Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 295 There Is A Flag Stalk In The Anime

His words come out.

The fat man was surprised. The tailor asked him to prepare before, but he didn't know what it was for. Now, based on the tailor's words and the progress of the matter, he understood, hesitated and said:

"You don't want me to replace you to complete the final progress."

The tailor nodded noncommittally:

"Yes, isn't this very much in line with your wishes? You can complete the ritual training of the national-level ghosts and become the biggest behind-the-scenes of the Northeast incident. This matter should be very high-level, and it is in line with your villainous behavior. "

The fat man was silent for a while:

"Completing the last step in the development of the Northeast, and practicing the ghost sacrifice of the township level, it is indeed a villain, just listening to it is very aggressive."

That's all for words.

However, he changed the subject and asked with a puzzled look:

"Tailor, can I ask you a question?"

"Huh? Ask what?"

"You should be very concerned about the national-level ghost sacrifice training this time, otherwise Sen Luosi proposed to use people, demons, ghosts, etc. from the Northeast to conduct large-scale sacrifices to train national-level ghosts. Will be the first to agree."

The fat man paused and continued:

"Plus, you, the tailor, did not hesitate to show up in person to attract the Department of Health and Dao for this matter. The Northeast incident should be very important to you, so you should like to complete this matter by yourself."

Faced with the fat man seeing through his thoughts, the tailor didn't care, and had expected that the fat man would guess it with his cleverness.

She said bluntly:

"Fatty, you are right. This matter is very important to me. I will kill anyone who dares to stop it, and you are no exception."

"That's why I personally took over the Northeast incident. I don't trust anyone to do it. Only I can take over and supervise it myself."

"Fatty man, I might as well tell you that I have already planned it since I took over the national-level ghost sacrifice training. The last crucial step, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, I have to show up in person to attract the attention of the Department of Health and Dao."

His words come out.

The fat man raised his eyebrows and looked at the tailor:

"So, you want me to complete the last step, which is also your plan?"

After getting the tailor's nod of approval, the fat man was surprised.

Also at this time.

Seeming to know what the fat man was thinking, the tailor was the first to say:

"Are you wondering why I chose you? As for the reason, it's very simple. Let me tell you something first. Don't give me pride when I tell you, you fat man."

As if he was afraid that the fat man would suffer another stroke, the tailor gritted his teeth and added the last sentence, and then slowly explained the reason:

"In the whole Sen Luosi, the only person I can trust is you, fat man."

"Because of you guy, although I want to beat you up all the time, I know that you pay attention to credit and have always practiced the so-called 'tall villain', so you will not break your promise, you should do Do it when you arrive, or you will lose your villain status."

as predicted.

The fat man grinned and said proudly:

"No, I'm the strongest villain in history. This kind of thing that can't even keep the promise is too cheap, hahahahaha."

"Okay, okay, don't mess with me, fat man."

The tailor rolled his eyes and replied.


Another reason why she didn't tell Fatty was that Fatty once gave her a birthday present, that time she knew that Fatty really cared about her, only Fatty was the only one she could trust.

The fat man patted his chest:

"For the sake of the tailor you entrust me with, and because you are my creditor, the priest of the town-level ghost, I will help you complete it."

"That's fine, I hope you will keep your word when the time comes."

The tailor gave a rare smile.

And this instinctive smile was seen by the fat man, and he was a little stunned for a moment.

"What do you see me doing?"

The tailor didn't notice his expression, but he also felt the fat man's gaze.

To this.

The fat man grinned:

"I gave you a birthday present before. I saw you smile. I thought it was an illusion. Now, it turns out that you can laugh as a tailor. I thought you didn't know how to laugh. I think you should smile more as a tailor." , don’t always put on a sullen face, as if someone owes you money.”

"Cough, of course, there are people who owe you money, such as me, but that doesn't stop you from laughing."

in words.

The fat man remembered what Zhang Wei said when he played games with Zhang Wei before:

"A friend of mine told me that no matter whether it is a human or a ghost, as long as you are still alive, no matter how bloody and busy your life is, you have to live, so why don't you smile? It's over, just smile, it's ten years old."

"So tailor, smile more, it's not bad for you, isn't it? As a villain, we can laugh, just don't laugh like a low-level villain, hahahaha."

The tailor was silent for a while.

She didn't say much, just replied leisurely:

"Laughing? If I could laugh, I would, but I can't."

"Tailor, what you said is very sad, but what you said has aroused my desire to win. Just wait, I will make you smile more when I have time."

The fat man showed a mouthful of white teeth carelessly.

To this.

The tailor didn't care, waved his hand and said:

"Fatty man, don't be poor, let's get down to business, I'll go out in person next time, and I'll leave the final step to you for the national-level ghost fog festival training. If you can complete the sacrifice training, if I'm caught by then, I'll kill you." I hope you can do something for me."

"What's the matter?"

"It's useless to say it now. If you can't finish the sacrificial training, you can't finish that thing either."

The tailor took out a box from his pocket and threw it over:

"I wrote the matter in it, when you finish the sacrificial training, just open it."

"Hey, aren't you afraid that I will secretly open it right now?"

"You don't know how to open it, so you lose your villain style. Of course, if you dare to open it in advance, you fat man, you will wait for me to smash all your figures."

"Grass, don't bring such a menacing ghost."

The fat man pouted, and put away the box.


The tailor nodded in satisfaction:

"It's rare to see a fat man like you, so I'll leave, and I'll leave the rest to you."

"Wait." The fat man stopped the tailor.

"What's wrong?"

The tailor who was just about to leave looked back.

The fat man looked at the tailor, opened his mouth, and finally said:

"Tailor, you are going to attract the Department of Health, right? That is to fight those old guys, that is, the Department of Health may come to support you at any time, and may catch you or even kill you."

The tailor was startled, but finally nodded. Of course she knew how dangerous this time was.

She is a great terror in Senluo Division, especially for Wei Dao Division. She is the real culprit behind the event that triggered the Northeast Incident and killed many ghost exorcists, people, and ghosts. This time she is holding the possibility of death. to go.

"Then you don't plan to do something else first? For example, where to go shopping and eat something you want, in are caught or killed, but there is no chance."

The fat man said slowly.

Although the tailor has never mentioned it, and deliberately avoided talking about it, and even asked him to help with the final sacrifice to divert the topic, but he is not stupid, and he knows that the tailor is in danger this time.

Can't help it.

Fatty said bluntly:

"There is a meme of fg in anime, often the character does that kind of dangerous thing, say something like 'wait for me to come back, I will marry you', something like 'help me finish something', and then do dangerous things, most of them Nothing went well."

"But often those who do dangerous things after completing all kinds of regrets, eh, turned the danger into a bargain. So, tailor, don't you do other things that don't leave regrets? Decipher Li's fg in reverse."

can be seen.

The tailor looked at the fat man speechlessly, and rolled his eyes:

"You fat man, you can't leave the second dimension all day long, right?"

Scolding belongs to fat man.


The tailor seemed moved by what the fat man said.

"Do you have any regrets?"

She murmured in her heart.

It is also at this time.

A voice came from the fat man's side:

"What's the matter, only people are allowed to be superstitious, but ghosts are not allowed to be superstitious? For the sake of you being my creditor, please tell me the tailor. If there is anything you want to go or eat, I will treat you."

The voice starts.

The tailor took a deep look at the fat man, then nodded:

"If it's a dead fat man, would you like to treat me, okay?"

That's all for words.

The tailor said leisurely:

"Fatty, please treat me to a pastry."


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