Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 312 Zhang Wei Made A Move, The Werewolf Was Stunned

Dad's leisurely voice came out.

Everyone at the scene subconsciously fell to the werewolf whose back was pierced, and shrank their heads.

The Bible priest even swallowed his saliva, and thought to himself, thank God, it’s a good thing I didn’t laugh at the old man in Daxia just now, it seems that the old man has a bad temper, if he said it, he might be exposed too.

the other side.

The werewolf stared at Papa in horror.

【Ding! The werewolf was terrified. It hurt so much that it wanted to bark, but it couldn't figure out Dad's temper. He was afraid that if he barked, the other party would give him another shot. After all, he just questioned the other party.]

[Host obtains system points +60]

Although the center of the back was pierced, relying on its own strong vitality, the werewolf did not die and could still be saved.

to this end.

The werewolf didn't care about his face, so he hurriedly said:

"Stop, stop, sir, I was wrong, I shouldn't question you, I am a werewolf with blind eyes, you just treat me as a canine, let me go."

As soon as his words came out.

The Bible priest who had just helped up the dagger priest, they were nervous, and hurried to the father:

"This old ghost exorcist from Daxia, don't let that werewolf go, it's not a good ghost, it even killed a person not long ago."

"Old ghost exorcist, that werewolf can't be let go, it's pretending to beg for mercy... Ouch, it hurts."

But the words are not finished yet.

Two head knocking sounds sounded.

The old man didn't care who the other party was at all, he stretched out his index finger and middle finger together, knocked on the heads of the two priests and said:

"Oh, I said it all, I'm not a ghost exorcist."

Although they were hit on the head, the hurting priests both covered their heads, but after seeing the horror of the old man, they quickly responded:

"Okay, sir, what you said is right."

"Yes, yes, sir, you are not a ghost exorcist."

To this.

In addition to nodding, the old man stretched out a finger and said:

"Ah~ there is one more thing!"

The words fell.

The old man reached out and knocked on the heads of the two priests again, and there was a crisp knocking sound:

"Do you think I'm old because I'm old? Dad, I'm not old. I can tell whether werewolves are good or bad."

at this time.

Zhang Wei's voice came:

"Father, that werewolf is going to run away."

Hearing this, the old man took advantage of the situation and looked over, and saw that the werewolf seemed to see that he was teaching the two priests a lesson, and turned around quietly to run away:

"Don't worry Jackie Chan, oh no, Zhang Wei, it can't escape."

next second.

He raised the puffer again and said:

"The demons and ghosts leave quickly, the demons and ghosts leave quickly..."

Yingying's green glow reappeared.

【Ding! The werewolf wants to curse, Cao! Again? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +70]

As the system prompt sounded in my mind for a moment.

Zhang Wei, who was standing not far from his father, felt that the werewolf wanted to tear his eyes apart. In his opinion, if he hadn't reminded him, it might have escaped.


Seeing that I can't run away.

Once again, he was severely injured by his father and pierced through the second wound. Feeling the passing of his own life, the werewolf turned his head and rushed towards Zhang Wei.

【Ding! The werewolf is angry, and it's all you! If it weren't for you, I would have escaped, and even if I were to die, I would have to hold you back! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +80]


Perhaps because of the flashback before his death, the heavily injured werewolf suddenly erupted with terrifying power, his legs bulged, and suddenly exerted force, like an arrow off the string, burst out, pointing directly at Zhang Wei.

It all happened so fast.

Not to mention the guests present, even the two priests did not respond.

When he regained his senses, the werewolf had already rushed in front of Zhang Wei, stretched out his wolf claws that could tear apart steel, and slapped Zhang Wei's head, trying to tear Zhang Wei's head apart.

The distance between Zhang Wei and the werewolf was too close, and the two priests couldn't rush to rescue him, so they could only shout anxiously:

"Little... I am Cao?!"


The word "be careful" just yelled out an English accent, the two priests were stunned, everyone was stunned, even... the werewolf was also stunned.

The werewolf came to Zhang Wei without any hesitation, and took a shot with his claws, but the scene of the broken head and the splashing of brains did not happen. It was clearly shot on the head of the handsome young man in Daxia, but the young man Nothing.


He also stretched out his hand and grabbed the werewolf's neck, and then lifted it like a chicken.

"Mr. Werewolf? Are you going to kill me?"

for a while.

A strange and shocking picture appeared in front of everyone.

A young man was slapped on the left side of his head by a terrifying and powerful werewolf with its wolf claws. As a result, not to mention his head, he didn't even lose a single hair. However, the werewolf was picked up by the young man, and he responded calmly. .

【Ding! Werewolves are sluggish, my cao? ! fine? ! how can that be. 】

[Host obtains system points +90]

The werewolf was shocked.

It knows very well how sharp its wolf claws are, and how strong the force is, even alloys can be shredded, and the force has reached more than a thousand catties. When it hits a human head, it is definitely like a stone hitting a watermelon. The watermelon bursts into pieces! .

【Ding! The werewolf was in a daze, why didn't this young man from Daxia have anything to say? The key is if you don’t smash your head, you should have a concussion anyway, why are you still talking so calmly]

[Host obtains system points +80]

The werewolf didn't have time to think about it, feeling the suffocation coming from his neck, his bewilderment turned into panic.

The big Xia youth in front of him was too scary, the strength of that hand was terrifying, even though it was rough and fleshy, it was almost suffocated, and it felt like the spine on his neck was about to be cut off abruptly.

"no, do not want……"

The werewolf tried hard to scratch Zhang Wei's hand pinching his neck with its wolf claws.

It's a pity that no matter how much it scratches, it almost scratches out sparks, but it still can't hurt Zhang Wei a single bit. It seems that the person pinching him is not a human being, but a humanoid creature made of diamonds.

【Ding! The werewolf wants to cry, Ma De, I seem to have made a mistake. The danger I felt before was not the old man at all, but this young man. What kind of monster is he?]

[Host obtains system points +90]

If it weren't for being strangled, plus the pain of being strangled, the werewolf would almost cry. He thought that old man was terrible, but now it seems that compared to the old man, this young man is more terrifying, and his strength is even more terrifying. The old man is magical Defeat magic, but what about youth? Straightforward and tough.

at the same time.

The priest and other people in the restaurant were also stunned, staring at Zhang Wei in a daze.

Seeing that Zhang Wei was scratched by the crazy wolf claws of the werewolf, there was nothing wrong with them. They felt like they were dreaming. Is this horse a human?

"Mom, why is that person different from us? Why can't a werewolf hurt him? Is he any different from us?"

It was a little blond girl who spoke, she grabbed her mother's clothes and murmured.

In fact.

Not only the little girl, but other people are equally puzzled.

"Why is this happening? Why is this young man from Daxia all right? Isn't he a human being? Apart from his skin color, the only difference seems to be his nationality. Is it true that Daxia people are born with stronger bones than people from other countries?"

"is it possible?"

"It's not impossible. I remember that Daxia has a word called head iron. Maybe it means that Daxia people have a hard head."

"I think it's very possible, because there has been a saying in Daxia's records since ancient times, it's called... born with amazing bones."


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