Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 303 Help! Gentlemen, My Teacher's Life Is In Danger

Cao Yanbing's words fell.

The ten halls of hell in his hand bloomed with rays of flame, which turned into dragon-like figures, and the rays of light condensed the figures of heads exuding armor.

【Ding! Mother and child ghost king frightened]

[Host obtains system points +240]

Along with the burst of flame light, the system notification sound also sounded.

next moment.

Another terrifying general holding a double ax appeared in that ray of flame light.

Yu Xiaoqi, who was far away on the opposite floor, recognized the visitor.

That's Dian Wei!

Yu Xiaoqi excitedly introduced Dian Wei to Feng Hemeizi, and Feng Hemeizi widened her beautiful eyes after hearing his words:

"Nani?! Xiao Qi, you didn't lie to me, did you? Is that Dianwei? And there are seven Shikigami like Mr. Cao Yanbing? My God, this... If this is the case, the onmyoji from the Abe family will take action, They may not be able to beat Mr. Cao Yanbing."

She suddenly thought of what Cao Yanbing told him before, even though I am about the same age as you, I am very strong, not only strong, but outrageously strong.

for a while.

She has little star worship in her eyes:

"Is this the ghost exorcist of Daxia? I know that the onmyoji in my Sakura Kingdom has their skills passed down from Daxia, but I thought Shikigami was better studied by the onmyoji. Now it seems that it is not No, compared to shikigami, the guardian spirit... Si Guoyi!"

Yu Xiaoqi smiled and blew:

"Of course, everyone in my Great Xia exorcists is like a dragon. If you don't talk about Cao Yanbing, you can talk about Brother Wei. That's more fierce than Cao Yanbing. After all, Cao Yanbing was called by Brother Wei. You know, Meizi , I am afraid of brother super Si Guoyi!!"

"Although I don't know how the onmyoji of the Abe family you mentioned is like, but I believe that in front of Brother Wei, even if Brother Wei has a modern weapon, such as a shotgun, he can easily send away the Abe family. It doesn't matter how many shikigami he has to protect him, just shoot him at a close range of three meters."

Feng Hemeizi looked over after hearing the words, and those beautiful eyes remained undiminished:

"Xiao Qi, brother Wei you said, is it really so powerful?"

"Of course, I will introduce you later. Oh, maybe Brother Wei can teach you a few tricks. I heard from Junfei that Brother Wei has taught many exorcists a new way to exorcise ghosts."

"Wow! Really! Okay, okay!"

Feng and Miko clapped their hands excitedly, and were about to continue talking, but the movement from a distance interrupted their conversation.

They stare.

In the distance, in the Japanese garden.

After Cao Yanbing summoned Dian Wei, he ordered him and Xu Chu to kill the ghost king.

【Ding! The son-mother ghost king was terrified. Although I couldn't understand what the descendants of Cao Cao were saying, I knew I was going to die.]

[Host obtains system points +260]

They felt the gazes of Xu Chu and Dian Wei.

Immediately afterwards.


"Take orders!"

Xu Chu and Dian Wei responded one after another, and they all walked towards the son-mother ghost king.


In this huge Japanese-style courtyard, two huge and burly generals in armor, chasing two creepy-looking ghosts, rampaged all the way in the courtyard, wielding a hammer and two axes crazily, Japanese-style The courtyard collapsed crazily, and the screams of ghosts resounded again and again.

This scene.

Not only was it seen by Yu Xiaoqi and the others, but also by Kazuki Mori who was hiding in a corner of the courtyard.

"How did this happen? Didn't you say that Meizi's boyfriend is an ordinary person? Why do ordinary people know Cao Cao's descendants?"

Moriyu Kazuki's frightened expression had long since lost his previous arrogance.

No further words.

Seeing that the son, mother, and ghost king were killed, he turned around and was about to leave here, regardless of whether his teacher Nakai was dead or alive, the most urgent thing now was to leave here, and then find helpers to come to rescue.

Thinking of doing it right away.

He picked up his mobile phone while running, and sent a group message to those onmyojis that Mr. Zhongjing had befriended:

【Help! Help, gentlemen, my teacher's life is in danger. It was done by Cao Cao's descendants from Daxia. He has a shikigami refined by Cao Cao's generals. 】

message sent.

Kazuki Moriyu had already reached the edge of the courtyard, and was about to climb over the wall and leave.

But at this time.

A voice came from behind:

"Where are you going."

Kazuki Moriyu trembled violently, turned his head with difficulty, his pupils suddenly dilated, and a figure appeared behind him at some point, it was Yu Jin, and he just stared at him.

"don't want!"

Kazuki Moriyu yelled in horror, threw the yin-yang talisman paper in his hand, and cast the spell of the onmyoji.


Yu Jin just waved his long-handled spear casually, breaking all his spells.

Although Kazuki Senyu was formidable, he had reached the Tiger Guard at a young age and was able to deal with the red-clothed ghosts, but there was still a huge gap between him and Yu Jin.

"I heard that you are the chief culprit who killed Zhang Wei's friend?"

Yu Jin brought up Kazuki Senyu, even though Kazuki Senyu begged for mercy, he turned a deaf ear and said:

"The lord has said that Zhang Wei is his friend, and Zhang Wei's friends are also the lord's friends. If you dare to harm the lord's friend, you will die."

The words fell.

The sword light flashed past.

Kazuki Moriyu's head flew up.

"Friends of the descendants of the Cao family, how can you wait for the Japanese to spy on them when they are young?"

Yu Jin reached out and picked up the flying head, said a word to the head, and walked back to Cao Yanbing's place with the head.

Wait for it to go back.

At some point, Nakai was covered in blood and knelt at Cao Yanbing's feet.

He looked at Cao Yanbing with shock and despair on his face, and finally gathered a thousand words into one sentence:

"I, Cao, Daxia's is it that melee combat is more fierce than Shikigami..."

Not long ago, Cao Yanbing ordered Xu Chu and Dianwei to hunt down and kill the ghost king, mother and son. Nakai was very desperate, but then Cao Yanbing did something he felt hopeful, and he sent Yujin to find Kazuki Moriyu.


Nakai immediately came to hope that Cao Yanbing has no shikigami around him now, maybe he can change his bicycle into a motorcycle. You must know that onmyojis are always weak at close range. In order to prevent Cao Yanbing from continuing to summon shikigami, Nakai rushed forward without hesitation. go up.

Don't look at him as an onmyoji, but in fact he is better than ordinary onmyoji in close quarters, and he is even a ninth-dan swordsman. He immediately condensed the remaining shikigami into a ghost samurai sword, and wanted to kill Cao Yanbing in close quarters.

The result was unexpected.

Cao Yan's soldiers were as fierce as tigers in melee combat, not to mention that the ghost warrior's sword was interrupted, and he was beaten to vomit blood. His ferocity was no less than that of a ghost king.

To this.

Nakai was in despair. He didn't know whether it was because the exorcists of Daxia were so fierce in melee combat, or whether Cao Yanbing was a descendant of Cao Cao. As a descendant of Cao Cao, his force value should not be low.

In the end, with confusion, Zhongjing was killed by Cao Yanbing.


Cao Yanbing didn't stay for long, glanced at the dead Nakai, and left the courtyard with the head of the ghost king:

"Xu Chu, take the corpse of the ghost king back, I remember Zhang Wei told me that if you meet the ghost king, you should keep it for him."

Xu Chu nodded.

Walking up to the corpse of the son-mother ghost king, he bowed and lifted it up.

at this time.

Xu Chu didn't notice it, or he didn't notice it at all. He didn't understand the reasons for modern equipment, and he didn't see the eaves of the courtyard not far away. A camera captured everything here. For big families, they often He will install cameras in his house to prevent thieves from stealing, and Nakai is no exception.


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