Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 282 Traveling Abroad? Bring Cao Yanbing Figure

That night.

Spring City, a hotel.

After dealing with the ghost in red, Zhang Wei was carried back to the hotel by He Qiao. It was already 12 o'clock in the evening and close to 1 o'clock.

"Then I will pick up Mr. Zhang Wei and Lin Tong to the airport tomorrow."

He Qiao said gratefully.

Zhang Wei waved his hand:

"Don't bother, Captain He Qiao, this place is not far from the airport, besides, it's just a taxi."

Although Zhang Wei didn't intend to bother He Qiao, but He Qiao was enthusiastic and offered to take Zhang Wei to eat another better cross bridge rice noodle, which Zhang Wei couldn't refuse.

In Zhang Wei's heart, there are three hobbies that he cannot let go of.

One is figurines, the other is Qiu Xiaolin and the others, and the third is food. Even he has made plans. When he graduates, he must travel, travel all over the world, buy hand-made shops all over the world, and eat delicious food all over the world. .

This is his grand ideal.

If you want to be more detailed every day, it is to eat and play during the day, and play with Qiu Xiaolin and the others at night.


Farewell to He Qiao.

Zhang Wei entered the room, ready to wash up and go to bed.

But just undressed.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rings.

Zhang Wei picked up the phone and took a look, showing a bit of surprise:


The caller ID was a call from Li Junfei, subconsciously, Zhang Wei glanced at the time, how did Junfei call at this time.

He answered the phone:

"Junfei, why are you calling at this time? What's the matter, did Fat Brother tell me to be black? If yes, wait for me, I'll take a shower first."

In the past, at this point, he often had sex with Fatty and Li Junfei lol.

As soon as his words came out.

Suddenly, Li Junfei's voice came from the phone:

"No, it's not Fat Brother. Fat Brother has been busy for the past two days and has no time to play black. Brother Wei, I was looking for you for something else. It was just now that the school committee was looking for me."

"Academic Committee?"

When Zhang Wei heard this, Yu Xiaoqi, the school committee member, and his father Yu Weihong appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help asking:

"What did the school committee ask me for? Speaking of which, how is Uncle Yu recently? After the Northeast trip last time, I heard from the school committee that Uncle Yu took the whole family on a trip. How is it now?"

I still remember.

The first time I went to the Northeast was to help Yu Xiaoqi, the school committee member, to deal with supernatural events. An iron coffin appeared in the construction site he had entrusted to Yu Weihong, and there was an iron coffin zombie lying in it, and he was indirectly offended by it. A mortician, the other party is suspected to be a member of Sen Luosi.

"Uncle Yu and the others, the school committee also told me just now that since the iron coffin zombie last time, Uncle Yu has listened to Brother Wei's advice and handed over the affairs at hand to his subordinates, and he took his wife on a trip by himself."

"Actually, Brother Wei, I called you because the school committee and Uncle Yu asked me to come find you."

Li Junfei said bluntly:

"Isn't summer vacation coming soon, Uncle Yu and his wife are traveling abroad, and then I thought about calling the school committee this time, and going abroad for vacation together, so that the school committee can relax the pressure of study, hahaha, the life of a rich man .”

"Then it's not that Uncle Yu already knows that there are such things in this world. These days, he is traveling in the country. He has the Secretary of Defense and Brother Wei in the country. He feels that the country is safe and not too dangerous."

"But now that I've gone abroad, the ghost knows how good the law and order is in foreign countries."

"So I want to buy some magic tools and other protection from Brother Wei to protect myself, even if I encounter dirty things, I won't be afraid."

Zhang Wei was stunned upon hearing this, with a smile on his face.

Like most people, Uncle Yu and the others are thoughtful and know that when traveling abroad, they should be fully prepared.

I thought about it.

Zhang Wei asked:

"When will Uncle Yu and the others go to travel abroad, and where are they going? Beautiful country? If I go there, I can't figure it out. If I take a bus over there, there might be an explosion. Maybe I'm walking at the intersection of the school, just a group of people People rushed out and jostled them."

"My magic weapon is good against ghosts, but it can't prevent human attacks."

His words come out.

Li Junfei laughed out loud on the phone:

"Fuck, Brother Wei, what you said is so true, I can't laugh anymore. In fact, I also told Lao Yu about this. He said that his father is not going to the beautiful country, but going to the cherry blossom country. I said I want to visit Akihabara."

"By the way, Brother Wei, they're leaving tomorrow morning. Lao Yu was so obsessed with getting out of the way with his girlfriend that he didn't think about the business until now. That's why I called you, Brother Wei."

Zhang Wei frowned:

"Tomorrow? I'm still in Xishuangbanna now, and I won't be back until noon at least."

Li Junfei nodded:

"Yeah, that's why I said that Lao Yu doesn't work in personnel. I'm looking for Brother Wei in the middle of the night, or when Brother Wei is not in the dormitory. Look for him earlier, and Brother Wei can just give him something to defend himself. Now Brother Wei, what do you say? What can I do?"

"Indeed, if I go over, I can also customize a bodyguard for him, according to his preferences."

Zhang Wei said noncommittally, and continued:

"But it's okay, I still have a way to give him something to defend himself."

in words.

Zhang Wei recalled:

"How about this, Junfei, take a look at my desk. There is a figure of Cao Yanbing from Zhenhun Street on my desk. Have you seen it?"

"Let me see."

Li Junfei replied, got up and got off the bed, turned on the light and looked at Zhang Wei's desk full of handicrafts:

"Brother Wei, your figure, although I look at it every day, but once I see it, I envy it once, I'll look for it, Cao Yanbing figured it out."

for a moment.

Li Junfei scanned the desks and cabinets full of figurines, and among the hundreds of figurines, he found Cao Yanbing's figurine.

Holding two figurines of Cao Yanbing, he asked:

"Brother Wei, I found two figurines of Cao Yanbing. One is Cao Yanbing holding a weapon, and the other is Yu Jin standing behind Cao Yanbing. Brother Wei, which one are you talking about?"

Zhang Wei responded:

"The one standing at Yujin, that figure is a small scale, so it's easier for the school committee to take with you. Let the school committee take this with you. I cast some ghost-exorcism spells on that thing, which can play a protective role."


Li Junfei nodded and replied at the same time:

"Then I'll go and get it to the school committee. By the way, brother Wei, don't you feel sorry for giving this figure to the school committee? It looks like it will cost several thousand."

"It's okay, the old ones don't go away and the new ones don't come, hehe, in fact, I just happened to pay a lot of attention to a figure of Cao Yanbing recently, that one is cooler than this one, this one is just standing in Yujin, and Xu Zhu's guardian spirits who turned into dragons, But those are the seven guardian spirits of Xu Zhu who are standing behind Cao Yanbing in real body."

Mention the figure.

Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled, and he became energetic all of a sudden:

"I've already made a decision. How about it? Junfei, do you want to have one too? We'll buy one for you, and I'll pay for it."

"Fuck, this is what you said, Brother Wei, don't go back on your word, then I want one too!! Hahahaha, Brother Wei, you are so kind, I love you to death, I am willing to offer my chrysanthemum."

"No need, I don't have this habit."

"That's right, Brother Wei, you have a squad leader, hehehe."

For Li Junfei's words.

Zhang Wei smiled, and added in his heart, it's not just the squad leader, but he said verbally:

"Okay, don't be poor, go and send it to the school committee, I'm going to take a shower first, I just finished my work."

That's all for words.

After Zhang Wei hung up the phone and walked to the bathroom, he couldn't help thinking:

"I don't know if Xiaoxue and Xiaomantou have slept. After taking a shower, send them a message first to discuss academic knowledge."


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