Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 304 Sand Sculpture Dad Sent A Text Message

at the same time.

After Cao Yanbing finished solving Zhongjing and got the corpse of the son-mother ghost king.

Daxia, a hotel in Luxia City.

Zhang Wei felt the situation immediately, and surprise appeared on his face. Qiu Xiaolin, who was under him, also felt Zhang Wei's excitement. After yelling, Qiu Xiaolin, who was lying on her stomach, got up and looked at Zhang Wei, and gave a light hammer. road:

"Take your time as promised, why did you sprint suddenly?"

Lu Lianxue on the side also looked curiously.

She was lying on the side, just in time to see Zhang Wei's happy expression:

"Zhang Wei, what's the matter with you? I think you suddenly laughed. I remember that Xiaolin hasn't agreed to what you said just now. You have to change the sound of the clip. Predict Xiaolin's promise in advance? So you are smiling?"

face their inquiries.

Zhang Wei smiled and said without hiding:

"No, I felt that the magic weapon I gave to the school committee responded. It seems that the school committee used the magic weapon, and it should be the school committee that solved the problem."

He couldn't say anything about the system, so he could only vaguely explain that he had sensed it, that his magic weapon was moving, which was normal for a ghost exorcist, who could sense his own magic weapon, like Lin Tong mother and son bells.

is talking.

With a jingle, Zhang Wei's mobile phone sent a WeChat notification tone.

Zhang Wei picked up the phone and looked at it, then shook the phone with a smile and said:

"My impression is correct. You see, the school committee has solved the problem, and there are unexpected gains."

Qiu Xiaolin and the others looked closer, and Qiqi was astonished:

"Mother Ghost King? Is it very powerful, but Xiaoweizi, you are really lucky, you can still buy one get one free, no, buy one get two free."

"Oh my god, it's actually a ghost king with mother and son. This thing is a rare species among ghosts. The key is the ghost king level. This value is at least equal to three ghost king levels. Zhang Wei, you are more than just a windfall. Is it a pie in the sky or a cherry blossom?" National."

Lu Lianxue spoke.

Zhang Wei's eyes lit up, he hugged Lu Lianxue and said:

"Really? Is it so valuable?"

Lu Lianxue nodded:

"Really, the ghost king of mother and child needs the mother and child to become ghosts. The key is that the mother was killed with resentment during pregnancy. This is the first condition. It is difficult to achieve this condition alone, and then you have to add Other harsh conditions."

"And this also made the Ghost King of Son and Mother very powerful."

She revealed all the characteristics that the ghost king, mother and son, could not be killed by a single person.


Zhang Wei was not idle, he called Tong Lin after he was busy with Qiu Xiaolin and the others.

Although it is past 11 o'clock in the evening, Zhang Wei knew through Lu Lianxue that it was Lin Tong's turn to be on duty today.

Not long.

The phone was connected, and Lin Tong's voice came from inside:

"Hey, Zhang Wei, why are you calling me at this hour? What's the matter?"

"There is something, it's a great thing."

Zhang Wei responded and continued:

"Captain Lin Tong, I just got a good product from the upper class, and I want to trade with your Department of Health and Dao."

"Ah? What a good product, are you sure you want to trade with our Department of Health?"

Lin Tong was stunned for a moment, and after he subconsciously replied, he thought that Zhang Wei had already traded with Wei Daosi several times, and each time they were "top products"...

Think about it.

He couldn't help guessing:

"Zhang Wei, you didn't kill another ghost king from somewhere, did you?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's heckling laughter on the phone, even though he didn't answer, Lin Tong knew he was right:

"...Fuck, is it really the ghost king's head? You...wait, isn't it? Aren't you in Luxia City? I remember you are staying with Xiaoxue and the others now, right? If you really kill the ghost king, I can't You can't notice it in the station."

"Captain Lin Tong, I didn't say that I killed the ghost king in Luxia City. Although, the ghost king was indeed killed and slaughtered on the spot. It is absolutely guaranteed to be fresh, but I bought it from other places."

"Uh, where did you get it, Xishuangbanna?"

Lin Tong thought of Mr. Liu Shu who went to Xishuangbanna yesterday.

However, the words just came out.

Zhang Wei's voice came:

"Hey, no, it's Sakura Country."


Lin Tong was stunned and lost his mind for three seconds before shouting to the phone:

"What? Sakura Country??? Are you sure?"

When he got Zhang Wei's exact answer, Lin Tong's eyelids couldn't help but twitch:

"This, this, this is an imported product, Zhang Wei, you can do it, it has been imported directly from abroad, no wonder you said it is a high-end product, a foreign ghost king, it is indeed very good, what type is it?" ghost king?"

"No, no, Captain Lin Tong, you are wrong. The upper layer I said was not because it was imported from abroad. The upper layer I said meant that this ghost king is not an ordinary ghost king, it is a child mother ghost king, and it is still intact."

As Zhang Wei expected.

After his words came out, Lin Tong's shocking voice came over the phone, and he did not hide his horror.

For a long time.

Lin Tong calmed down and continued:

"Mother-child ghost king, Ma De, this is a rare item. I think the Department of Health and Justice will be overjoyed. They buy ghost kings wholesale from you every day, and they can even get rare ghost kings."

"Haha, Captain Lin Tong was joking, now I know why I was looking for you in the middle of the night, because ghost kings with sons and daughters are rare, and I'm afraid I won't be able to pass the customs when I send it back, so I'll tell you in advance to go through the customs."

Lin Tong nodded repeatedly:

"It must be said in advance, it's okay, I will tell the customs at that time, this is a complete ghost king with mother and son, which is of great research value, no, I will report it right away, you ask your friend to send it over quickly, hahaha."

After chatting for a few more words, Lin Tong hurriedly hung up the phone and could not wait to report it to the Department of Health.

To this.

Zhang Wei smiled and didn't care. The more anxious Lin Tong acted, the higher the value of the ghost king's corpse, the more he could benefit from it.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled and he said:

"It seems that I have to go abroad and import more goods when I have time. If I can get more of this kind of good goods, I will be very happy. The key is to make trouble abroad, so I don't have to be afraid of restraining my hands and feet."

"Xiao Weizi, it's so easy to get you to be the mother-child ghost king."

It was Qiu Xiaolin who spoke.

Seeing Zhang Wei put down the phone, she also leaned over, with a cute smirk like a little succubus on his round face:

"Let's not talk about this, Xiao Weizi, have you finished your phone call? Then your intermission time is over."

Zhang Wei squeezed his face:

"Why, do you want to play five rounds with me today? That's fine..."

in words.

He's about to step forward.

Ding dong.

A WeChat alert sounded, interrupting Zhang Wei's actions.

Looking down at the phone...

Zhang Wei frowned, revealing a bit of surprise:


The message on WeChat shows that the note is——Sand Sculpture Dad, isn't he the same dad who honeymooned with his mother abroad?

[Sand Sculpture Dad]: Your dear dad is here, son thief, come out quickly to greet (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~


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