Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 293 The Tailor's Dream, Stuck In The 10-Year-Old Memory

at the same time.

Maybe it was the cause of the injury, or maybe it was because he was familiar with the fat man, and he instinctively knew that the fat man was not dangerous to him. In addition to the dream, the tailor lying on the bed didn't notice the fat man's arrival, and woke up a little bit, thinking about what he dreamed about. He frowned tightly.


As time passed, the fat man saw the pained look on the tailor's face for the first time, as if what she had was not a good dream, but a nightmare.

Originally, the fat man planned to wake her up.

But what happened next made Fatty stop this move.


the other side.

In the tailor's dream.

There is a house here, which is very similar to the house where the fat man is now, and it is also an old two-story house. The two have similar similarities in terms of the degree of dilapidation, the number of floors and the structure of the house.


There was no fat man in the room, and no tailor.

There are only two people.

One is a little girl about four or five years old, and the other is a woman. Her lips and face are pale, and the crow's feet around her eyes make her look like she is in her early thirties, but she looks like she is in her forties. old woman.

But the little girl was not much better. The clothes were not children's clothes, but children's clothes that had been mended from adult clothes.

Looking carefully at the yellowed calendar on the wall, it is not modern, at least decades ago.

In that era, a lot of waste was waiting to be done. Most people raised their children not like they are rich now, but they were poor. Most of the clothes were sewn from the adults' clothes. Even if there were two children and three children, the clothes of the eldest would be It will be left to the second child to wear, and the second child will not be able to wear it when he grows up, so he will leave it to the third child to wear it.

at this time,

That old-looking woman was mending a rag doll with a needle and thread. She sewed it out of old clothes one by one, but it was torn again after being played with by her daughter for a long time. Now she is mending it.

Also at this time.

The little girl standing in front of her was already young and immature. She leaned on the edge of the table, propped herself up to look at the doll in the woman's hand, and shouted anxiously:

"Mom, how long does it take to mend it?"

Urges for little girls.

Although the woman looked clearly ill from her face, she still smiled and said:

"It's almost ready, Yaya, mom will be ready soon...cough."

She coughed as she spoke.

The little girl called Yaya looked at her mother and asked instinctively:

"Mom, do you want some water?"

Regarding her mother's cough, the little girl knew very well that she was sick, but she thought it should be fine, because as long as she could remember, or since she was a child, her mother has always been like this, coughing from time to time.

As for the illness.

The little girl heard from her neighbors that it was called tuberculosis. Unfortunately, she was too young, so she only knew the name of the disease. She didn’t know what tuberculosis was.

"Mom is fine. Compared to me, Yaya, you are the one who has taken your medicine. It's almost noon and you have to take your medicine."

The woman rubbed the little girl's head.

The woman has tuberculosis. In fact, the little girl also has some illnesses. Her body is weak and she needs to drink traditional Chinese medicine to recuperate.

mentioned taking medicine.

The little girl's face collapsed, and she cried:

"Mom, can I not take the medicine, those medicines are so bitter, I don't want to drink."

"You have to drink it. You'll be healthy after drinking it. Be good, go drink it. After drinking it, mom will take you out to play. Mom paid you wages today and will take you to visit the lanterns tonight."

"Wow! Really, mom is the best, I'm going to drink now~"

The little girl jumped into her mother's arms in surprise, dangling her little feet.

Feeling her daughter's happiness, the sickly mother's pale face seemed to turn rosy with joy, and she reached out and rubbed the little girl's head with braids.

To this.

The little girl just blinked happily and said:

"That's right, mom, why don't we drink medicine together, you see that you are still sick, drink together, and you won't cough."

"Silly girl, that medicine is for you. Besides, your illness is different from your mother's. Be good, go and drink it. Remember to drink it clean. The medicine is very expensive."

Mom subconsciously replied.

The little girl responded oh, nodded and went to drink the medicine.

at this time.

The little girl was still young, and she didn't know what her mother's instinctive response meant. She didn't know how expensive her medicine was until she grew up. It was so expensive that her mother stopped her medicine. See a doctor and buy medicine for yourself.

It's a pity that she was still young at that time and didn't understand these things at all.


Even if she understands, it's useless. She is too young to give her mother any help. Perhaps the only thing she can do is to be a well-behaved daughter.

The time of the dream is passing rapidly.

Came to the night.

The little girl drank the Chinese medicine, and because of some ingredients in the Chinese medicine, she fell asleep in the bedroom, but because of the movement outside the bedroom door, she woke up faintly in her sleep, and saw the scene outside the bedroom door in a daze.

In the haze.

She saw her mother sitting at the table, still mending her dolls, perhaps staying up all night doing needlework to catch up with work, and also playing with her daughter. After being tired, she coughed badly, but she dared not make too much noise. Afraid of waking up the little girl, she could only cover her mouth and cough violently.

After coughing to the back, she probably couldn't stand it anymore, so she took out the injection that she had kept when she was seeing a doctor before, and pierced her wrist. As she rolled up her sleeve, the little girl vaguely saw her mother's slender wrist.

That's not the slenderness of a little girl in modern times, but the slenderness of being hungry.

Not long.


A middle-aged man came in from the hall outside the bedroom door.

That is the little girl's father.

Compared with being close to her mother, the little girl is not so close to her father. She is very afraid of her. As long as she can remember, her father has been beating her. Basically, whenever something goes wrong, he will catch her and beat her. She was protected by her mother so that she would not be beaten, but her mother also suffered.

in sleep.

The little girl couldn't remember what her father said.

I just remember that my father beat my mother again, and called my mother a prodigal bitch. My mother didn't say anything, but replied weakly, "Can you scold me softly, Yaya is sleeping, if you want to scold, beat me, go out and say something." ".

I don't know if it was my mother begging, or my father was having fun hanging out with the mistress outside, but it was rare that he really obeyed his mother's words and dragged her out by the hair.

Days go by like this.

Then came the little girl's birthday.

It was her 6th birthday.

The little girl returned home early and couldn't wait to enter the door, because she knew that today was her birthday, and every year on her birthday, her mother would always buy her a rare pastry.

She thought the taste was delicious, but unfortunately her family was poor, the pastry was handed down from foreigners, the price was very expensive, and she could only eat it on birthdays.


She didn't know all this at the time, but when she grew up, she realized that those small pastries, and sometimes some delicious food, were all money earned by her mother shining shoes for others and doing odd jobs , used to improve food for oneself.


This 6th birthday is different from the past. When she entered the house, as always, she saw her mother sewing, and took the sewing needlework odd jobs as a subsidy. After all, her father never gave money, only to the third child who was away. The money at home was all her mother herself. earned.

"Mom, I'm back."

"Yaya is back, happy birthday, our Yaya is 6 years old."

Listen to mom.

The little girl smiled happily, and subconsciously looked at the table, but was puzzled:

"Mom, where's the little pastry?"

She found that it was different from the past. This time, her mother said happy birthday, but did not bring out any small pastries.

To this.

Mom just apologized with some guilt and said:

"I'm sorry, Yaya, there may be no small cakes this time, so let me make some cakes for you, okay?"

The little girl didn't know that the reason why her mother didn't buy pastries was because the price of her medicine had gone up. She thought it was because her mother forgot, so she got angry for a while, scolded her mother, and complained that her mother didn't love her anymore.

Also this time.

Every birthday in the next few years, my mother bought her pastries as always.

That's why.

The little girl grows up and still remembers the appearance of the cake, because it was her only birthday gift and the only person who gave her a birthday. As for her father, who never appeared, he never remembered her birthday.

The days continued until she was 10 years old.

10 years old.

That was an unforgettable year for her.

Her mother died that day, and she never received pastries, and no one said happy birthday to her.

Also that day.

Although it was not her birthday, she received woolen trousers that her mother had woven in advance.

10 years old may be too young for a child today.

But for a child of that age, she was already very sensible and understood a lot. She knew what it meant when her mother died of illness, which meant that she would never see her again, and could never hug her mother again.

But watching her mother go, apart from being sad, she still feels that it’s good to go, her mother doesn’t have to suffer so much. At the same time, she also regrets that she never said “Mom, I love you” to her. , and even sometimes dislike my mother.


It wasn't until after her mother left that the little girl realized that she had no home, and she was the only one left in the world.

Perhaps too much sadness.

Maybe I regretted it and felt that I should do something for my mother.

Also on that day.

A little girl who was only 10 years old, with the help of a mortician, she killed her father, divided her father's body, and distributed the body to the vicious guard dogs in the village.


She took her mother's body and left.

Also from that day.

Although the little girl grows up with time, her world will always stay before she is 10 years old.


the other side.

Northeast, in the old-fashioned alley, in the two-story house.

at this time.

Under Fatty's gaze, he saw an unforgettable scene in his life...

Seeing the sleeping tailor crying, the apparently cold body made of corpses, with tears streaming down his face and eyes, murmured unconsciously in his sleep:



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