Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 278 Everyone Is A Ghost And Should Not Kill Each Other

Captain Zhao spoke.

The teammates around him all nodded, followed Captain Zhao closely, and chased after the red-clothed ghost.

at the same time.

Another place in the forest.

The red-clothed ghost escaped Captain Zhao's arrest and came here. It was holding a mouse in its hand, twisting its head, and sucking the mouse's yang energy. Fresh life has yang energy. Aids in recovery from injuries.

After the sucking was over, the mouse had been sucked dry, and was thrown aside by the red-clothed ghost. Although it had absorbed the mouse, its face was not satisfied:

"Too little, not enough for me to recover."

An animal like a mouse is too weak to help it recover from its injuries. It needs to get more animals.


The red-clothed ghost left here, preparing to find other animals to feed on, praying for the best for everyone.


Just when it ran thousands of meters and came to a place with dense trees, it stopped.

can be seen.

There was astonishment on his blood-stained face, and he stared at the front in a daze:


With the help of the midnight moonlight, it saw two gigantic figures among the dark trees and forests in front of it. They seemed to be looking for food, looking around for food.

Relying on Li Gui's unique eyesight, the red-clothed Li Gui saw the huge figure clearly.

It was clearly two big bears.

【Ding! The ghost in red is confused, what's going on, is there... a bear in this place? 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

The red-clothed ghost has a weird face. Others don't know if there are bears in this place, but it knows very well that there are no large carnivores here, let alone big bears.

"Could it be that during the time I died, some bears migrated here? Or did the bears escape from zoos, circuses, etc.?"

Its ghostly eyes moved, and its eyes fell on two bears not far away.

Although I don't know why there are bears here, but it doesn't matter, the reason is not important, you must know that it is not a person, but a ghost, and bears can't do harm to it, on the contrary...

【Ding! The ghost in red was pleasantly surprised, it just happened to come, the yang energy of an adult bear is much more than that of a mouse, haha, the key is two, enough for a full meal]

[Host obtains system points +50]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

The red-clothed ghost found the right moment, stared at one of the bears whose back was facing it, and rushed out like lightning.

It's fast.

With a distance of more than 100 meters, it was almost behind the bear in a few seconds, and then he jumped up and opened his mouth without hesitation.

However, the next second...

A strange scene appeared.

I saw a cold and bloody ghost, biting a bear from behind, but just as it flew up, the bear seemed to have sensed it, and suddenly turned to look at the ghost, and stretched out its thick The bear's paw stretched out and pinched towards the neck of the red-clothed ghost.

This scene.


It was also beyond the expectation of the red-clothed ghost.

It just jumped up like that, and then in the air... its neck was stuck by a bear's paw. swinging back and forth.

for a while.

The ghost in red stared blankly at the bear, his ghost eyes widened, and the bear also felt it, and looked over.

The two looked at each other.

The red-clothed ghost: "????"

Bear: "????"

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost has a bewildered expression]

[Host obtains system points +60]

Feeling the strength from the neck, the red-clothed ghost was shocked, looking at the bear in disbelief, I was pinched by a bear? Why can this bear hit me? ?

It struggled, trying to break free from the bear's paw, its two legs kicked wildly there, and the pale ghost frantically scratched the bear's paw that was grabbing itself, but no matter how hard it struggled, it was useless.

And just when it was thinking about how to break free.

The bear holding the ghost in red seemed to have recognized something, opened its mouth in surprise, and waved to the bear with the other paw:

"Xiong Er, Xiong Er, this doesn't seem to be a human, my God, this is the ghost we want to catch."

It's not loud.

Although the voice sounded a little mentally immature, the red-clothed ghost heard it and heard it clearly.

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost was horrified, what the hell? ! Fuck? ! Bear, bear, bear talking? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +60]

After realizing that the bear can talk, he looked at himself humanly.


The other bear beside him stood up on hearing the words, walked over and said:

"What? Ghost? Xiong Da, let me see."


The bear named Xiong Er came over, looked him up and down and said happily:

"Xiong Da, that's right. I'm sure this is a ghost. You can see that his intestines are exposed. If Bald Qiang had his intestines exposed, he must have died, but this one doesn't, so he must be a ghost."

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost changed color, fuck! wrong! Is this a bear demon? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +60]

Seeing the two bears uttering human words, the corners of the red-clothed ghost's mouth twitched, and finally understood why there are bears haunting this place. I dare say that these are two...brilliant bears.


After listening to Xiong Da Xiong Er's dialogue, it has no fear.

These two bear demons seem to be a bit out of their minds, probably not long after they have just become spirits, and their intelligence is not yet enlightened.

The red-clothed ghost immediately said:

"Let go of me, misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, I didn't know that you are monsters, we are all ghosts, you shouldn't kill each other, and you have misunderstood, although I don't know who the ghost you want to catch, but Definitely not me, I just came here."

in its view.

It has never seen Xiong Da Xiong Er, how could it have any hatred against them.


Xiong Da did not let it go because of this, but still pinched its neck and responded:

"Do you think I'm stupid? If you say no, you won't. If you have any evidence, show it."

Xiong Er on the side also said:

"That's right, don't try to deceive me, we are not stupid, Xiong Da, don't be deceived by it, you can see that he has a mischievous eyebrow, he looks like a bald head at first glance, he is uneasy and kind."

Hearing this, the red-clothed ghost hurriedly said:

"It's really not me, you put me down first, I really just came to this mountain forest, by the way, I still have information to tell you that there are ghost exorcists arresting me now, and I have already entered the mountain forest, if they Seeing you are with me, I will definitely do something to you, after all, you are ghosts."

"So you put me down quickly, now we are not fighting each other, this time we ghosts should be united... eh? Why do you look at me like that?"

In the middle of it, it suddenly found that the two bears were looking at him strangely. The eyes were the same as when he looked at them, they were looking at idiots.

at the same time.

Regarding the words of the red-clothed ghost, Xiong Er was the first to speak, and said with a belly laugh:

"Xiong Da, this ghost is so stupid, did you hear what it said, it is being hunted down, isn't that what Zhang Wei told us, that ghost."

Xiong Da also nodded:

"Xiong Er, you are right, this should be the ghost we want to catch, haha, I didn't expect to meet so soon, and I still threw myself into the trap, what a fool, even more stupid than you, Xiong Er."

Xiong Er rolled his eyes and said angrily:

"I'm not stupid. I'm smarter than this ghost. At least I won't throw myself into a trap. Zhang Wei also said that this ghost is cunning. I don't think this ghost is cunning. He still has some problems with his intelligence."

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost is confused and angry,... You have a problem with your intelligence when you are riding a horse. If you are riding a horse, am I being regarded as mentally retarded by two mentally retarded bears? 】

[Host obtains system points +70]

While angry.

The red-clothed ghosts were still a little confused. Hearing what Xiong Daxiong Er meant, they seemed to be chasing the target ghost, and they were also being chased by the ghost exorcist?

Seeing being choked and staying here, the red-clothed ghost became anxious. You must know that it is being hunted by the ghost exorcist now, and if it doesn't escape, it will be easily caught up.

The ghost in red was in a hurry.

He hurriedly wanted to speak out to persuade Xiong Daxiong Er to let go of himself.

Just didn't wait for it to say something...

chi chi chi———

The sound of sawtooth turning like an engine sounded, and the sudden sound attracted the attention of the red-clothed ghost and Xiong Daxiong Er, and they all looked not far away.

can be seen.

Where the sound came from, a person ran.

It was a man wearing a yellow hard hat, with a big red nose and a bulbous nose, and holding a chainsaw in his hand.

If you just look at his attire, the red-clothed ghost will only think that the other party is a lumberjack, the kind of wood thief who secretly saws a hundred-year-old tree in the middle of the night and sells it. Now there are laws and regulations, and some trees cannot be felled indiscriminately. Yes, this lumberjack chopping wood in the middle of the night must be breaking the law.


After seeing his attire and then his actions, the red-clothed ghost was stunned.

I saw the other party rushing over with a chainsaw in hand, and he was rushing over with a wild smile on his face.

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost was stunned, a lumberjack? No, the Texas Chainsaw Massacre? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +70]


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