Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 313 Priest: Daxia Exorcist Is Really Fierce

Not knowing who it was, many people thought it made sense to say that sentence of natural bones is amazing. After all, isn’t everyone in Daxia knows Kung Fu? They Daxia people claim to be kung fu, or they just want to keep fit. For example, Bruce Lee has Said.

They were thinking about it when a voice interrupted their thoughts.

That was Zhang Wei. After he grabbed the werewolf's neck and lifted it up, the werewolf got scared and begged him for mercy. Zhang Wei smiled slightly at this and said:

"No what?"

"No, don't kill me..."

The werewolf hurriedly responded, even though he was almost speechless after being pinched, he yelled loudly.

Zhang Wei heard the words and said:

"That can't be done, Mr. Werewolf, you don't know, I'm very kind, let Dad deal with you, after all, Dad's magic is softer, and mine is more rough."

【Ding! The corner of the werewolf's mouth twitched, you are right, why do I want to scold people so much, you call it rude? If you step on a horse, that’s madness, okay?]

[Host obtains system points +60]

at this time.

Zhang Wei pinched the werewolf's neck and said:

"Well, for the sake of the first time I met a werewolf, let me give you a choice. Do you choose to be dealt with by the old man, or choose to be dealt with by me?"

Werewolf: "...≈..."

【Ding! there a third option?]

[Host obtains system points +70]

In order to survive, the werewolf finally bit the bullet and said:

"Are there any other options, can I choose something else?"


As soon as Zhang Wei's words came out, the werewolf was taken aback for a moment, and then his wolf eyes lit up.

【Ding! Werewolf surprise, I Cao! Is there really a third option?]

[Host obtains system points +80]


Under the werewolf's inquiry, Zhang Wei responded slowly:

"Because you hit me on the head just now. I don't like being taken advantage of by others. As long as you let me hit you back, I'll let you go. How about it?"

【Ding! The corner of the werewolf's mouth twitched, you stepped on the horse...]

[Host obtains system points +90]


After thinking about the battle between heaven and man for a while, the werewolf chose the third option. There is no way, the first two are impossible to survive, and the third option still has a chance.

Also for this.

The two priests were in a hurry and wanted to persuade Zhang Wei, but they were hit twice on the head by the father:

"Oh, why do you two keep interrupting others? I'm an old bone, Zhang Wei is such a doll, do you know how to respect the old and love the young?"

The two priests covered their heads, and the corners of their mouths twitched... old man? Child? you sure?


The priest of the Bible wanted to say something, but no words came out.

boom! ! !

A dull sound exploded.

Blood and brains splattered, and some of them splashed directly on the faces of the Bible priest and the others.

Feeling the heat splashed on their faces, they subconsciously reached out to touch it, and then looked at the warm liquid on their hands. After a look, they recognized what it was, it was blood.

Can't help it.

They followed the sound, and their pupils dilated instantly.


The werewolf held in the hands of the Daxia youth, although his body is still the same as before, his back is bloody and bloody, with two holes pierced in the center, there is no change, but looking up... the head of the werewolf is gone.


They read it right, the werewolf's head was gone, and it became a headless corpse being held by the young man of Daxia.

see this.

Even if they didn't see what happened just now, but seeing Zhang Wei's other hand, covered with blood and brains, they could imagine what happened. The other hand slapped the werewolf's head to pieces. .

And it is.

The surrounding guests were dumbfounded. The werewolf, who was almost invulnerable to swords and guns in front of the two priests and could only be hurt by silver products, was slapped by the young man of Daxia casually, and his head exploded like a balloon. A few pieces swirled around.

at the same time.

Zhang Wei didn't pay attention to the priest and everyone's eyes, and his attention was on the notification sound in his mind.

That was the moment the werewolf was photographed, feeling the huge force on his cheek.

【Ding! The werewolf wanted to curse before dying, fuck, I’m gone]

[Host obtains system points +90]

Throwing away the werewolf corpse casually, Zhang Wei glanced at the blood and pieces of Tianling Gai everywhere, and looked at the priest with a smile.

This look.

Almost scared the two priests out of their bodies.

At this time, Zhang Wei's face was covered with werewolf blood, and his previous horrific performance and bloody smile were comparable to the terror of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre lying on the window of his home in the middle of the night.

"Sorry for messing up the place."

Zhang Wei said.

Hearing this, the two priests quickly shook their heads to express that it was all right, just joking, if Zhang Wei hadn't been there, the blood on the ground would have been theirs.

"This gentleman, and this old gentleman, thank you for your help."

Since the old man knocked on them before and said that he was not a ghost exorcist, they thought that the other party did not want to reveal their identities, so they could only simply thank Zhang Wei.

"You're welcome, it's easy."

Zhang Wei waved his blood-stained hands and smiled modestly.

The corners of the mouths of the two priests twitched, what you said... is indeed 'easy to do'


After a few words, Zhang Wei didn't plan to stay for a long time, he was here to travel, and now that the wool was collected, there was no need to stay here, so he found a reason to leave.

the other side.

Watching off Zhang Wei.

The biblical priest hesitated to speak:

"Fry, are we really not going to ask for the names of those two people? How should the report be written?"

Whether it is the Daxia Weidao Department or foreign ghost exorcism organizations, according to the rules, ghost exorcists have to write reports after dealing with supernatural events, and Zhang Wei's participation in this supernatural event naturally needs his information, at least his name.

The dagger priest looked over and couldn't laugh or cry:

"What are you asking? It's not like you didn't see how fierce the old man Daxia was, he took a seafood freeze-dried and beat the werewolf like that, and the young man of Daxia beat the werewolf to death."

"Do you think we dare to ask? Our heads are not as hard as werewolves."

He said Youyou looked in the direction Zhang Wei left and said:

"Actually, it's okay if you don't ask their names. Let's not talk about the young man of Daxia, just the old man of Daxia. The methods he uses are very special, and his identity can be easily found out through his methods."

"Even if we can't find out by his means, didn't he say a name, Jackie Chan, we can find out his identity through Jackie Chan."

The biblical priest nodded:

"That's right. Having said that, Da Xia's ghost exorcist is really fierce."

Father Dagger couldn't help agreeing when he heard it:

"That's right, my God, I didn't even dare to think about fighting werewolves with hand-to-hand combat. To be honest, I doubt it. There are many ghost exorcists in Daxia who are as strong as that young man."

"Why do you say that?"

The biblical priest wondered.

Father Dagger didn't hide anything, and replied:

"What? Don't you know, something happened in the Sakura Kingdom recently. It is said that Cao Cao's descendants appeared in the Sakura Kingdom. He is a ghost exorcist, and he is very powerful. He made Cao Cao's generals into shikigami. .”

"His shikigami easily killed king-level ghosts, and Cao Cao's descendants are also very fierce, able to physically resist the samurai swords condensed by ghosts."

"My God, so powerful?!"

Biblical priest shocked.


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