Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 281 Rumors Spreading In Pirate Wood Industry

the other side.

In front of the forest in the direction of Spring City.

at this time.

After talking on the phone with Captain Zhao, He Qiao looked at Zhang Wei in astonishment.

Not long ago, not long after Xiong Daxiong Erbald Qiang entered the forest, they also entered to arrest the red-clothed ghost, but after entering for a while, they received a message from Zhang Wei, saying that there was no need to search, and his side called The bald Qiang who came has already caught the ghost.

Originally, He Qiao didn't believe it. Just kidding, that's a red-clothed ghost. Apart from being able to saw trees, how could the bald-headed Qiang beat a ghost.

out of curiosity.

He called Captain Zhao to inquire about the situation. Before he could speak, Captain Zhao took the lead in talking about the encounter with Bald Qiang, which confused He Qiao and the others.

"Really caught?"

He Qiao had a look of disbelief, just when he was about to say something.

swish swish.

He Qiao and the others instinctively saw movement coming from the forest in front of them, and they were all stunned.

It was Xiong Daxiong Er and Bald Qiang. They dragged a red-clothed ghost in a panic and threw them in front of He Qiao.

Finish these.

The three of them gave He Qiao a thumbs up and said in unison:

"It's done, no thanks, this is what we should do."

"It's done, I'm going back."

"Remember to give money to Zhang Wei, otherwise I'll have to work for nothing."

The words fell.

They turned back into figures.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei came over, picked up the figure on the ground, and said with a smile:

"Captain He, you are worthy of being the local Department of Health and Dao. If you choose to do it, the work efficiency is high."

"Hey, where is it? It still depends on you, Mr. Zhang Wei."

He Qiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and already understood Zhang Wei's unique method of exorcising ghosts.

Can't help it.

They subconsciously looked at Zhang Wei's backpack on the car, feeling distressed and regretful in their hearts. What would happen if they chose other figures instead of the Bear Infested figure? Would they still be alive? If it was...

"I remember there was a maid toy in it, and it looked really nice."

A teammate muttered quietly, with regret and pity on his face.

Liu Li and the others are similar, and can’t help recalling other good-looking figures. Compared with the bear figures, the other figures are all very good-looking. For example, one looks like a child, but in a suit, like a mafia baby figurines, such as the figure of a girl in gothic dress called "Tokisaki Kurumi" by Zhang Wei and so on.


If I give them another chance, I will definitely choose...

They were thinking the same thing in their hearts.

But soon, they waved away the thoughts in their minds, no matter what, the bears are not bad, after all, if there were no bears, the red-clothed ghosts would not have caught them so quickly.

at the same time.

The ghost in red looked at the strong figure of Xiong Daxiong Erbald who was held by Zhang Wei.

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost is a little confused]

[Host obtains system points +60]

The system prompt sounds.

Zhang Wei immediately looked at the red-clothed ghost, showing a mouthful of white teeth, shaking his bald head with Xiong Daxiong and saying:

"Surprise or not, surprise or not."

As he spoke, he moved closer to the ear of the red-clothed ghost, and said slowly:

"Don't run into the mountains next time, there are bears."

The red-clothed ghost: "????"

The corner of its mouth twitched, and it wanted to swear, but now that its body and mouth were restrained by He Qiao and the others, it couldn't say anything, it could only look at Zhang Wei with swearing eyes, and cursed Zhang Wei swear words silently .

the other side.

He Qiao and the others didn't care about the behavior of the red-clothed ghost. After catching the red-clothed ghost, they all felt good.

As members of the local Department of Health and Dao, they knew very well how difficult it was to catch ghosts fleeing into the forest. They were all prepared to search for the whole night, and even prepared to destroy the forest.

"It's only after 12 o'clock, and I can sleep when I go back later."

"Captain He, are we going to deal with the forest? Has the forest been destroyed?"

"No need to go, Captain Zhao said that the ghost in red was chased all the way and had no time to destroy it. This mission went smoothly. Thanks to Mr. Zhang Wei, we caught the ghost quickly and did not affect the forest, huh? Mr. Zhang Wei, you What's wrong?"

He Qiao found Zhang Wei looking at the forest.

Zhang Wei shook his head when he heard the words, and replied casually:

"It's nothing, I'm just wondering if there are people in the mountains and forests in the middle of the night, and what will happen if they encounter ghosts."

"No one will be there. Even if there are people, they are probably wood thieves. They are wood thieves, not tombs. We have a lot of sawing wood here. Don't worry, Mr. Zhang Wei, even if the red-clothed ghost just now If you meet a person, it is also a tree thief, and if you kill it, you will kill it, and it will be counted as killing harm for the people."

Listening to He Qiao's words, Zhang Wei nodded and murmured:

"Is it a horse thief? That should be fine."

in words.

His eyes fixed on the direction of the mountains and forests, his eyes were full of light, no one knew what he was thinking.


The other part of the forest is in a place close to the road.

at this time.

There is a car parked here. There is a person sitting in the driver's seat of the car, and there is another person outside the car looking around, as if letting the wind out and observing the surrounding situation.

Seeing this, the person in the car took a puff of cigarette, leaned against the car window, shook his cigarette and said:

"Don't be so nervous. There is no one at this time, and there are very few people coming to this place recently. If you steal some wood, you won't be found out. We just wait for the old money and they saw wood..."

Just two words have not blurted out.

There was a terrified cry in the forest, not to mention the people outside the car, even the people in the car were startled.

"It's the voice of Old Qian."

The already tense people outside the car heard the voice.

as predicted.

next second.

Four or five people rushed out of the forest, they were the old Qian and others they were talking about. At this time, they were empty-handed, and they didn't even bring out the tools they came for. They ran towards them in panic, shouting in panic as they ran. road:

"Help! There's the massacre, there's the Texas Chainsaw Massacre."


"Murderers, there are chainsaw killers."

They ran desperately, and lost a few shoes, but they didn't know it, so they ran towards the car desperately.

Get in the car.

They frantically urged the people in the car to drive.

Although they didn't know what happened, the people outside the car were frightened when they saw the behavior of Lao Qian and others. They got into the car first and urged the people in the car to drive, but the people in the car were not much better and were shocked , no matter what the situation is, first slam on the accelerator and leave.

Wait until the car drives far away.

Seeing from the car that there was no one chasing from behind the road, Lao Qian and the others were relieved, but there was lingering fear on their faces, all of which showed that they were still afraid.

It is also at this time.

The people in the car had time to ask what happened.

To this.

Lao Qian and the others did not hide anything, and revealed the situation. They said that not long ago, they went into the forest to find some expensive trees to saw. They were just about to saw something, and then they saw a strange scene.

It was a person, he was holding a chainsaw, and he seemed to be here to steal wood, but if it was just that, the key was that there were two bears standing beside him, and those two bears could talk, and there was a bear They were also dragging a bloody man, who was still dying and shouted "Help me" to them.

And the scariest thing is the back.

After the man with the chainsaw found them, he seemed to see that they were stealing wood, and shouted angrily:

"Illegal deforestation is not allowed."


The man rushed over with a chainsaw, no matter how he looked, he looked like he was going to kill them with a chainsaw, especially when the two bears yelled at them, and they were terrified.

"There are murderers, no, there are ghosts, they must be ghosts who died in the mountains and forests."

"It must be like this. I heard my grandma say that you can't touch things in the mountains and forests. The mountains and forests have spirits. Don't we in Xishuangbanna have the habit of worshiping mountain gods?"

They babbled.

At the end of the day, they were all guesses, probably because they stole too many hundred-year-old wood, did such immoral and illegal things, and offended the mountain gods in the mountains and the like.

Facing the words of Lao Qian and others, the people in the car and the people outside the car looked at each other in a daze.

It's all about what.

Two talking bears?

Lumberjack's Chainsaw Massacre?

How does this sound, apart from being scary, it's also a little...familiar?

Immediately afterwards.

After waiting for the old money, they calmed down again, and the person in the car asked:

"What does the murderer look like, I think you must have misread it. I guess the two bears are just wearing thick clothes. After all, you can't see clearly in the dark. Maybe the murderer is a suspect on the run. Tell me about him." looks."

Lao Qian and the others heard the words and described the murderer's appearance to the two people in the car.

This description.

They were even more confused.

Yellow hard hat? Bulky nose, short body, shoehorn face...

Can't help it.

The people outside the car heard their description, and the corners of their mouths twitched:

"Fuck, what does your description sound like... so bald-headed."

"Bald Strong?"

As soon as Lao Qian and the others heard it and looked over, Lao Qian couldn't help but questioned:

"Huh? Bald Qiang? Who is that? Liu Zi, do you know that Bald Qiang? Do you know him? It can't be a fugitive suspect. It's okay, it's okay, it's fine if it's not a ghost. Tell me, who is that Bald Qiang."

face questioning.

The corner of the mouth of the person called Liu Zi twitched:

"If it's really bald Qiang, then it's much scarier than ghosts. How could you meet bald Qiang? It's...a cartoon character."

His words sounded.

Everyone in the car was stunned...

this night.

For the red-clothed ghost, it was an unlucky night.

And this night.

For horse thieves, it's Chainsaw Night.

Regardless of whether the murderer was bald-headed, a ghost, or a murderer, they all washed their hands on this night.

Also this night.

In the Xishuangbanna area, rumors circulated in the wood piracy industry that the piracy of wood would be retaliated by chainsaw killers.


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