Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 279 Released, Bear Haunts Summer Movie?

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

The bald head charged over with the chainsaw forcefully:

"Smelly bear, here I come, hahaha...huh?!"

He laughed maniacally, and when he got close to Xiong Da Xiong Er, he also noticed the red-clothed ghost pinched by Xiong Da's hand, and couldn't help showing surprise:


at the same time.

Xiong Daxiong Er also did not expect that Bald Qiang rushed over so quickly:

"Bald Strong?"

They were a little distracted for a moment, thinking that Bald Qiang was here to take credit, and their attention was on Bald Qiang, and the hand that was pinching the red-clothed ghost in their hand subconsciously let go.

【Ding! The ghost in red was overjoyed, a good opportunity! 】

[Host obtains system points +40]

The red-clothed ghost was indeed a ghost that had been arrested several times by the Department of Health and Dao, but it was difficult to catch it. The first time he felt the strength of his neck weakened, he reacted immediately and opened his mouth to bite the big bear's paw.


Xiong Da screamed in pain, the bear's paws loosened, and the red-clothed ghost took the opportunity to break free, turned around and ran away without saying a word.


Bald Qiang, whose attention has always been on the ghost, immediately noticed the ghost's actions.


He raised the chainsaw and slashed in the direction in which the red-clothed ghost was fleeing.

Seeing this, the red-clothed ghost was furious:

"you dare!!"

Although it doesn't know who this so-called Bald Qiang is, it can feel that Bald Qiang doesn't have a ghost exorcist aura on him, so he is not a ghost exorcist.

on horseback.

You are not a ghost exorcist, nor a bear demon, and you dare to pretend in front of me?

Thinking of my unlucky encounter tonight, being chased by ghost exorcists and bear monsters, and now even an ordinary person dares to make trouble for me, all people are three-pointed, let alone ghosts.

Accompanied by a roar.

The ghost in red opened his mouth and stretched out his ghostly hand towards Bald Qiang, wanting to grab Bald Qiang's neck.

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost is ruthless, it doesn't matter if you are a lumberjack or a chainsaw killer, I will suck your yang energy first to restore my strength]

[Host obtains system points +60]

It is well thought out.

Take Bald Qiang away and suck Bald Qiang dry. In this way, when its strength recovers, it can deal with Xiong Da Xiong Er without being too afraid of being chased by ghost exorcists...

Just halfway through the idea.

But it was the next second.


Accompanied by the sound of the chainsaw turning, a shrill ghost screamed from the mouth of the red-clothed ghost.


at the same time.

Nearly a thousand meters away from the red-clothed ghost.

Captain Zhao and the others are forming a line, a group of three, holding a ghost-seeking gossip, and quickly approaching the red-clothed ghost.

According to the guidance of ghost hunting and gossip.

When they found the red-clothed ghost in that direction, they couldn't help speeding up their pace:

"Captain Zhao, that direction seems to be the direction of Chuncheng."

"You're not mistaken, that's indeed the direction of Spring City, and if I remember the route on the map correctly, after about one kilometer, you will come out of the mountains and forests and reach the boundary of Spring City."

Captain Zhao said with a serious face:

"Quicken your pace, absolutely don't let ghosts enter the city, otherwise it will be even more troublesome to find ghosts."

"it is good."

Captain Zhao's teammates nodded in unison, but they were just about to speed up their pace.


A shrill ghost scream sounded.

Without exception.

Captain Zhao and the others all looked in the direction of the screams, and then looked at the direction of the compass on the ghost-hunting gossip. They were in the same direction.

"It's that ghost!"

They recognized the source of the sound, which was the red-clothed ghost to be captured.


Captain Zhao said in surprise:

"Hurry up, let's catch up. It should be Captain He and the others who encountered that ghost and fought with it. Let's go over to support and round up that ghost together. This time, we must never let it escape again!"

In the words, his gaze never leaves the direction of the red-clothed ghost, which is also the direction of Chuncheng.

Without hesitation.

Captain Zhao rushed over quickly with his teammates.

However, before they had walked a hundred or two hundred meters, there was a movement in Xungui Gossip. Subconsciously, they looked forward, and their faces suddenly showed joy.


Under the pitch-black night, in the scattered trees and forests, a shaggy figure ran out. When he took a closer look, he couldn't be the red-clothed ghost.


The red-clothed ghost was very embarrassed, with wounds on his body, and his face was full of panic. He looked behind him from time to time, as if he was avoiding pursuit.

See this scene.

Captain Zhao and the others looked as expected. Sure enough, the ghost in red was met by Captain He Qiao and the others, and they attacked him. I guess the attack was very ruthless. You see, the ghost didn't notice them a hundred meters away. Get closer to ghosts.

To this.

Captain Zhao and the others were not idle while they were happy, they also went forward and surrounded the red-clothed ghost.

Also at this time.

As they approached the red-clothed ghost, the other party finally found Captain Zhao and the others, and then...the red-clothed ghost showed joy on its face, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, and shouted at Captain Zhao and the others:

"Help me!!! Quickly save me!!!"

"There are murderers, there are monsters killing me, save me quickly!!!"

His voice was piercing.

Captain Zhao and the others heard it immediately, and before they could be confused, why did they ask us for help? They seemed to have sensed something, and looked behind the red-clothed ghost, their pupils suddenly Shrink.

Behind the red-clothed ghost, there was no Captain He Qiao at all.

Under the swaying light of Yeyue at noon.

There are two big bears who are strong and strong, but they look silly, and they are running towards the red-clothed ghost with two legs.


Between the two bears, there was a big-nosed 'lumberjack' holding a chainsaw above his head, laughing maniacally and chasing the ghost in red.

They are like the "black and white impermanence" at midnight shouting:

"Ghost, don't run away, I'll get angry if you run away again, I want you to look good when I catch you."

"Xiong Da, I'm so tired from running. When you caught the ghost just now, why didn't you break the ghost's leg by the way, so I don't have to chase now."

"Don't be so poor, Xiong Er, how did I know that the ghost bit me, and it was all because of Bald Qiang."

"I'm the victim, okay? It wasn't you two stinky bears who let go. That ghost almost killed me just now. Fortunately, I am bald and not a vegetarian."

As Bald Qiang said, he waved the chainsaw in his hand and shouted at the ghost:

"Blade me with a bald head, it's okay to beat you up! Stop it!"

They shouted.

It was heard clearly by the red-clothed ghost who was closest, especially when he heard Bald Qiang's words, the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost wanted to curse, drafted it, almost biting you to death? Can you be a human being, I was almost sawn to death by riding a horse, okay】

[Host obtains system points +70]


The red-clothed ghost desperately wanted to curse people, but it never occurred to him that it was fine to meet a ghost exorcist and a bear demon tonight, but he also met a pervert. On his shoulder, half of his shoulder was cut and split, and he was almost split in half.

Now it's fine if people don't eat it, and they were chased and killed together. They were chopped with chainsaws or slapped with bear's paws along the way. Not to mention the wounds recovered, the wounds were even worse.

Now I see Captain Zhao.

The red-clothed ghost was more excited than ever. Never once was he so eager to see the ghost exorcist, as if grasping at straws, he asked them for help. It was better to be caught by the ghost exorcist than to be hacked to death.

at the same time.

Not only the red-clothed ghost was frightened, but Captain Zhao and the others were also not much better, each of them was shocked in place.

Xiong Daxiong Erbald Qiang's voice echoed in his ears.

Look at Xiong Daxiong Er bald strong and their appearance.

They froze.

What is that riding horse? Bear demon? Evil exorcist? It doesn't seem right, why does the voice sound so similar to Xiong Daxiong Er and Bald Qiang in the cartoon "Bear Infested", not only the sound is similar, but also the behavior and appearance are very similar.

Think about it.

They were even more confused.

Xiong Daxiong Er and Bald Qiang are chasing and killing the ghost in red? ? ? Just kidding, what's wrong with this shit, hallucination? ? ? No, it doesn't feel like a hallucination. Could it be that you are making a movie? It seems that I just finished the college entrance examination recently, and the summer vacation is here, so this is filming... "The Bear Haunted Movie: Exorcising Ghosts During Summer Vacation"?


Their minds feel like a mess, with a lot of messy thoughts.


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