the other side.

The fighting in the restaurant continued as Zhang Wei observed the horrific creature.

at this time.

The priest with the silver dagger in his hand had a stern face, and he never took his eyes off the werewolf for a moment. He knew very well that if a werewolf was a ghost, once a little distracted, the other party would seize the opportunity and take advantage of their terrifying power. Physical strength, deceiving oneself and tearing oneself apart.

That's why the dagger priest didn't dare to relax in the slightest. Even though fighting the werewolf had consumed a lot of energy, he was so tired that he dared not even close his eyes.

Also at this time.

The priest holding the Bible behind him spoke:

"Frye, I'll help you restrain some werewolves later. It's too powerful. We can't kill it. We can only delay it until the arrival of other priests."

in words.

The Bible in his hand turned pages automatically without wind, and as the words of the Bible were uttered from his mouth, the werewolf seemed to have sensed it, and roared to rush towards him.

It's a pity that the dagger priest paid attention to the werewolf early on. As soon as it made a move, the dagger priest rushed over and stopped in front of the werewolf.

"Roar! Get out!!"

The werewolf roared, and waved his wolf paw covered with wolf fur. Although his arm was stabbed by the dagger, the dagger priest was also sent flying.


Father Dagger felt as if he had been hit by a Harley motorcycle. Don’t spit out blood from his mouth. He flew upside down for several meters and slammed on a dining table. The ground cried out in pain.

The priest holding the Bible changes color:


He wanted to help, but before he could take any action, his pupils shrank suddenly.

After the werewolf slapped the priest with the dagger, he let out a wolf roar regardless of the arm pierced by the dagger, opened his bloody wolf mouth, and rushed straight towards the priest with fangs in his mouth, accompanied by a stench like saliva. The shop faces the biblical priest.


The priest of the Bible didn't care about the situation of his teammates, he was about to lose himself, so he quickly pulled out a dagger from his body and faced the werewolf head-on.

As a member of the Holy See, he has been dealing with horrible ghosts all year round. He knows very well that it is too late for him to escape now. With the strength of this werewolf, he will inevitably catch up with him, so he can only fight back desperately.


Despite the head-on counterattack.

But the biblical priest has already scolded his mother in his heart, and even as a priest, he burst into foul language:

"Falke, who is the idiot? The strength of this werewolf is not strong. This is obviously not a mixed-race werewolf, and he has been promoted to a purebred."

Not so long ago.

He and Father Dagger received the mission, saying that there was a suspected hybrid werewolf in this surrounding area, and one person had already been killed. He asked the priests in charge of the Hawaiian area to rush here to arrest the werewolf.

And the two priests of the Bible also rushed over immediately, and started searching from this street, thinking about catching the werewolf quickly and improving their strength.

Perhaps God was moved by their determination to improve their strength, and the emperor paid off. They found the werewolf in this street, this restaurant, and arrested them, but who knows... the werewolf was not a hybrid at all.

After he transformed into a werewolf, his strength was too strong. Not long after the fight, the dagger priest was seriously injured, and they were not able to deal with it at all.

In Western ghosts, they divide the strength of ghosts from high to low into mixed blood, purebred, and king, which correspond to Daxia's fierce ghost, red-clothed ghost, and ghost king in turn.

In other words.

The werewolf in front of him was at the level of a red-clothed ghost, and not an ordinary red-clothed ghost.

The two priests, who had just been promoted to the level of the red-clothed ghosts, couldn't deal with them at all.

Also for this.

The biblical priest felt hopeless. After the werewolf transformed and showed his strength just now, he immediately sent a call for help to the Holy See stationed in Hawaii. It took them a while to come over, and he couldn't last that time now.

The same is true of another dagger priest who was seriously injured and fell to the ground. He tried hard to get up to help the priest of the Bible. He knew that if he couldn’t get up now, he wouldn’t be able to get up later.

at the same time.

When the werewolf saw the biblical priest take out the dagger, his wolf eyes narrowed, and he dodged the counterattack from the biblical priest's dagger. He jumped back and easily dodged his attack.

Immediately afterwards.

It didn't continue to attack, and reached out to grab the silver dagger stuck in its arm.

can be seen.

The moment its wolf claws held the dagger, there was a constant chirping sound, as if holding a silver dagger was like sulfuric acid, as soon as it touched its hand, it began to be corroded, and billowing white smoke came out, corroding its wolf hand. The wound on the arm was also smoking, and the flesh and blood were corroded.

Silver products have great lethality against western ghosts like them.

However, the werewolf didn't care about the pain, grabbed it, pulled out the dagger, and threw it on the ground. The wolf stared directly at the priest of the Bible, and uttered a very rough and depressed voice:

"Without someone to help you restrain you, you can't read the Bible, do you think you can restrain me?"

Its voice is similar to that often heard in monster movies, rough and thick, making people feel horrified.

The words did not fall.

It didn't give the biblical priest a chance to react, without further ado, he wanted to quickly kill two priests here, drink their blood to improve their strength, and then leave here.

To this.

Clutching the dagger tightly, the biblical priest watched the werewolf rushing forward, ready to fight to the death.

However, the next second.

The rushing werewolf stopped suddenly, as if he sensed some danger, his wolf hair raised and he looked towards the restaurant door. The two priests saw his strange behavior and took advantage of the situation.

Turn around with them.

at the same time.

A voice came from the door of the restaurant:

"Oh, Jackie Chan, oh, I'm wrong, I'm used to it, it's Zhang Wei who is right, Zhang Wei, you are right, there are really werewolves here, hey, there is also a priest, holding a dagger? Silver products?"

"Yeah, it's time for you to show your talents, Dad."

The voice rang out.

Everyone, including the werewolf, was stunned.

Not a priest?

elder? youth? Grandparents?

I saw two figures walking towards the entrance of the restaurant, one was Zhang Wei, and the other was a thin old man with small round glasses and a white shirt and yellow vest.

When the old man saw the werewolf, he pushed his small glasses in surprise, but he was not afraid at all, not only him, but also the other young man. The two of them were not afraid of the werewolf in the restaurant at all.

This scene.

The two priests were surprised, because how did those two people come in, with the blessing of the Bible page, without their permission, no one else could enter the restaurant except the priest.

in addition……

Why are they not afraid at all, on the contrary, why are they so confident.

Also at this time.

When the two noticed the dagger in the priest's hand, they spoke again:

"It seems that the saying that silver products can deal with western ghosts is correct."

Zhang Wei said something.

As a result, the old man next to him put his index finger and middle finger together, and habitually knocked on Zhang Wei's head, then reacted and said:

"Oh... I forgot again. I used to knock on Jackie Chan's head. I took Zhang Wei as Jackie Chan. Seriously, it is true that silver products can cause damage to Western ghosts, but unless you stab at a deadly place, it cannot cause fatal injuries .”

"So to deal with ghosts, you can't just use a dagger, you have to use magic to defeat magic."


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