After Yu Weihong gave his son Yu Xiaoqi some instructions, he hurried back to his room to see his wife. Yu Xiaoqi didn't dare to be careless, and hurried back to get the Cao Yanbing figure Zhang Wei gave him.


Yu Weihong and his wife are in the hotel room.

When Yu Xiaoqi opened the door and came in:

"Dad, I brought the magic weapon that Brother Wei gave you. Mom, how do you feel?"

As soon as he entered the door, he walked towards the bedroom, and saw his mother Tao Wanping half lying on the edge of the bed, and her face changed. Her mother Tao Wanping was coughing, and at first glance she seemed to have a cold, but when she looked carefully, her expression seemed a little dazed, and her lips were slightly whitish.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little dizzy, Weihong, please turn down the air conditioner, I feel a little cold."

Tao Wanping pulled the quilt on La Gai's body, no matter how she looked at it, she felt as if she was freezing.

But it is summer now.

The sun was scorching outside, and the ground temperature reached 40 to 50 degrees, and when Yu Xiaoqi came in, he didn't feel cold at all, on the contrary, he felt very hot, and when he opened the door, he felt hot wind blowing against his face.

To this.

Yu Weihong frowned and covered Tao Wanping with a quilt and said:

"Honey, I didn't turn on the air conditioner. I turned it off when you said it was cold just now. Look, I'm sweating."

As Yu Weihong spoke, he and Yu Xiaoqi looked at each other, both of them could see the gloom in each other's eyes.

"Son, do you feel cold?"

"Cold? I don't feel it. What I feel is heat. Dad, it's over 30 degrees here. Something's wrong. How could it be cold?"

Yu Xiaoqi quickly reached out to touch his mother Tao Wanping's forehead, but was shocked to find that her mother's body temperature was so cold, it was already lower than the normal body temperature.

As soon as his words came out.

When Yu Weihong heard the words, he was about to say something.

There was a sweet voice at the door.

"Xiao Qi, what's wrong with Uncle, this is, what's wrong with Aunt."

I saw a girl with a sweet appearance, dressed in the classic red trousers and white clothes of Sakura Country. This kind of costume must be common for anime fans. It is similar to the costume of Kikyo Priestess in "Inuyasha", which is the unique costume of shrine maidens.

She is Feng Hemeizi. When Yu Xiaoqi went to get Zhang Wei's magic weapon just now, Feng Hemeizi also came to look for Yu Xiaoqi. When she learned that Yu Xiaoqi's mother was suspected to be ill, she hurried to accompany her to have a look.

Immediately afterwards.

Feng and Miko walked in to take a look, her pretty face changed slightly:

"Xiao Qi, isn't Auntie sick?"

That's all for words.

She walked up quickly and took a closer look at Tao Wanping. Yu Weihong and his son knew that Feng and Meizi had similar identities to Zhang Wei, and they were also members of ghost exorcists. They were better at such strange things than they were.

"Meiko, what's wrong with my mother, is there a problem?"

Seeing Meizi frowning, and stretching out her index finger and middle finger together, making gestures to Tao Wanping's forehead, Yu Xiaoqi asked anxiously.

next moment.

After Feng and Miko finished making these gestures, they turned around with a pretty face frowning:

"Xiao Qi, it's not that my aunt has a cold, it's because she's been cursed."


Yu Weihong and his son were shocked when they heard this:

"Meiko, can you cure my wife? Xiao Qi, tell Meizi quickly. I don't know Japanese. You can translate it quickly. By the way, ask what's going on. Who cursed my wife? What's going on? .”

As Yu Xiaoqi told Feng and Miko, Feng and Miko said bluntly:

"Auntie has been cursed. This kind of spell should be Yin Yang. My grandma mentioned to me before that the person who is cursed will have one of the three souls and seven souls. If one of them is missing, the person will become the same Like a fool."

"Xiao Qi, do you have any enemies in the Cherry Blossom Country? Why is Auntie cursed? It looks like it was cast yesterday."

"Fortunately, my aunt has that amulet on her body. Although I don't know what that amulet is, I can feel that the amulet has a strong spell power, which helped my aunt block the spell power and prevent the three souls and seven souls from being taken away."

Feng Hemeizi pointed to the amulet of Chumaxian that Yu Weihong asked for back then.

Then she said:

"But after all, in the country of cherry blossoms, the influence of the protective spell is still small, and it can only be resisted for a while. Now my aunt will look sick, because she is affected by the spell."

"Nameizi, do you have a way to crack it?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not strong enough, so I can't break this. This kind of curse against the soul is not something ordinary onmyojis can do. Only very powerful onmyojis and witches can solve it."

Because it concerns the safety of her future mother-in-law, Feng and Miko dare not trust her, and plan to call a friend:

"Xiao Qi, think about it, did your family offend anyone in the Sakura country? There are not many onmyojis and witches who can use this kind of curse. I will call some friends I know and see if I can help my aunt. curse."


Yu Xiaoqi stopped Feng and Miko, he thought of Zhang Wei's message to himself:

"Meiko, please don't fight. My family has never had any enmity with people from Sakura Country. Of course, I have no enmity with other people. Although my father is in business, he always values ​​peace when doing business. , will not offend anyone."

"Then how about Auntie..."

Feng and Miko stopped in the middle of speaking, and faintly thought of a possibility. She looks sweet, but it doesn't mean she is stupid and sweet. To become a witch requires a pure person, but not stupid.

Also at this time.

Yu Xiaoqi and Yu Weihong looked at each other, and told about Zhang Wei's message to him:

"Among your suitors, Meizi, is there someone who can spell this kind of curse? I remember you said before that after you dated me, in order to prevent other people and reassure me, you told everyone that you are My girlfriend, let them stop pestering you."

Feng Hemeizi nodded, her pretty face was ugly, but it was not about Yu Xiaoqi's words, but her words verified her guess, she had thought of this before.

for a while.

Feng and Miko were about to cry, and bowed to Yu Weihong to apologize:

"Uncle, I'm sorry. It's Miko's fault that Auntie got hurt. Miko will definitely heal Auntie."

Hearing Yu Xiaoqi's translation for him, Yu Weihong patted Feng and Miko with a smile:

"Meiko, it's okay. It's not your fault. Don't worry too much. Although I'm an ordinary person, it doesn't mean I can't deal with these things. Besides, no matter if the other party dares to touch my family because of you or anyone else, don't think about it. .”

in words.

Yu Weihong changed his temper, and for the first time showed the businessman's ruthless side. He decided to ask Zhang Wei for help and kill the man who dared to touch his family at all costs.

It's fine for the other party to spy on his daughter-in-law, but he also follows her daughter-in-law to harm his wife, regardless of whether he is abroad.

Think about it.

Yu Weihong was about to call Zhang Wei, but just as he finished speaking, a voice came:

"Haha, Uncle Yu said it well, the most unbearable thing for us Daxia people is to be bullied outside! Not to mention being bullied by family members."


Yu Weihong was stunned when he heard the words, subconsciously looking for the source of the sound.

The voice was so familiar, he recognized who it was, wasn't it Zhang Wei, and then he looked at Yu Xiaoqi's phone, and at some point, there was Zhang Wei on the screen of Yu Xiaoqi's phone, and the other person was passing by The video is communicating with himself and others.

It was Yu Xiaoqi who called Zhang Wei. When he went to get Cao Yanbing's handicraft, he was worried, so he called Zhang Wei specially. Since it was a matter of human life, Zhang Wei didn't dare to take it seriously, so he talked to Yu Xiao through video. Qi connection.

That's why.

He heard the whole conversation between Yu Xiaoqi and the others, and knew the situation.

To this.

Through the mobile phone video, Zhang Wei said slowly:

"Uncle Yu, the school committee, let Meizi not have to find someone, I have a way to solve the curse."


Yu Weihong and his son were pleasantly surprised, and Yu Weihong hurriedly said:

"Zhang Wei, do you have a solution? That's great. I don't worry if you come to undo the curse. Then I'll book a ticket for you now."

"You don't need to book a plane ticket, Uncle Yu. I don't need my help to solve the curse. The figure I gave to the school committee can solve it."

"However, Zhang solved the curse for you. I still want to find the person who cast the curse. I want you to help me. Don't worry, you can tell me how much it costs."

"Uncle Yu, you're out of touch. It's not like you can't see it. I'm helping you now. The reason why I don't go there is not because I don't help, but because the figure I gave to the school committee can solve these problems."


Yu Weihong was stunned for a moment:

"Isn't the magic weapon for self-defense? Can it help us deal with curses?"

Facing the inquiry, Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"Of course, Zhang Wei's product must be a high-quality product. The figure can not only protect you, but you can rest assured, Uncle Yu. The figure I gave can be perfectly completed for this matter. You have to believe in Cao Yanbing, he is A descendant of Cao Cao."

His words speak out.

Yu Weihong couldn't laugh or cry.

Feng and Miko, who were listening to Yu Xiaoqi helping translate Zhang Wei's words, were stunned.

can be seen.

Feng Hemeizi's pretty face was almost covered with question marks, she tilted her head and said in astonishment:

"Ah? Solve it with a magic tool? It's impossible, Xiao Qi, tell your friend quickly, the onmyoji who can cast this curse is very powerful, it can't be solved with magic tools alone, let alone deal with Yin-Yang teacher."

As a shrine maiden, she is well aware of the power of this curse, and even more so of the power of the caster, how could she be able to deal with it with a magic weapon that she picked up with her friends.

She is very clear.

To deal with that kind of onmyoji, the magical artifacts needed must be powerful. How could a friend give them casually? At least they are all town-level magic artifacts. Those of that level will be enshrined in shrines and Yinyang houses. .

For Kaze and Miko.

Yu Xiaoqi smiled, convinced of Zhang Wei's strength and said:

"Sister, my buddy is very powerful, you have to trust Brother Wei, I'm right, Brother Wei."

Zhang Wei nodded with a smile, spoke fluent Japanese and said:

"Miss Meizi, even though I am about the same age as you, my strength is very strong, and my magic weapon is also very strong."

As a fan of anime and Japanese as a university elective, Zhang Wei has a high level of Japanese and can communicate with people in Sakura Country normally.

Immediately afterwards.

Zaifeng and Miko looked suspiciously at Yu Xiaoqi and took out the figure of Cao Yanbing:

"Nani??? This is... a magic weapon???"

"Yeah, isn't it handsome, this magic weapon."

Yu Xiaoqi and Yu Weihong and his son looked at each other and smiled, they had seen this expression before.


Following Zhang Wei's steps, they threw Cao Yanbing's figure away for a moment, and then read out a sentence:

"Please help Cao Yanbing!"


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