Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 287 Giving The Death Row A Last Meal Before Death

Lin Tong glanced at He Qiao, and would speak after being silent:

"Is there a possibility that this is not Maoshan technique or Taoism, but a spell from the second dimension."

The voice speaks.

He Qiao tilted his head with question marks all over his face.

the other side.

The fierce battle between Zhang Wei and the ghost king ghoul is still going on, but this fierce battle is one-sided. The ghost king ghoul is fighting fiercely, while Zhang Wei fights to the back. He simply puts his hands in his pockets and walks step by step towards the exhausted Ghost King Gu corpse.

【Ding! When the Ghost King Gu corpse saw the host coming up, its heart beat wildly, and it became anxious】

[Host obtains system points +140]

Now it is trying its best to deal with the long-range attack of the 'immortal cultivator'. If it is approached by the opponent, it will definitely die.

Also at this time.

Ghost King Gu Zombie noticed.

Seeing Zhang Wei walking by with his pockets in his pockets, passing by his table, he stopped suddenly, looked down at the table, and then picked up his bowl of cross-bridge rice noodles and brought it over.

"Eat it while it's hot, otherwise the rice noodles will be a mess."

Zhang Wei murmured, holding the cross-bridge rice noodles, and continued walking towards the Ghost King Gu corpse while eating.

Ghost King Gu Zombie: "..."

【Ding! The Ghost King Gu Zombie fell silent, remembering what the host said before, 'I'm going to pretend']

[Host obtains system points +150]


In the street this morning, a strange scene appeared.

A young man in casual clothes, in front of him is a zombie covered with poisonous insects. The zombies have dyed the whole sky black, which is extremely scary, but the young man is not afraid at all. The opponent, behind him, was constantly shooting at the zombies with terrorist weapons.

During this time.

Zhang Wei didn't forget to blow on the rice noodles picked up by the chopsticks.

Watching this scene.

Lin Tong and the others looked at each other, as if they knew each other, and they all came up with similar thoughts one after another inexplicably... This is forced to pretend... He pretended to be so good... He is so good at...the king...

Also at this time.

Seeing Zhang Wei blowing hot air on the rice noodles and taking a bite, the Ghost King Gu Zombie didn't know whether he was angry or what.


A yellow talisman spear was fired, piercing through the chest of the Ghost King Gu corpse.

Huge impact.

The Ghost King Gu corpse flew out backwards.

Zhang Wei, who was eating rice noodles, noticed the situation. Even though he was eating rice noodles, he did not miss the chance at all. When the Ghost King Gu corpse was pierced by the yellow talisman spear and flew upside down, the yellow talisman spears, knives, and swords that were scattered on the ground flew up. , turned into a huge cross.

The cross appears.

The Ghost King's Gu corpse flew upside down and crashed into the cross. At the same time, one after another, yellow talisman spears came one after another, piercing through the ghost king's limbs and firmly nailing him to the cross.

The scene changed rapidly.

The ghost king Gu corpse, who was still fierce before, is now nailed to the yellow talisman cross.

The boss and the guests looked lost...

Zombie God?

Bible reappearance?

Jesus tricked himself into a zombie?

In their eyes, the present zombie is just like God Jesus being crucified on the cross, except that the rope binding him on the cross has been replaced with a more terrifying spear, and his hands, feet, and chest are all crucified to death.

"Is this turning zombies into gods..."

Same time.

The Ghost King Gu corpse crucified on the cross was struggling violently and wanted to break free, but Zhang Wei didn't give it a chance at all. The yellow symbols all over the sky turned into iron chains. Gu Zombie screamed.

Zombies are the most evil existences, and thunder and lightning, as one of the most effective things to exorcise evil spirits, will naturally have a great effect on zombies, especially with Zhang Wei's strength, even the ghost king Gu corpse can't stand it.

The ghost king's Gu corpse suddenly struggled in a much smaller arc.

Zhang Wei also walked in front of the ghost king Gu corpse, driven by him, the yellow talisman cross hanging in mid-air slowly fell and hung in front of him.


It can be seen that the Ghost King Gu corpse was stunned by the electric shock and could not move for a short time. Zhang Wei.

To this.

Zhang Wei, who was holding the cross-bridge rice noodles, grinned and said:

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that? What? Do you want to eat bridge rice noodles too?"

As Zhang Wei said, he shook his hand and said:

"As expected of a local in Xishuangbanna, I can see that you are an expert. I can see that this rice noodle is delicious. Come, let me give you a bite too."

In the eyes of everyone.

The other party stared at Zhang Wei in front of him. Since Zhang Wei was holding the rice noodles, from the angle of view, he was staring at Zhang Wei, as if he was staring at the rice noodles across the bridge.

【Ding! The mouth corners of the Ghost King Gu Zombie twitched, eating your sister, what are you doing, let me go... Gulu Gulu...]

[Host obtains system points +150]

Zhang Wei didn't care about the ghost king's idea of ​​Gu Zong.

With one hand, he pinched the mouth of the ghost king's Gu corpse, let him open his mouth, and poured bridge rice noodles into his mouth.

its move.

Everyone has seen it.

The previous couple could not help but say:

"What is this for? Is it the last meal for the death row prisoner?"

The corner of the boss's mouth twitched, and he murmured quietly:

"I didn't expect that one day, my cross-bridge rice noodles could be eaten by ghosts."

Just when they were whispering, Zhang Wei was so kind, he actually gave the ghost a meal before he died, so that he wouldn't be reincarnated as a starving ghost.

is talking.

A ghostly cry interrupted everyone's conversation.

"You, what did you give me to eat..."

That is the ghost king Gu corpse.

After being forcibly fed bridge rice noodles by Zhang Wei, it screamed in pain.

【Ding! The ghost king is struggling, Ma De, you stop, ah! It’s so, what’s going stomach hurts...]

[Host obtains system points +160]

at the same time.

There is also a system prompt sounding in Zhang Wei's mind.

【Ding! 49,960 system points for bridging the bridge rice noodle]

Immediately afterwards.

In all eyes.

The Ghost King Gu corpse was struggling first, so it shook its head awkwardly, posing, Zhang Wei didn't intend to feed it anymore, and replied, "If you don't eat, don't eat it, don't waste it, I will eat it", and then took back the rice noodle crossing the bridge .


The ghost king Gu corpse didn't stop swinging, on the contrary, its face suddenly became painful, and its body turned from swinging to violent convulsions.

As if epileptic, his body twitched crazily.

Also at this time.

It twitched and asked the sentence "What did you give me?"

heard the words.

Zhang Wei grinned brightly:

"Crossing the bridge rice noodles."

The words fell.

The Ghost King Gu corpse seemed to have endured great pain, its body shaking crazily and convulsing even more violently, and even started to foam from behind.

that look...

that move...

Everyone has seen the symptoms, no matter how you look at it, it looks like food poisoning.

Think about it.

Lin Tong was stunned.

He Qiao was also stunned.

The guests were dumbfounded.

The boss was even more confused.


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