Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 291 Fat Brother Went To The Northeast?

"Zhang Wei."

"Little fear."

When Qiu Xiaolin and the others saw Zhang Wei, they waved to Zhang Wei again and again.

One is a 'goddess' who is cold and beautifully dressed, and the other is a cute and big-breasted 'loli'. The two girls pick up a young man at the airport. Not to mention that Zhang Wei noticed them, Lin Tong and other people in the departure hall also All noticed them.

"Zhang Wei, hurry up, Lianxue and the others are waiting for you, I happened to leave a step beforehand."

Lin Tong was very knowledgeable and casually made up a reason to leave.


Saying goodbye to Lin Tong, Zhang Wei greeted Lu Lianxue and Qiu Xiaolin, and before they could speak, he asked first:

"Let's talk about Xiaoxue, Xiaomantou, when are you going to exorcise ghosts?"

He didn't forget what Qiu Xiaolin said yesterday that Lu Lianxue was going to take Qiu Xiaolin to exorcise ghosts.

Concerned about Zhang Wei.

Both women showed happy smiles:

"I'm going tomorrow, Xiaoweizi, are you worried that we won't be able to accompany you at night, or are you worried about us?"

As Qiu Xiaolin spoke, she showed her cute little canine teeth and two shallow dimples. Her cute appearance attracted the attention of many people passing by.

Lu Lianxue blinked her beautiful eyes:

"I originally planned to go tonight, but considering that you just came back, and Xiao Lin said that you have traveled thousands of miles away, you must be in a panic, and it is not yet confirmed whether there is a ghost over there, so I will Planning to go tomorrow."

"Don't worry, Zhang Wei. I also called another colleague. She is stronger than me. Now she is stationed there to observe. With her and me, Xiaolin will not be in danger."

Listen to the words of the two.

Zhang Wei reached out and rubbed the hair of the two of them:

"Look how well Xiaoxue said, Xiaomantou should learn more from Xiaoxue, you can see what you're pretending to be all over your head, really... I like it so much."

The three talked and laughed, got in the car and headed to the mall.

Due to the sudden action in Xishuangbanna this time, I didn't get along with Qiu Xiaolin and the others for a day, so Zhang Wei made an agreement with them to take them to the shopping mall when he came back. After all, there are very few girls who don't like shopping, especially if the things they buy are prostitutes. of.

How can they not be unhappy when Zhang Wei pays.

at this time.

On the way to the mall.

Through Lu Lianxue, Zhang Wei learned about the event that they were going to exorcise the ghost. It turned out that it was a wounded ghost who was suspected to have escaped from the northeast:

"Northeast? Are you sure?"

Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled.

Lu Lianxue tapped her head lightly:

"Yes, there is a probability of more than 80% certainty, because of what Sen Luosi caused in the Northeast, a huge information database was temporarily established in the Northeast, storing a lot of recent supernatural events in the Northeast."

"The ghost I took Xiaolin to deal with this time is very similar to the ghost in the supernatural incident in Northeast China."

"Zhang Wei, you went to Xishuangbanna. You may not know that something happened in the northeast in the past two days, which caused many ghosts and ghosts to escape from the northeast."

"That's why."

"We are only 80% sure that that ghost is from the Northeast."


As soon as Zhang Wei heard about the incident in Northeast China, Zhang Wei came to his senses:

"What happened?"

Lu Lianxue said bluntly:

"It's like this, didn't you tell me last time that Captain Huang Qingshan tried to prevent Sen Luosi from attacking the Huang family, but Sen Luosi's behind-the-scenes in the northeast came out and killed three Qilin guards left."

"Actually, in that incident, not only Weidaosi lost, but Senluosi also suffered a heavy loss. Basically, except for the behind-the-scenes, all the ghosts of Senluosi died, and the behind-the-scenes was also exposed."

"And this time, the five Northeast families were all angry. Together with the Secretary of Defense, they shot many ghost king-level ghost exorcists, including some old seniors."

"They conducted a blanket search in the Northeast to find out who was behind the scenes."

"What happened in the past two days is that the behind-the-scenes was discovered, and the other party fought with those old seniors. The scene can be said to be spectacular."

in words.

Lu Lianxue took out her phone, clicked on the phone gallery, and showed Zhang Wei the photos.

Those were a few pictures taken by the Northeast Guard Department, after the battle between the tailor and the seniors.

can be seen.

In the photo, the place was dilapidated, as if it had been baptized by missiles, and it was completely changed beyond recognition. It could only be vaguely judged from some wreckage. It was suspected to be a village, and all kinds of buildings were broken into ruins.

"This is a place where the behind-the-scenes fights with the old seniors from the Northeast Guardian Department, a village."

Lu Lixue said:

"According to the ghost exorcist at the Northeast Guardian Department, this is the place where the last time the behind-the-scenes fought with the seniors. Although the village is relatively remote, its population is still several thousand."

"Fortunately, the Department of Health and Dao made arrangements in advance, and with the help of the seniors, the villagers were evacuated immediately, and only a few people were injured."

"However, the village was not so lucky. It was smashed into ruins by Sen Luosi's behind-the-scenes and the old seniors."

"This time is also the biggest fight by the behind-the-scenes. It may be that they were chased and killed by the Department of Defense and the seniors of the Northeast Five Families these days. They got angry. The behind-the-scenes took the initiative to deal with the old seniors. This time the village is."


"The identity of the behind-the-scenes has been confirmed. The method is the mortician. There is a high probability that Zhang Wei is the creator of the iron coffin zombie that you dealt with in the Northeast."

"Because the iron coffin zombie was manipulated by the behind-the-scenes manipulator to escape from the mortuary where the Department of Health kept the corpses by special means."

"Fortunately, Zhang Wei, you dealt with the Iron Coffin Zombie well at that time. The behind-the-scenes couldn't use the body parts of the Iron Coffin Zombie to repair himself. This made the old-timers deal a certain blow to the behind-the-scenes."

Follow Lu Lianxue to this point.

Zhang Wei already understood why the northeast ghosts fled in various ways.

This is the fight between Sen Luosi and Wei Daosi in the northeast, and it is not at the level of ordinary ghost kings. At this level, the power of the fight is no different from a modern war.

The most important thing is the behind-the-scenes of the mortician. This is not only dangerous to ghost exorcists, but also to ghosts. It can use the bodies of ghosts and ghost exorcists to repair itself. Just ask which ghost would want to be forced to donate its organs '.

Can't help it.

Zhang Wei looked at the scene in the photo:

"This fight can no longer be described as intense, Xiaoxue, Xiao Mantou, look at this photo, the foundation has been beaten."

Lu Lian gave Zhang Wei a white look:

"Yeah, I heard that the scene is actually more terrifying than the photos. It was a senior-level battle. The Secretary of Defense also realized the strength of the behind-the-scenes, and has begun to mobilize people one after another."

"This is to completely suppress this behind-the-scenes person."

Zhang Wei said.

Lu Lianxue nodded:

"The behind-the-scenes is very strong, not weaker than the man with glasses. He must have a high position in Sen Luosi. As long as he wins the opponent, not only can he stop Sen Luosi's affairs in the northeast, but maybe he can use this opportunity to completely eradicate Sen Luosi. Ross."

To stop things in the Northeast...

Hearing the words, Zhang Wei's eyes lit up, and he stared in the northeast direction.

Maybe I didn't feel anything before.

But now that he learned about the situation in Northeast China, Zhang Wei suddenly thought of last night, when Li Junfei was looking for him, he had said that Fat Brother was busy recently.


With such a big event happening in the Northeast, it is impossible for Sen Luosi to remain silent.

And before he guessed that the fat brother might come from Senluosi, and now he is sure that the maker of the iron coffin zombie is the behind-the-scenes in the northeast of Senluosi. In other words, the fat brother basically comes from Senluosi with a high probability.

So what Fat Brother said about being busy now, he didn't mean going to the Northeast.


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