Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 292 Is The Tailor Having A Nightmare?

Just when Zhang Wei was thinking about whether the fat man was going to the Northeast, or whether he should ask around.

"Zhang Wei, what are you thinking about?"

Qiu Xiaolin and the others saw Zhang Wei in a daze, and asked curiously.

Zhang Wei shook his head and prevaricated casually:

"No, I'm just thinking that Northeast China is in such a mess now, and the identity of the behind-the-scenes is exposed. It is estimated that it will be even more chaotic in the future, but I don't know what kind of chaos it will become."

His words come out.

Lu Lianxue sighed:

"On the surface, you will definitely not see anything. After all, Sen Luosi is not stupid. He really can't suppress the trouble. At that time, the final result can only be that the Department of Defense will be furious. At all costs, please send out several real dragon guards."

"But although there is nothing on the surface, it must be tragic in the dark, and it will not be better than the situation in the village in the photo."

"I hope that the behind-the-scenes of Sen Luosi can be caught as soon as possible, and the matter in the Northeast can be resolved as soon as possible."

Qiu Xiaolin on the side also blinked. She had learned about the Northeast from Lu Lianxue, and echoed:

"Catch the behind-the-scenes person, so that the Northeast will be fine, and Sen Luosi can be found out. When the time comes, we will catch up and solve the trouble completely. I will work hard and practice."

In the end.

Qiu Xiaolin had a serious look on her round face, and she looked really cute.

Zhang Wei squeezed his cheeks when he heard that:

"What's wrong, you still want to participate in the siege and suppression of Sen Luosi, little mantou."

Qiu Xiaolin raised a smile and nodded, without concealing it, she suddenly blinked and said:

"Of course, I've heard from Xiaoxue that Sen Luosi is abominable, not only in the Northeast, it has been established for so many years, and has done a lot of bad things, we can't let this kind of thing continue to destroy, we need to help, and... "

She paused and looked at Zhang Wei:

"If Sen Luosi is really encircled and suppressed, Xiaoweizi, you will definitely be invited."

Lu Lianxue has told Qiu Xiaolin many things about ghost exorcists, including Sen Luosi.

to this end.

Qiu Xiaolin knew that every time the Department of Defense encircled and suppressed Sen Luosi, it would go all out and invite strong help from all parties to encircle and suppress together, and those who could be invited to help were all powerful people.

Zhang Wei is now third on the Rising Star List, and he can single out the ghost king. There is no doubt that he now has a good reputation in the ghost exorcism world.

In addition, Zhang Wei himself had a feud with the Ministry of Health and was almost besieged and killed by Sen Luosi.


If the Department of Defense wants to encircle Sen Luosi, he will definitely ask Zhang Wei to help.

Qiu Xiaolin knows that Zhang Wei is strong, but also knows that Sen Luosi is terrible. If she wants to become strong, she can help Zhang Wei.

As soon as the words come out.

its thinking.

How could Zhang Wei not see it.

He reached out and rubbed Qiu Xiaolin's head:

"It is possible to invite, but don't think about it, strength is not achieved overnight, take it slowly, don't worry about me, by the way, the car is here, let's not talk about this, go, get off the car, take you to the store, agreed , don’t rob me, I’m treating you.”

The words fell.

When Zhang Wei and the others arrived at the mall, he took the opportunity to change the subject and didn't intend to continue talking on Sen Luosi's topic.

Heard shopping.

Qiu Xiaolin and the others smiled and dragged Zhang Wei to go shopping without saying a word.


That night.

Zhang Wei and Qiu Xiaolin wandered around until night, bought a whole load of stuff in the trunk and returned to the hotel.

at the same time.

When the three of Zhang Wei discussed the process of life continuation of species, and conducted academic research such as demonstrations, and then recorded by word of mouth.

the other side.

Northeast, on a street in an old-fashioned neighborhood.

It is now 8 o'clock in the evening, and the streets are bustling with people coming and going. From time to time, some old people can be seen sitting on public seats on the street to enjoy the shade or play chess. In this old-fashioned neighborhood, it looks peaceful and quiet.

At this moment.

Looking at a chubby man coming from the distance of the street, he doesn't have the greasy feeling of a fat man, but looks kind. His skin is fair. It is said that a person's whiteness hides his ugliness. His fair skin makes him look fat and simple.

He glanced at the old people playing chess by the street, and said with a smile:

"These retired old men are good. They play chess after dinner and have nothing to do. They are so leisurely. It would be even better if they have a villain behind them. The old man who plays chess is a villain, eh! Thinking about it, it is very compelling."

Speaking of back.

The fat man couldn't help but said:

"E, the more I talk about it, the more excited I feel. Why don't I have time to write a novel? Get a chess-playing old man who is a villain, the kind who abuses the protagonist."

"Just do it like this. When you're done with your recent work, you can write a book. Speaking of which... how do you go about this way? The place where the tailor hides is quite hidden."

If Zhang Wei were here, he would definitely be able to recognize who this fat man is, isn't he the fat man?


The fat man traveled thousands of miles from Luxia City to the Northeast. The reason is that two days ago, he learned that something happened in the Northeast. The tailor was suspected to have fought with the Department of Health. Immediately, the fat man wanted to call the tailor.

But before the fat man picked up the phone, the tailor called first. He told the fat man to put Zhang Wei's matter aside and let him make preparations. This is the most critical stage of the development of the Northeast, and there is something that needs his help.

Although the tailor told him not to come.

But out of consideration, the fat man came to the Northeast in advance, so that the tailor could contact him, and he could arrive as soon as possible. The Department of Health and Justice played against each other.

And just now the tailor called him and asked him to come to the Northeast, and he needed to do something.

Also for this.

Fatty rushed over immediately.

Now he followed the address given by the tailor to this old-fashioned street.


After finding a passer-by to ask the way, the fat man found a house in a street alley.

Looking at this old-fashioned house with only two floors and adding a small yard, the fat man smiled:

"I don't know if I will scare her when I appear in front of the tailor, but within a few minutes of sending a message, I will be there."

Think here.

The fat man couldn't wait to see the tailor's surprised expression, but it was rare for him to see other expressions on the tailor's face other than gloomy and angry.

I still remember.

The last time I saw her other expressions was when he gave her the ghost king's head as a birthday present, and the tailor rarely showed a smile. Even though the tailor turned around to prevent him from seeing it, the fat man still caught it.


The fat man tiptoed, restrained his breath to the limit, quietly walked across the yard and entered this room.

As soon as you enter the door.

I searched around on the first floor, but couldn't find a tailor. Fatty felt a little puzzled:

"Huh? It's not on the first floor, is it on the second floor? We are also the villains. Even if we hide, we have to hide on the top floor, so that we can be forceful."

he said.

Quietly went up to the second floor again, but this time, when he saw the tailor, he froze for a moment, staring at him in astonishment:

"Huh? The tailor is actually sleeping?"


The tailor was lying on the bed on the second floor, eyes closed, and seemed to be resting.


It's different from the last time I saw her. That time she had a body like a little lolita. Now she has changed her body. Just by looking at her face, she is a woman in her twenties. Her hands and feet are still stitched together as before. Contradictory, but strange fit.

She lay quietly on the bed, like a corpse, motionless, her skin was deathly pale, with the moonlight shining on her body outside the window, she had a different kind of demon.

If it weren't for his frowning from time to time, ordinary people would definitely think it was a corpse when they saw it.


The fat man doesn't think the tailor is dead, he knows whether the tailor is dead or not, but seeing the expression on the tailor's face, his brows twitched, revealing some surprise:

"The tailor is not dreaming, is this...a nightmare?"


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