Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 296 Zhang Chao's Crow's Mouth Comes Again?


The fat man was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile:

"Is it so easy to eat, okay, I thought you would kill me and order a Manchu banquet or something."

The tailor rolled his eyes:

"I'm not a fat man like you, I know how to take advantage every day."

in words.

She looked out of the window, the night sky outside the window tonight was full of stars, like a hanging curtain of the Milky Way starry sky, embellished by the round silver moon, the starry sky was extremely brilliant.

In a trance.

The tailor feels that she has gone back to the past, maybe she had her mother when she was a child, and in her impression, the night sky on her birthday every year, her mother hugs herself and sits in front of the compound, the night is also like this, dazzling and beautiful, it is the only The rest is good.

"What are you thinking, tailor?"

The fat man who went downstairs turned around and looked over.

The tailor didn't say much, but just replied:

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking that I haven't eaten a pastry for a long time, and I don't know if it's still on sale now."

"Hey, isn't it just pastries? If you look for them, you can find them. Let's go. My fat man said to treat you today, that is, I have searched all over the Northeast, and I have to treat you to the pastries you want."

The fat man who didn't know the truth laughed and patted his chest in response.

That night.

In this Northeast where summer is approaching.

Different from the south, the summer nights in the northeast are not hot, and the evening wind blows, but the wind is warm but not hot, which cools people's hearts a little bit.

this night.

There was a fat man who traveled to many places in Northeast China and took a girl with him. The reason for this was just to find a pastry that the girl hadn’t eaten for a long time.


at the same time.

Luxia City, a hotel.

Just after exercising, Zhang Wei sat on the seat and played with his mobile phone, waiting for Qiu Xiaolin and the others to take a shower before going to wash himself. Originally, he suggested that in order to save water, he suggested washing together, making a huge contribution to global water conservation. .


Zhang Wei had just raised his opinion when a message came from his phone. When he clicked on it, it was from Zhang Chao.

[Zhang Chao]: What are you guys doing, the old man is nagging you again, if you are exercising now, please squeak twice after receiving the message, if you are not exercising, please squeak once after receiving the message

Looking at Zhang Chao's information.

Zhang Wei scolded Zhang Chao with a smile, and sent him back the news.

【Zhang Wei】: squeak

[Zhang Chao]:? ? Three times? Oh~ Got it, I'm on my way to exercise, okay, then I'll bother you later, I hope you can reach new heights tonight! ?( ′???` )

[Zhang Wei]: Kamen Rider kicks and kicks crotch jpg, it's alright, you know every day what's there and what's there, disturb my elegance, tell me quickly, what do you want from me.

[Zhang Chao]: Cough, I feel that I have sinned deeply when you say that.

[Zhang Chao]: Stop joking, let’s hurry up and get down to business, so that you can get down to business quickly. That’s right, I heard you went to Xishuangbanna?

【Zhang Wei】: Yes, why, I was reported by Xiaoxuan again?

[Zhang Chao]: Hey, yes, I just want to tell you that you were blown away by Xiaoxuan again, but you don't know that your reputation is no worse than the number one on the list of potential new stars.

[Zhang Chao]: But, I didn't just talk about this when I came to you. I just saw Xiaoxuan blowing up on you, and a bunch of female fans in the comment area chased after you, making me envious. You may not know that I am separated from the maid girl. Yes, alas.

【Zhang Wei】: How is it divided? You cheated?

[Zhang Chao]: Shit, am I that kind of person? After the maid girl knew my identity, she felt that I and her were not in the same world. I was scared and separated. Alas, I am a damn ghost exorcist. The key is that I am still the future head of the Maoshan School.

【Zhang Wei】: Although I really want to sympathize with you, I also feel that you are pretending to be different from me, so I choose to reprimand you before comforting you. By the way, are you looking for me for comfort, haha , then you come here, Dad will give you a loving hug, take you to eat delicious food, and soothe your soul.

[Zhang Chao]: Shit, fuck you to death, no, I'm not looking for you for comfort, it's a long story, let me waste a few minutes of your time, let me speak slowly.

[Zhang Chao]: Didn't I break up, and then I saw you being pursued by female fans, I envy, I'm jealous, the same surname Zhang, also has a dick, although there are differences in size, but I don't agree , I also want to fall in love.

[Zhang Chao]: Then, hehe, I thought of your good friend Junfei, wasn't it you Junfei who introduced the online dating partner to Wu Nian before?

[Zhang Chao]: You are unreliable, but your friend is fine. Last time he introduced Wu Nian to an online dating partner. Didn’t I also add him as a friend, in fact, I sometimes chat with him to play the king.

[Zhang Chao]: So I just asked Junfei to introduce a girl to me. After all, Li Junfei can find even young women, and he will definitely solve my lower body happiness.

[Zhang Chao]: Wrong, in the second half of my life, I made a typo, haha.

[Zhang Chao]: Junfei is very powerful and introduced me to some lol girls, but this is not the point. The point is that Junfei just took me to have sex with some girls. He mentioned your classmate from the school committee in the Northeast, what do you say that is.

【Zhang Wei】: Yu Xiaoqi?

[Zhang Chao]: Yes, that's him. Junfei said that he recently dated a girl from Sakura Country, who is from our industry, right? She's a shrine maiden.

[Zhang Chao]: I came to you because of this matter.

Seeing the message sent by Zhang Chao, Zhang Wei sighed slightly.

Based on what he knew about Zhang Chao, if he simply wanted to be a shrine maiden, there should be no need to look for him, especially in the middle of the night, probably knowing that Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue were with him and disturbing him.

And he came to find himself for the school committee.

I'm afraid things can't be as simple as finding a girl.

Thinking of what Zhang Chao said before, Zhang Wei captured the key information.

【Zhang Wei】: What happened to the school committee looking for the shrine maiden? You, the future head of the Maoshan faction, don't know the shrine maiden, right? Also, as the heir to the great power of our Great Xia, it is normal for you to know ghost exorcists from other countries.

[Zhang Chao]: You are right. I really know the shrine maiden. I just asked Junfei. Your friend is the school committee member. I know the shrine maiden he knows.

【Zhang Wei】: Does she have a problem?

Looking at Zhang Chao's news, Zhang Wei thought to himself that sure enough, Zhang Chao found him to be related to the school committee, and there was a high probability that the school committee would be dangerous, otherwise Zhang Chao wouldn't bother him at this time.

as predicted.

[Zhang Chao]: It's not that she has a problem, it's that your school committee is in danger, but it's not the shrine maiden's problem, but her suitor.

[Zhang Chao]: Zhang Wei, you may not know that in the country of cherry blossoms, shrine maidens are different from nuns here. They can marry and have children, but they are people who serve the gods, so this status is doomed. They themselves are lucky.

[Zhang Chao]: So, shrine maidens are very popular in the world of exorcising ghosts in Sakura Country, and even in the eyes of exorcists from all over the world, and have many suitors.

[Zhang Chao]: In addition, most of the people that shrine maidens come into contact with are ghost exorcists, so most of them are married to onmyojis in Sakura Country, or other ghost exorcists, and rarely marry ordinary people. Your friend’s school committee can say It's awesome, to be able to get a shrine maiden.

[Zhang Chao]: But this is also a problem. You tell your friends to be careful. Don’t think that you will be fine in a foreign country just because you have a magic weapon with you. Ghosts don’t need to worry, but be careful about people. Ghost exorcists who pursue shrine maidens.

[Zhang Chao]: For your friend's sake, I went to inquire about it. The shrine maiden that your friend's school committee chased after has many suitors. Be careful that they give the school committee apart in order to tear them apart. The next means.

[Zhang Chao]: You know, it's easy for us ghost exorcists to deal with ordinary people, especially if we're abroad. If something really happens, it's very difficult to investigate. What if... the suitor is also from Sakura Country, then It is more difficult to investigate.


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