Zhang Wei looked at Zhang Chao's message.

Let’s not talk about Zhang Chao’s crow’s mouth, he can say whatever he says, but just talking about what he said, it is indeed possible. After all, the school committee is just an ordinary person, and it is always difficult for ghost exorcists to attack an ordinary person. Ordinary people or foreigners.

"It seems that the school committee has caused a big trouble invisibly. It's okay if the shrine maiden is not interested in him. The key is that the shrine maiden also likes the school committee."

Zhang Wei thought to himself:

"It is necessary to remind the school committee. I hope that there will be no cheap people who really provoke the school committee. Speaking of foreign ghosts, I have killed foreign ghosts. I haven't killed foreign ghost exorcists yet."


Zhang Wei chatted with Zhang Chao for a while, during which he learned something about the suitors of shrine maidens.

【Zhang Wei】: It seems that you, the future successor of the Maoshan School, are worthy of your name, and you are so well informed.

[Zhang Chao]: Shit, what you said, are you praising me or hurting me? Why, did I give you the impression that the news was very closed before, and the middle finger jpg

[Zhang Chao]: Well, it’s getting late, so I won’t disturb your exercise. I wish you a little sweat. Remember to remind your friend’s school committee to pay more attention. It's hard to say ghosts.

【Zhang Wei】: That's not necessarily the case. I think the magic weapon I gave to the school committee is quite useful, and it should be very useful against ghost exorcists.

Immediately afterwards.

End chat with Zhang Chao

Zhang Wei was not idle, and sent a message to the school committee to remind him, and then saw Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue walking out of the bathroom.


Zhang Wei raised a smile on his face:

"You two, you wash too slowly."

"What? Are you in a hurry? Isn't it better to wash it clean? It's good for us and you."

Qiu Xiaolin showed a sweet and lovely smile on her round face.

His words come out.

Lu Lianxue on the side didn't say anything, but she nodded with a smile and agreed, which was self-evident.

Zhang Wei chuckled:

"I'm speechless."

"It's okay, this is just right, talk less and do more." Qiu Xiaolin replied.

"Little Mantou, you little girl has become more and more articulate recently."

"Xiao Weizi, isn't it good that I'm articulate? Hee hee, it's good for you too."

"Indeed, this can't help but make me want to recite a poem. There are ancient poems... There are ventriloquists among the best... Only those who are familiar with it."

Accompanying Zhang Wei to say this.

Not only Qiu Xiaolin, but also Lu Lianxue couldn't help laughing, and then said with a smile:

"Zhang Wei, how can I look at this article directly in the future, and even though your pronunciation is the same, I feel that you must have mispronounced the first word of "There are ventriloquists in Beijing". Jing, baa, it’s not a spirit.”

As she spoke, she asked curiously again:

"By the way, was anyone looking for you just now? In the middle of the night, who was looking for you?"

"Zhang Chao came to me, and he told me something."

Zhang Wei did not hide anything, and revealed the matter of the school committee and the shrine maiden.

Qiu Xiaolin and the others were all shocked when they heard that.

Especially Lu Lianxue, who was in the same class, said in surprise:

"The school committee actually pursues the shrine maiden."

Zhang Wei smiled:

"I had the same reaction at the time."

in words.

He glanced at Lu Lianxue and the others, couldn't help raising his eyebrows, walked up and said slowly:

"You see, the school committee has found the shrine maiden. You two ladies don't want your man to lose to the school committee."


the next day.

Sakura Country, Tokyo.

at this time.

It's summer, Tokyo is very hot, and people on the road are wearing short-sleeved shorts.

Yu Xiaoqi was no exception. Wearing a pair of big pants and a short-sleeved T-shirt, he walked out of the hotel, looked at the passers-by, looked up at the scorching sun and complained:

"Oh, it's such a hot weather, it's a pity, I don't think there will be any Miss Sakura Country wearing a kimono."

His words just came out.

A middle-aged male voice came from behind:

"Yeah, it's a pity. When you come to Sakura Country, you must see kimonos."

The one who spoke was Yu Xiaoqi's father, Yu Weihong, who also came in wearing shorts and short sleeves, fanning himself with a Japanese round fan in his hand.

The words fell.

The father and son looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

Just yesterday, Yu Weihong and his wife were anxious to see their future daughter-in-law, so they asked Yu Xiaoqi to ask for leave in advance, and came to the country of cherry blossoms to meet his future daughter-in-law.

It was a girl named 'Fenghe Meizi', who was one year younger than her son Yu Xiaoqi.


The daughter-in-law, Kazumiko, is still from a shrine in Sakura Country. It is said that she is a priestess from a shrine in Okinawa. The family has no objection to her dating Yu Xiaoqi.

Although we just met yesterday, Yu Weihong can tell from his years of business experience that his daughter-in-law is also very kind and likes them very much.

to this end.

After learning from his son Yu Xiaoqi, Feng and Meizi heard that there were many people chasing them, and Yu Weihong asked Yu Xiaoqi to take good care of his daughter-in-law, so don't be chased away.

Yu Xiaoqi didn't care, he knew his relationship with Miko, and he wasn't afraid of being chased by others.

At this moment.

"Xiao Qi, wait a minute, did you say yesterday that you want to go out with Meizi today?"

Yu Weihong asked.

After receiving Yu Xiaoqi's reply, Yu Weihong took out a card and said:

"This is the card of Sakura Country. I put some money in it. If you take Miko out for a stroll, you can buy whatever she likes. Don't search for it."

"Understood, Dad, I'll take Miko to Akihabara later, by the way, what about you, Dad, what do you and Mom say?"

Yu Xiaoqi said and looked at Yu Weihong's side:

"By the way, Mom hasn't woken up yet?"

"I was going to take your mother to a Michelin-starred sushi restaurant in Japan to eat, but when I woke up just now, your mother said that she had a headache. I suspect that I went to the hot spring with her yesterday. I probably had a cold, so I didn't plan to go."

Seemingly seeing what Yu Xiaoqi was going to say, Yu Weihong waved his hand first and said:

"Don't worry about me and your mother, you get your future daughter-in-law first. Although you are only a college student, I want to have a grandson as soon as possible. I will take your mother to see a doctor, take some medicine and rest in the hotel. I have a cold. Nothing serious."

Facing Yu Weihong's words, Yu Xiaoqi seemed to think of something and asked back:

"Dad, are you sure Mom just has a cold?"

"You brat, why are you still cursing your mother?"

"No, Dad, you don't know that I just got up and received a message from Brother Wei, and I plan to tell you about it after Dad wakes up."

Yu Xiaoqi took out his mobile phone from his pocket and showed Yu Weihong the information on the mobile phone.

This look.

Yu Weihong's expression changed:

"So ruthless? It shouldn't be so, isn't it just pursuing individuals, as for killing us?"

Despite what he said in his mouth, Yu Weihong didn't dare to take it too seriously, and said in a solemn voice with cautious eyes:

"No, I'll go back and look at your mother. Xiao Qi, come and take a look. By the way, you go to your room first and bring the magic weapon Zhang Wei gave you."

For the usual.

Yu Weihong didn't think too much, he just thought his wife had caught a cold.

But it’s different now. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that something is wrong. His family has a nanny, so he doesn’t need his wife to do housework, so his wife doesn’t need to work hard, and she still does yoga with a female trainer every day. She is in good health and hasn’t been sick for a long time.

And if it is said that it was a cold caused by acclimatization, it seems impossible. After the incident in the northeast, he took his wife to travel all over the country.


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