Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 276 In Other People's Territory, Of Course You Have To Come According To Their Preferen

"Something happened."

He Qiao, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked at the time on his mobile phone while continuing to respond:

"Captain Zhao from the city next door called me just now. A ghost appeared in the city next door. It was very cunning and escaped their arrest. Now it has entered a mountain forest at the junction of our two cities. We escaped here."

"That ghost killed a lot of people. If it is left alone, many innocent citizens will be killed in the future. We must catch it as soon as possible."

in words.

He Qiao told his colleague Liu Li in the car:

"Liu Li, please inform the others, put down everything at hand, and meet up at the address I sent you in the WeChat chat group within half an hour. Tonight, we will go into the forest to catch ghosts. I will get out of the car and rush over later. After counting the personnel, Liu Li sent Mr. Zhang Wei back and rushed over."


After Liu Li nodded, she turned the steering wheel, preparing to pull over and ask He Qiao to drive Zhang Wei back.

But at this time.

Zhang Wei prevented it from parking:

"Don't bother, just take me there too."

The words did not fall.

Without waiting for He Qiao and the others to say anything, Zhang Wei raised a smile, looked at He Qiao and the others with a smile, and said first:

"I just finished supper and need to exercise to digest the food."

"That's so embarrassing."

"Captain He Qiao, you are polite. Didn't you ask me to help? There is a case now, and I can just help out. Anyway, it's okay to help me with one more thing, and it won't prevent me from going back to time. Besides, didn't you give me a spell?" Master's notes on poisonous insects, snakes and ants, I should also be grateful, there are supernatural events now, I should help."

"That's fine, thank you, Mr. Zhang Wei."

He Qiao gave her a thankful look, and ordered Liu Li to turn the car around immediately and drive to her destination.

During this time.

After He Qiao sent messages to other colleagues, he did not forget to tell Zhang Wei about the situation:

"We are now in a mountain forest. I don't know if Mr. Zhang Wei has been in a mountain forest. I remember you have been to the northeast. The forest over there is somewhat different from our mountain forest in Xishuangbanna. As I said before, it is suitable for vegetation to grow."

"So the growth is relatively vigorous, and the view is not very good. In addition, there are fewer animals in the mountains and forests, but there are many insects and ants. Especially now it is summer, and there will be more insects and ants at night. Be careful not to be bitten."

As He Qiao spoke, he took out a bottle of toilet water from the car:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, take it with you. Toilet water can prevent mosquito bites. Originally, I could give you the special anti-mosquito bites for Gu masters, but that ghost, Captain Zhao said that he knows Gu masters well. Be aware of it in advance."

Zhang Wei took the bottle of Liushen toilet water, poured out the toilet water to wipe his arms and feet, and asked slowly:

"Liushen, I still use it when there are many mosquitoes in the shower. By the way, Captain He Qiao, how strong is that ghost?"

He Qiao said:

"That ghost is not very strong. With your strength, Mr. Zhang Wei, it is easy to deal with, but..."

His words paused, and he glanced at the ammunition in the trunk of the car:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, when you are searching, I suggest that you try not to use ammunition as much as possible. There are mountains and forests over there, and the weather is hot. I am afraid that you will shoot a gun or blast a cannon... Cough, it is easy to catch fire. .”

How could Zhang Wei not understand He Qiao's meaning? The other party was afraid that his firepower would drive away ghosts, and the firepower would cover the mountains and forests. At that time, it would not be the firepower to drive out ghosts, but the fire to burn ghosts and mountains by the way.

To this.

Zhang Wei laughed and said:

"Captain He Qiao, don't worry, I won't use ammunition to drive out ghosts, I will use other methods to deal with ghosts."


As soon as the words came out, He Qiao and the others all looked over with undisguised curiosity in their eyes.

Liu Li couldn't help but say:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, you don't intend to kill ghosts with your car, do you? I heard before that Cao Yu, who is on the Rising Star List, learned how to drive ghosts with a hearse from your side."

Zhang Wei heard the words:

"Don't listen to Cao Yu's nonsense, I didn't do anything, he was self-taught to drive away ghosts with a hearse."

"Then do you know how to drive ghosts with a hearse?"



Sensing everyone's gaze, Zhang Wei waved his hand and said:

"Although I know how to do it, it doesn't mean I plan to use it here. It's hard to drive into the mountains and forests, unless I'm driving a tank. Then it's like walking on flat ground."

Open a tank?

He Qiao and the others were all taken aback, recalling the ferocious scene of Zhang Wei exorcising ghosts in the apartment not long ago, they subconsciously made up their minds, and a picture appeared in their minds.

It was Zhang Wei driving a tank and rushing into the forest. The tracks of the tank were turning, and the trees were crushed wherever it passed.


In front of the tank, a ghost ran away in terror, and the tank chased after it. Afterwards, the tank blasted out, blasting the ghost more than ten meters away, and finally was directly crushed by the track of the tank, and the ghost was crushed to the ground. If you can't buckle it down, you can't die with peace.

Just when they were thinking wildly.

Liu Li did not forget to ask:

"Then Mr. Zhang Wei, are you going to use Taoism to deal with it? I heard Captain Lin Tong say that you are actually... a Taoist priest."

face inquiries.

Zhang Wei grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth. Immediately under the gaze of everyone, he opened the backpack he brought and asked:

"It's the first time for me to catch ghosts in the mountains and forests. I haven't figured out what to use to deal with it, so I plan to play it by ear."

"According to the circumstances? This is fine, see the trick."

He Qiao said, his eyes fell on Zhang Wei's backpack.

Not only him.

Liu Li and the others also noticed the backpack, and without exception, they all looked puzzled.


There are some anime character models in the backpack, which should be called figurines, there are many figurines in it, Zhang Wei is looking at the backpack, looking at each figurine, thinking what.


He Qiao was a little dumbfounded:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, you have a big heart. If you want to go to the mountains to find ghosts, you still have the mind to play with toys."

Zhang Wei smiled and seemed to think of something, raised his head and said:

"It's okay, I mainly like this, and this is called figurines, not toys. Speaking of which, Captain He Qiao, what do you think? Let me ask you a question. Which of my figurines do you think you like?"

According to what He Qiao said, the guards of two cities can be used to go into the mountains and forests to arrest them. The range of the mountains and forests should be very large, so Zhang Wei doesn't plan to search alone, but plans to use his hands.


He has a headache, which hand should he use to handle it.

Now, after listening to He Qiao and the others, Zhang Wei simply decided that since choosing a difficult disease, let He Qiao and the others choose. After all, this is on their territory, and of course it depends on their preferences.

at the same time.

Although He Qiao and the others didn't know what Zhang Wei was thinking, Zhang Wei had said so. Anyway, they were still on their way, and they were idle, so they couldn't help but look at those figures:

"The toys now are different from ours. They are all lifelike."

"He Dui, that's called a figure, not a toy. By the way, He Dui, which figure do you think looks better? I haven't watched many cartoons. At most, I watch those domestic cartoons on TV."

"I think they all look good, Liu Li, which one do you think looks good?"


After Zhang Wei started counting, they chose the number of hand-made votes that they thought were good.


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