only has bridge-crossing rice noodles, but also Gu masters. In the circle of exorcising ghosts, the most famous thing in Xishuangbanna is not cross-bridge rice noodles, but Gu masters. By the way, Captain He Qiao heard that you are a Gu master? Can I ask?" Do you have a question?"


(ps: Today’s piece is also 3100 words. Although it looks like it’s an update of 2 chapters, it’s equal to the previous 3 updates. Readers, qaq, look at my hard work, order a little free gift “Generating Power with Love” ha, Thank you, thank you~ ok~)

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