Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 289 Self-Strength Promotion To Ghost King Level, System Upgrade

the other side.

Spring City, the airport.

After leaving the bridge noodle shop, Zhang Wei and Lin Tong were driven by He Qiao to the airport.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, Lin Tong will come to play again when you are free. Let me know when you come, and I will entertain you well then."

He Qiao waved at Zhang Wei who was about to pass the security check.

Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei both nodded.

"Okay, I must tell Captain He Qiao then."

"He Qiao, go back quickly. We have passed the security check. See you next time."

The words fell.

Zhang turned around and went through the security check for them.

During the security check.

Lin Tong looked at Zhang Wei, with a smile on his rough face, and joked:

"Zhang Wei, you seem to be in a good mood. Are you eating delicious cross-bridge rice noodles, or are you happy with the ghost king's head?"

Zhang Wei said with a smile:


As Lin Tong said, he was really in a good mood. Not only did he sell Lin Tong's favor to help his friend He Qiao drive away ghosts, but he also triggered a special reward in Xishuangbanna. Not only that, he also got a ghost king's head.

The trip to Xishuangbanna this time.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the harvest is making a lot of money. Zhang Wei is not happy. Now that he is asked to sleep, he probably sleeps with a smile on his face.


Apart from these, Zhang Wei is most happy about the harvest this time...

While responding to Tong Lin, Zhang Wei looked at the system panel in front of him.

【Host】: Zhang Wei

[System Points]: 50620 (ghost king level)

【Exorcism】: ghost back pattern

[Props]: Unlimited yellow talismans, one-time ability 'temporary endowment'

His eyes fell on the [System Points] column on the system panel.

Through these days of unremitting efforts, all kinds of wool exorcising ghosts, pulling fat people, old man willow, etc., and dealing with the ghost king Gu corpse just now, Zhang Wei finally reached 50,000 system points. With the improvement of "synchronization", his own strength has reached Passed the ghost king level.

Even if he meets the ghost king now, without adding system points, he himself has the strength to deal with the ghost king with the improvement of the system's "synchronization" function.

"Completed a small goal."

Looking at the system panel, Zhang Wei raised a bright smile and murmured to himself.


Just when he was happy to accumulate enough 50,000 system points, and his strength was promoted to Ghost King.

its mind.

A series of system prompts sounded.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for accumulatively obtaining more than 50,000 system points, and the system automatically loads the upgrade package. 】

[The system starts to upgrade, the estimated time required for the upgrade, 1 hour]

[System Friendly Reminder]

[This is the second upgrade of the system. The upgrade loader package is too large and needs to be upgraded for an hour. During this period, the system cannot obtain system points, but all functions are performed as usual. 】

Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, and his eyes lit up instantly.

same moment.

The female security inspector who was doing the security inspection for Zhang Wei was puzzled, and clearly felt that in front of him, the young handsome guy who was being inspected by her suddenly had bright eyes, as if she was staring at herself and her eyes were shining brightly.

love at first sight?

I was spotted by a handsome guy?

Feeling Zhang Wei's fiery eyes, the female security inspector's face turned crimson.

Although the deer was running wild in her heart, she still upheld the duties of a security inspector and quickly did a security inspection for Zhang Wei. After confirming that there was no problem, she let Zhang Wei go. Miss this 'good luck'.

The female security inspector mustered up the courage to speak:

"This gentleman, you... hmm? Where are you?"

Before he could say the words 'Why are you looking at me like that', he realized that the handsome guy who had passed the security check, when he was shy and hesitant to take the initiative to attack, he quickly took the things in the security check box and left.

The female security inspector was stunned: "???"

Zhang Wei didn't know what the female security inspector was thinking. At this moment, his mind was full of the system, and he just wanted to go through the security check quickly, find a seat in the waiting hall, sit down, look at the system, and wait for the system to be upgraded.

I still remember.

The first system upgrade was when I reached 1000 system points, and the system was upgraded.

That time the system got a new feature 'Sync'.

This allowed him to have a cultivation method that is different from others, and he obtained an alternative method of stimulating ghost emotions and gaining system points to improve his strength.

in addition.

It also accidentally triggered a special reward and obtained the item "Infinite Yellow Talisman".

for sure.

The system upgrade does not count as triggering special rewards, and it will certainly bring huge benefits. For this reason, since the first system upgrade, Zhang Wei has been tinkering with how to upgrade the system again.


He has been unsuccessful in tinkering, and now he has received a second system upgrade. When he was happy, Zhang Wei also understood the situation.

Only when the system reaches a certain system point with a large arc can it be upgraded.

"The first time I got 1,000 points, 1,000 system points, it belongs to the general level of stepping into the ghost exorcist, no longer a rookie, the system judges, this is a qualitative improvement in strength."

in words.

Zhang Wei murmured in his thoughts:

"The second time I got 50,000 system points, the strength of 50,000 system points is equal to the ghost king level, which belongs to the top level among ghost exorcists. improvement."

"If you calculate it this way, the third system upgrade also needs to be a qualitative improvement in the strength of the ghost exorcist. What kind of strength must it be?"

Just thinking about it.

Lin Tong came after passing the security check:

"Zhang Wei, what are you thinking? Let's go, we're queuing up to board the plane."

He just passed the security check, went to the toilet and came out, just as the boarding announcement sounded, only to find that Zhang Wei was still sitting on the seat in a daze.

To this.

Lin Tong said with a rare joke:

"It's rare to see you in a daze. Why, are you thinking about that girl Lianxue?"

"Haha, no, no need to think about it. I have already made an appointment with Xiaoxue. When we go back, Xiaoxue will pick me up at the airport."

Zhang Wei came back to his senses, and replied with a smile:

"By the way, Captain Lin Tong, let me ask you a question. For you exorcists, reaching the Qilin Guard should be regarded as a very difficult thing."

"Uh... are you pretending to me?"

Lin Tong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he still said:

"Yes, Zhang Wei, you are too strong yourself, so it is very rare for weaklings who can't appreciate the talent of our hard-working 'fighting third stage' to reach Qilinwei, and some people may not necessarily reach it in their entire lives."

"So reaching the Qilin Guard and being able to deal with the top red-clothed ghosts is a dream. After think everyone is like you, and you can meet so many ghost kings."

he said.

I remembered that I had a chat with Zhang Chao before, Zhang Chao once said, "Zhang Wei is a bitch, he has a very charming ghost personality and can attract many ghost kings, so being with Zhang Wei is both safe and dangerous."

Zhang Wei smiled:

"I'm just luckier than others. To meet the Ghost King, then Captain Lin Tong, you have also reached the Qilin Guard, so what do you think is their pursuit for the Qilin Guard?"

in its view.

The upgrade condition judged by the system is "improvement of the strength and quality of the ghost exorcist", which is the pursuit of the ghost exorcist. The first step is to become a qualified ghost exorcist, and the second step is to become an expert ghost exorcist.

Lin Tong raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhang Wei:

"Well, I really haven't asked other Qilin guards. If you just talk about me, my pursuit is to become a physical ghost exorcist like you."

"Captain Lin Tong, what you said is very good. I simply listen to what you say is the same as listening to what you say."

Zhang Wei couldn't laugh or cry.

Then he shook his head and continued:

"Captain Lin Tong, if you have time, you can help me ask other Qilin guards what their pursuit is, a real dragon guard? Or a Qilin guard of what level."

"it is good."

Lin Tong nodded.

The two entered the cabin while talking.


The plane took off, and the time was hurriedly spent by Zhang Wei flying back to Luxia City.

When an hour passes.

The system prompt sounded again in Zhang Wei's mind.

【Ding! System upgrade completed]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a new function - transmission. 】

[Propagation: The host blesses the system points of things, without needing to bless them personally, the things that bless the system points can be used to spread the affirmation system points, even if the host is far away from the things to bless the system points, it’s okay to be separated from the northern and southern hemispheres.

The host only needs to move the thing that supports the system point to the thing that needs to be blessed with the system point, and then the system point can be spread to the thing that needs to be blessed with the system point.

simply put.

a: Blessed with system points.

b: No system point is added.

The host only needs to put a on top of b, and b can also be blessed by the host system, even if the host is thousands of miles away from b. 】

Listen to the system beep.

Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled:

"The example you gave by the system is really concise and to the point. Isn't this the gift of B from thousands of miles? It's really a good ability."

He said that he was in a better mood than ever before:

"In this way, I don't have to worry about the safety of Xiaoxue, Xiaomantou, and Huahua in the future. I just need to give them the things ordered by the blessing system. Even if the things ordered by the blessing system are accidentally destroyed, I can quickly let them Or other things around, bless the system."


"Every time the system is upgraded, the new functions obtained are good things."

Just when Zhang Wei was happy to get the new function 'propagation'.

Caught off guard.

The system prompt sounded again in his mind.


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