Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 302 I Have Seven Guardian Spirits Like This

Cao Yanbing's voice echoed leisurely in this midnight Japanese garden.

Nakai was stunned, his eyes fixed on the front, Yu Jin who exuded a strong aura, his heart beat wildly.

he knows.

I kicked the iron plate today.

If it wasn't for the burning paper about Yatengu Shikigami in his hand, which would turn into paper ashes and float with the night wind, Nakai would feel like he was dreaming tonight. He was actually fighting Cao Cao's descendants. There are generals of Cao Cao.

Nakai changed his calm face and looked at Cao Yanbing solemnly:

"I didn't expect you to be a descendant of Cao Cao. I was wrong. If you didn't kill my Yatengu before, I might ask for peace. After all, I don't want to lose both sides, but you killed my Yatengu. This matter is destined to never end.”

in words.

He took out a black shikigami paper that was different from the previous white shikigami paper in his hand. It was covered with runes and written with the word shikigami. He recited the mantra with him, and he said bluntly:

"Don't think that if you are banned, you will win."

His words speak out.

The black shikigami in his hand was also burning, and suddenly there was a scream, like ghosts crying and wolves howling, like thousands of babies crying, the sound penetrated people.

next moment.

The burning shikigami turned into black flames, and a ghost exuding a terrifying aura appeared.

"A ghost of the ghost king level!"

Feng Hemeizi's pretty face suddenly changed. Even though they were far apart, she could still feel the chilly ghostly aura from afar, which was ghost king-level ghostly aura:

"It's not good, Xiao Qi, please inform Mr. Cao Yanbing quickly, it's a ghost king-level ghost, with the blessing of an onmyoji, that kind of ghost is very powerful, Mr. Cao Yanbing can't deal with it even if he is forbidden, my God, Two..."

Halfway through her words, her pupils shrank suddenly, and she suddenly discovered that after the black flame walked out of a ghost king, the flame did not dissipate, and continued to roll like a sea of ​​fire, followed by a more burly and immature hand stretched out.

It was a ghost baby that was taller than an adult, exuding a terrifying ghost king-level aura.

"Ghost king shikigami of mother and child?!"

Kaze and Miko recognized the visitor, and could no longer keep calm:

"The two ghost kings are still twin mothers and sons. It's over. Mr. Cao Yanbing is in danger. This is more dangerous than Yatengu's clone. Not to mention the strength of the ghost king has surpassed Yatengu. That's still a mother and son. Ghost kings, it’s useless to kill only one of them, it’s only useful to kill them at the same time.”

The more I talked, the more anxious I became.

Feng and Miko turned around and wanted to help.

Now there is only Cao Yanbing in the field, and only one shikigami is forbidden. It is difficult to deal with a ghost king, let alone two, and Nakai has said that he will never die, so he will definitely attack Cao Yanbing. You must know that onmyojis are always close Weak.

But when he turned around, he grabbed Feng and Miko with one hand.

"Xiao Qi, why are you pulling me? Mr. Cao Yanbing is in danger."

"Meiko, wait, don't worry, Cao Yanbing is fine."

Xiao Qi pulls Feng and Miko and motions for them to look.

Feng and Miko were stunned for a moment when they heard the words, but they still had the patience to look towards the courtyard, and then their pretty faces were filled with surprise in an instant.

same moment.

In the Japanese garden.

Seeing the king of ghosts, who were like mother and child, was summoned, Nakai said in a deep voice:

"If I met you a few days ago, I would definitely run or surrender. After all, with my strength, I am not your shy opponent, but it is different now. This is what I worked hard to get a few days ago, Zimu Ghost King."

While talking, Nakai didn't hold back, and summoned the other three shikigami again. Although they were not as good as Yatengu and Zimu Guiwang, they all had a Dao level.

The opponent is a descendant of Cao Cao, he dare not be careless, intends to use all his strength to kill him here, and then seize his shikigami Yujin, with Yujin Shikigami, his overall strength will skyrocket, if he cultivates it, Yujin Will become his main force, making him one of the top onmyojis... huh? Something is wrong!

Just when he summoned all the shikigami and asked the son-mother ghost king to restrain Yu Jin, the other one took the opportunity to kill Cao Yanbing.

He noticed that Cao Yanbing's expression...wasn't flustered at all.

the other side.

When Cao Yanbing saw that the other party had summoned all the shikigami, he finally responded:

"Is your hole card all out? Is that ghost your final hole card?"

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" Nakai's expression darkened.

"Of course, wait until your hole card is out before making a move. By the way, is this your final hole card..."

Cao Yanbing slightly raised his head to look, and his eyes finally fell on the son-mother ghost king:

"You don't think that if you have this ghost, you feel that you have a chance to win? Then you may be disappointed."

"Because my guardian spirit is not limited to banning one, in other words, my guardian spirit is getting impatient, right...Xu Chu."

With the last words down.

boom! !

Behind Cao Yanbing, there is a blazing light blooming and rising from the ground. If you look carefully, it is not a light at all, but a general titan who is dressed in a blazing red armor and looks as majestic as Mount Tai.

He was too tall, his whole body exuded a blazing light, rising from the ground, standing here, shaking the world.

Feeling the aura of that mammoth general and the name Cao Yanbing said.

Zhongjing was stunned, staring at General Pang Ran like a ghost, and couldn't stop murmuring:

"No, it's impossible."

Xu Chu? !

Isn't that the name of the famous general of the Three Kingdoms, the commander-in-chief of the Tiger Guard under Cao Cao?

As if thinking of something, Zhongjing suddenly looked at Yu Jin, and then at the huge general named Xu Chu...

Also at this time.

General Pang Ran dissipated the blazing flames covering his body, revealing his mighty whole, and said to Cao Yanbing:

"My lord, what are your orders?"

His voice came out.

Cao Yanbing, who was blown by Xu Chu's breath, made his clothes flutter, and said in a deep voice:

"Shatter it."


Xu Chu didn't say anything, and after replying, he stretched out his hand to the side, grasped a long-handled sledgehammer, and slammed it at the mother-child ghost king.

The son-mother ghost king yelled in horror, turned around and was about to run.

As ghost king-level ghosts, they could feel the terrifying aura on Xu Chu's body, and they couldn't resist it at all.


Although they reacted quickly, the sledgehammer that Xu Chu dropped was even faster, and fell in the blink of an eye.


Hearing that the huge ghost Wangying, who was the same size as Xu Chu, was not inferior to Xu Chu, raised his hands high, trying to block, but was smashed into a puddle of flesh by the sledgehammer and the ghost.

【Ding! The Ghost King of Mother and Child is so horrified that he wants to curse, Nakai Nima is dead, will you pick your opponent when riding a horse?]

[Host obtains system points +200]

Fortunately, the other female ghost king escaped quickly, taking advantage of the ghost king baby being hammered to escape, and also because she was not dead and had the characteristics of a child mother ghost king, the ghost king baby was resurrected.

However, after resurrection and resurrection, their panic has not been eliminated at all.

【Ding! The son-mother ghost king wanted to cry, became the first battle of Shikigami, and met someone from more than 1,700 years ago, this is a chicken neck]

[Host obtains system points +220]

the other side.

Nakai was also frightened, looking in horror at the newly revived Ghost King Infant, the son-mother Ghost King Shikigami whom he was proud of, just like that for a second? !

at this moment.

His face could no longer be calm or dignified, it was full of horror, he just wanted to get out of here quickly before the mother-child ghost king was hammered, otherwise the other party Yu Jin and Xu Chu would join forces, and his own mother-child ghost king would be finished .

But the idea just came out.

A word came faintly from Cao Yanbing's side.

"Yes, it should be this expression."

He looked at Zhongjing's expression, holding the stick-like Ten Temple Yama weapon, and said slowly:

"Let me tell you another secret. Listen to me. I have seven guardian spirits like this."


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