Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 288 Crossing The Bridge Rice Noodles, Is It The Naihe Bridge?

Immediately afterwards.

In the eyes of everyone, after the Ghost King Gu corpse foamed at the mouth, its ferocious zombie eyes began to turn outwards.

See here.

Everyone was even more sluggish, with an indescribably bewildered expression.

It took a long time before someone spoke, it was the previous couple, the woman murmured:

"Roll your eyes? This can't be... food poisoning?"

His words come out.

Everyone looked over in unison, their expressions were surprisingly the same, as if they were saying silently, crooked sun! ! It turns out I'm not the only one who thinks so.

The boss at the side stood there dumbfounded, staring blankly at the violent convulsions, foaming at the mouth, rolling his eyes and looking at the ghost king Gu corpse who seemed to be in shock, and murmured in his heart:

" cross-bridge rice noodle... poisoned the ghost????"

at the same time.

Just as everyone thought, the Ghost King Gu corpse was very uncomfortable. It seemed that there were Monkey King and Nezha in the stomach. One was making trouble in the Dragon Palace, and the other was making trouble in the sea.

【Ding! The Ghost King's Gu corpse wanted to scream in pain, but it hurt so badly that it was too painful to scream]

[Host obtains system points +150]


The ghost king Gu corpse held back the pain, and choked out a sentence:

"You, did you feed me——"

A dying accent came out.

Zhang Wei, who was eating the rest of the cross-bridge rice noodles, took a sip of the rice noodle soup, let out a slurping sound, and looked up and replied:

"It's all about crossing the bridge rice noodles. Didn't you see it? The shop owner made it for me. You're an idiot. You don't think I've dropped the bag. Do you think I still have time to drop the bag if you show up?"

【Ding! The Ghost King Gu Zombie fell silent. What you said makes sense. I really don’t have time. So... I was given a bowl of rice noodles crossing the bridge... ah! It hurts me! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +160]

Pain was written all over the ghost king's Gu corpse's face.

This is the first time since it became a ghost, it wanted to call an ambulance. It never thought that after becoming a ghost, it would still want to go to the hospital one day.

【Ding! The Ghost King Gu Zombie has a strong desire, 120! Quickly call an ambulance, I'm dying, I'm going to the hospital for gastric lavage...]

[Host obtains system points +170]

severe pain.

The Ghost King Gu Zombie felt that he was dying. As time passed, it stopped foaming at the mouth, but everyone knew from the dying appearance that this was not an improvement in the situation, but more like a flashback before death.


Together with He Qiao and Lin Tong, everyone looked at the boss together, without concealing the shock in their eyes.

"Boss, your bridge rice noodle..."

He Qiao looked shocked.

As a ghost exorcist and the captain of the Department of Defense, how could he not know how powerful the ghost king-level ghost is? At the same time, after eating the cross-bridge rice noodles in this store for more than ten years, he knows how good this cross-bridge rice noodle is. Eat, how clean and hygienic.


Two things that he is familiar with today feel so strange when they meet together.

turn out to be……

Is crossing the bridge rice noodles the same as glutinous rice and chicken blood, which have a restraining effect on ghosts? The key is to have an effect on ghost king-level ghosts.

Not only He Qiao, but also Lin Tong had similar thoughts. The two looked at each other, even if they didn't speak, they could see what they were thinking at the moment.

Ghosts will die if they eat cross-bridge rice noodles?

So the reason why the bridge noodle is called bridge noodle, is this the reason, this bridge is Naihe Bridge?

Except for the two of them.

The boss and other guests had similar thoughts.

The boss stared blankly at the dying Ghost King Gu corpse, and muttered in a daze:

"I have been making Guoqiao Rice Noodles for more than ten years. I just found out today that Guoqiao Rice Noodles actually crossed the Naihe Bridge. Oh my God."

"My 10 yuan bowl of bridge rice noodles, can kill ghosts?"

"Did I sell it cheap?"

"Is that why Dad, you always want me to inherit the bridge rice noodles from my ancestors? Dad, grandpa, I understand. I finally understand your hard work."

in words.

The boss seemed to have a sense, looked at the guests, and found that they were looking at him strangely, he saw what the guests were thinking, and said quickly:

"Don't look at me like that, my cross bridge rice noodles won't kill anyone, really, look, that little brother has finished eating the cross bridge rice noodles, he's fine, and He Qiao ate my cross bridge rice noodles It's been more than ten years, and you can see that he's fine."

He Qiao: "..."

The corner of He Qiao's mouth twitched, suddenly feeling like he had been on the verge of death for more than ten years.

Just when everyone has different thoughts.

the other side.

The Ghost King Gu corpse persisted for a long time, and its face covered with corpse spots turned pale. From everyone's point of view, it failed to survive the 'food poisoning' in the end, and rolled its eyes and swallowed its last corpse breath.

before death.

It looked at the bowl of cross-bridge rice noodles in Zhang Wei's hand with all its strength, and gave Zhang Wei a hard look.

【Ding! The ghost king Gu corpse laughed miserably when he was about to die, thinking that I have been in power for many years, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it! ! I’m from Xishuangbanna, I’m dying from eating bridge rice noodles, I’m so sick from laughing, hahahahaha]

[Host obtains system points +180]

Also at this time.

Watching the Ghost King Gu corpse die.

Zhang Wei also raised his hand, holding a bowl of clean cross-bridge rice noodles in one hand, and with a move in the other, a long sword with yellow symbols condensed with yellow symbols flew out of his hand. The head of the ghost king on the cross:

"Another ghost king's head."

Everyone is watching.

Lin Tong, who knew Zhang Wei well, frowned, feeling that Zhang Wei is really a ghost king harvester.

The guests and bosses who don't know Zhang Wei also have mood swings. They are all puzzled, what is the young man doing? Isn't the ghost dead? Why did he cut off his head? Is it because he is a Taoist priest and wants to cut off the cross? 'Jesus' head?

at the same time.

After cutting off the head of the Ghost King Gu corpse, Zhang Wei didn't stay idle, turned around and walked back.

He handed over the ghost king's head to He Qiao to make a deal with the Secretary of Defense, and then checked the time:

"It's getting late, Captain He Qiao, let's go, or we won't be able to catch the plane."

"Oh, right."

As Zhang Wei said, he put the bowl of Guoqiao Rice Noodles on the table, and when he got up to leave, he said to the boss with a smile:

"Boss, your Guoqiao Rice Noodles are just as Captain He Qiao said. They are delicious. I will eat them again when I come to Xishuangbanna in the future."



Zhang Wei and the others left.

They didn't know that not long after they left, the boss changed the signboard at the door to a slogan:

【Delicious cross-bridge rice noodles that can drive away ghosts. Don’t miss it when you pass by. Buy one bowl of delicious food, buy two bowls, and keep one bowl at home to ward off evil spirits】

Despite this signboard slogan, people can't help but laugh.


With the efforts of other customers' circle of friends, his Guoqiao Rice Noodles quickly became an online celebrity shop.

There is no other reason.

Among those guests, besides being guests, the couple had another identity... Internet celebrities.

After they went back, they made a live broadcast immediately and posted a video——【Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodles, the origin of its name, they crossed the Naihe Bridge】

for a while.

This bridge rice noodle shop is very famous.


Many ghost exorcisers came here to eat, bought two bowls, one bowl to eat on the spot, and one bowl to take home for research.


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