Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 275 Trigger Special Rewards, Given For A Short Time


After Zhang Wei finished eating the cross-bridge rice noodles, he and He Qiao chatted about some Gu insects again, and before he knew it, it was almost 12 o'clock in the evening.

It's getting late.

Zhang Wei didn't stay long and got up to go back to the hotel.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, you really don't plan to stay for a few more days. It's embarrassing for you to come and help, but leave the next day." He Qiao said.

"Haha, don't worry about Captain He Qiao. I like Xishuangbanna very much. It won't be too late for me to come over when I'm free during the summer vacation. You'll be entertaining me then."

The two were talking, and He Qiao and the others got into the car and took Zhang Wei back to the hotel.

On the way back.

After the previous conversation, Zhang Wei clicked on WeChat and found Mr. Willow. Anyway, Mr. Willow is different from people. He doesn’t need to sleep. At most, he can do photosynthesis, but Mr. Liu doesn’t need photosynthesis at night.

[Zhang Wei]: Old man, how are you doing in the Prairie Province recently? I heard from a friend of the Department of Health that you went to the Prairie Province.

Not long after the message was sent.

I thought that the signal over there was poor, and it would take a long time for the old man Liushu to reply, but after a few seconds, the old man replied.

[Old Man Willow]: Haha, yes, the old man went to the prairie, the scenery is beautiful.

【Zhang Wei】: That's not true, it's a prairie, very original, and the fragrance of the prairie is full of flowers and plants in one breath, making people intoxicated in nature.

message sent.

Old Man Willow: "????"

【Ding! Mr. Liu Shu can't laugh or cry, is it an illusion? Why do I feel that what Zhang Wei said is obviously serious, but there is a kind of indecency...]

[Host obtains system points +120]

I thought about it.

Mr. Willow did not forget to reply:

[Grandfather Willow]: Indeed, compared to other cities I have been to before, this place is very natural, original ecology, full of prairie, and the air is very good.

[Zhang Wei]: The air must be good, it is a prairie, there are so many grasses, the air must be good, the key is that the grass is still tender, I can understand why you like it there, Mr. Willow, you are surrounded by so many tender grasses, then It's similar to our feeling of going deep into the country of daughters. There are young grass models with immature skin everywhere. Can you not like it?

【Ding! The corners of the willow old man's mouth twitched, talking nonsense, Zhang Wei don't spread rumors, I don't have any]

[Host obtains system points +130]

Even though I thought so in my heart.

But under the information sent by Zhang Wei, Mr. Liu Shu couldn't help thinking, if these little grasses become fine, they will indeed look very immature.

Think here.

Mr. Liu Shu couldn't help but shake his head:

【Grandfather Willow】: Zhang Wei, you are still so eloquent, so don't make fun of the old man, the old man is not like that old willow tree.

【Zhang Wei】: Hahaha, just kidding, don't mind the old man.

【Zhang Wei】: Sir, are you out of the prairie province? I think your signal is quite good. My friend said that the signal in some places in the prairie is very poor.

[Grandfather Liu Shu]: I haven't left the grassland province yet, I'm in Huhe City in the grassland province, but I'm going to leave tomorrow, so I'm done shopping here.

【Zhang Wei】: Where is the old man planning to go next?

[Grandfather Willow]: Well, I haven't thought about it yet, does Zhang Wei have anything to recommend.


Without hesitation, Zhang Wei introduced Xishuangbanna to Mr. Liushu.

After informing the other party of Xishuangbanna some places of interest, special snacks, etc., Zhang Wei sent another message:

【Zhang Wei】: Grandpa, Xishuangbanna not only has a lot of food, but also has a variety of fruits, and I heard that Xishuangbanna has a good climate, which is especially suitable for plant growth. The plants here are all century-old trees, big trees in the sky.

【Zhang Wei】: For example, in the prairie they are all young models, while in Xishuangbanna they are all mature women, even young women.

[Grandfather Willow]: Cough, Zhang still teases the old man for you, but to be honest, Xishuangbanna, the old man also heard other people say it during the trip, and the old man is also yearning for it.


Under the temptation of Xishuangbanna's scenic spots and historical sites, special snacks, etc. that Zhang Wei said, Mr. Liu decided to go to Xishuangbanna as his next place.

Same time.

Mr. Liu Shu also sent Zhang Wei a message back, and he will go back to find Zhang Wei after traveling in Xishuangbanna.

As soon as the message is sent.

Zhang Wei looked at the time subconsciously, and before he knew it, the one-month time for Mr. Liu Shu's trip was almost up:

[Zhang Wei]: Hey, it’s almost a month so soon, it’s okay, although the agreement is one month, but old man, you haven’t visited every province in Daxia yet, it’s okay to go shopping, wait until you want to come back Come back again, or I need help, calling you back.

In the past, Zhang Wei might have hoped that Mr. Liushu would come back sooner, but Mr. Liushu did not travel for a month, and helped him kill three ghost kings, and helped him gain a lot of system points. can help yourself.

Say it bluntly.

Mr. Willow is a mobile system point acquirer when he is away, and it can also trigger a "reward" of the "ghost king's head" from time to time. How could Zhang Wei be willing to bring this "mobile system point acquirer" back into the furnace.

In fact.

Even if there is no such thing, Zhang Wei still plans to travel more often with Mr. Liushu. After all, he has been trapped for hundreds of years, and one month alone is not enough to travel in the summer. The reason why he said one month is to prevent Mr. Liushu from feeling guilty and embarrassed. I plan to see the situation in a month. If the old man doesn't like shopping, come back again, and continue shopping if he likes it.

[Grandfather Willow]: This is not good, the old man was saved by you, and he used your money to travel, ashamed.

[Zhang Wei]: You are joking, old man. You helped me kill three ghost kings. The benefits I gained were much more than paying for the travel expenses. call you back.


Unable to be stubborn but Zhang Wei's kindness, old man Liushu agreed to Zhang Wei's kindness.

[Grandfather Willow]: Well, if Zhang Wei needs you, just tell the old man, and the old man will come over immediately. With the old man's current foot strength, he will come back quickly at full speed.

【Ding! Mr. Liu Shu is grateful, the old man really found the right person, Zhang Wei is really kind]

[Host obtains system points +130]

[Trigger a special reward, the host gets a one-time skill card 'Temporarily Endowed']

[Skill Card 'Temporary Grant':

Using this skill card, the user can temporarily give one of the abilities he possesses to others for one hour.

Friendly reminder 1, this gift to others can be a person, a ghost, a demon, etc., as long as it is a living creature.

Friendly reminder 2, the abilities possessed by the host, such as the host cannot be killed by ghosts, this special ability is also included.

Friendly reminder three, the ability that the host bestows on others can only be one of its own abilities, not more than one. 】

A system notification sounded in my mind.

Zhang Wei was taken aback.

This time, the trip to Xishuangbanna was so rewarding.

Thoughts so far.

Zhang Wei raised a smile and said in his heart:

"Another good reward."

He discovered that every time the system triggers special rewards, none of the rewards are defective, and each of them can be used as a hole card.

Just when Zhang Wei was thinking about how to use this one-time skill card.

A voice came from my ears:

"What did you say? Are you sure? Okay, then I'll go over now."

It was He Qiao who spoke.

Zhang Wei heard the words and looked over, and saw that He Qiao was not talking to him, but answered the phone.


Zhang Wei raised his brows. This scene seemed similar. The last time Cao Yu sent him back, he also received a call halfway and showed a serious expression.

"Zhang Chao has a crow's mouth. Could it be that I also have some bad physique? If I am driven back, something will happen to me?"

Zhang Wei stared in astonishment, then asked He Qiao:

"What's wrong with Captain He Qiao? You don't look very well. Is something wrong?"


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