As soon as Dad spoke.

Zhang Wei smiled and nodded:

"Then what are you going to do daddy?"

When I came to the restaurant before, after seeing the situation, Zhang Wei blessed the old man with system points, and summoned the old man. Relying on his own strength, he abruptly brought the old man in, not wanting to let anyone go. A chance to pluck the wool.

the other side.

When Zhang Wei opened his mouth to ask Dad, Dad's words were not loud, but the werewolf and everyone else were paying attention to Zhang Wei and them. With the blessing of the Bible page, even if they spoke Chinese, they could hear and understand. Listened to his speech.


The corners of the mouths of the two priests twitched.

You are kidding me, you are Harry Potter, you are still the head of Hogwarts, you still use magic to defeat magic, and you are a big summer, are you sure you can use magic? Anyway, we are priests and can use the Bible Unleash something that looks like magic.

Not just priests.

The werewolf also twitched at the corner of his mouth.

【Ding! The werewolf wants to roll his eyes, this old man is a fool, he uses magic to defeat magic, I am a werewolf, not a half-orc in Lord of the Rings]

[Host obtains system points +60]

I thought about it.

The werewolf looked away from his father and looked at Zhang Wei beside him.

【Ding! The werewolf was suspicious. For a moment just now, I instinctively felt the danger. It shouldn’t be from the crazy old man, it’s probably the young man.]

[Host obtains system points +70]

The werewolf was sure that the young man in front of him gave him a sense of danger, after all, the old man was a fool.

at the same time.

Facing Zhang Wei's words, Dad took out a dried puffer fish and a dried lizard and said:

"use this."

Werewolf: "???"

【Ding! The werewolf was stunned,... Falk? 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

this moment.

Werewolves have a kind of speechlessness, just like a woman disguised as a man to join the army. One day, the aunt came to the battlefield, and the bottom was red. The company commander asked "where are you hurt?" and answered "no, nothing"...

The results of it.

The company commander hurriedly took off his trousers, and said in surprise, "You said you were fine even if you were blown up while riding a horse?"

Regarding the words of the company commander, besides being speechless, he no longer knew what to say.

And this company commander is an old man with dried seafood and fish in one hand and dried lizard in the other. He communicates with people, not at the same level at all.

【Ding! The werewolf really wanted to grab Dad by the collar and yell, so please explain to me what kind of magic is this, huh? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +90]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

The speechless werewolf subconsciously spoke:

"Big Xia people, do you think I am the wolf in the fairy tale 'Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma Wolf'? Do you think werewolves have no brains? There is a limit to insulting ghosts. Do you think I am a fool? This can kill me, I will not be a werewolf today, I will be your watchdog."

The more he talked, the angrier he became, and the werewolf cursed directly.

【Ding! The werewolf is getting angry, you should replace the dried seafood and fish with dried toads, at least toads and lizards look like Mexican cursed shamans]

[Host obtains system points +70]

the other side.

Being questioned and scolded by a werewolf, even though he has a wolf-headed face, let alone a priest present, even ordinary people can see that the werewolf looks at his father like an idiot, and he is almost two strokes away. The words are engraved on the forehead.

Immediately afterwards.

The werewolf and everyone present saw it. The young man next to the old man moved, raised his eyebrows, looked at the werewolf with a strange expression, and immediately spoke fluent English and laughed:

"You're questioning daddy? You're done, Mr. Werewolf."

They didn't know about Dad's personality, but Zhang Wei knew very well that what Dad hated most was when someone questioned him. As long as someone questioned him, Dad would definitely tell him with his strength why Dad was Dad.

next moment.

As Zhang Wei expected.

As his words fell, the old man on the side also said angrily:

"Are you questioning me? Are you trying to fight Dad?"

No further words.

The old man directly picked up the dried puffer fish and dried lizard with both hands, and slowly read to the werewolf:

"Ghosts, goblins, go away, goblins, goblins, go away, goblins, goblins..."


A miraculous scene appeared.

The dried puffer fish and the dried lizard, which still exude a fishy smell in everyone's eyes, emit green light all over their bodies. The light is like a glow like a firefly, shrouding the dried puffer fish and dried lizard, with strange fluctuations faintly .

The light is green and shiny.

Accompanied by the old man chanting, the light became blazing.

This scene.

Everyone was stunned, and there was only one thought left in their minds... Oh my God! ! Mike, Mike, Mike————

【Ding! The werewolf was stunned, the wolf's eyes widened, Falk? ! 】

[Host acquisition system +80]

Relying on his keen ghost instincts, feeling the dangerous fluctuations on the puffer fish, the werewolf was frightened. Even if he didn't believe it before, he believes it now. This old man who is a big Xia is not joking, he really knows... magic !

"Fuck, you are the Great Xia Exorcist?!"

While the werewolf cursed, he turned around and ran out of the restaurant without any hesitation.

The dried puffer fish and dried lizard made him feel the danger of death. If it didn't run away, it would definitely die here.

【Ding! The werewolf was terrified, Ma De, it turned out that the danger to his life that he felt before was not the young man, but the old man, that old man is the real danger]

[Host obtains system points +90]

at the same time.

The old man heard what the werewolf said, and said bluntly:

"What big summer exorcist, father, this is magic, do you understand magic, go away quickly~"

Read the last word.

The dried puffer fish and dried lizard in his hand pointed to the werewolf.


The glowing green awns seem to be alive, converging and shooting out from the stems of the puffer fish and the stems of the lizards.


The werewolf let out a scream.

It reacted very quickly, keeping an eye on Dad. After the light shot out, it immediately reacted and wanted to dodge the light. However, the light was faster and hit its back all of a sudden. The werewolf flew all over his body out.

It exploded with a bang.

The werewolf slammed into the dining table not far away, smashing the solid wooden table to pieces, sending up smoke and dust.

Seeing this, Father Dagger couldn't help enduring the severe pain of the serious injury, gloating and shouting:

"Good!! very good!!!"

can be seen.

The werewolf was not only blasted out, but also his back was hit, his flesh and blood were all over the floor. If you look carefully, there is a hole in the center of his back that is transparent from front to back. The words told the werewolf that this ray of light sent the werewolf away long ago.

At this moment.

The old man raised his finger while holding the puffer fish, and said to the werewolf:

"Have you seen it? Never doubt what your father said."


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