Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 319 My God, You Must Be Taking Drugs

The system prompt sounds.

The vampire also pointed at his female partner, but before he could curse out the words in his heart, he felt a burst of pain and spit out another mouthful of blood.

And this time.

Its blood is pitch black, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a symptom of poisoning.

The female companion next to me also saw this scene, and she was so frightened that her white butt suddenly fell to the ground duang and bounced very fleshy, but this is not the point, the point is that the female companion was terrified and watched in horror. The vampire, then glanced at the black blood on the ground.

She froze.

What's going on? Why is he vomiting blood? His blood is so dark.


I didn't poison it.

While thinking about it, she hurriedly explained:

"No, I didn't poison you, are you okay, my God, what's going on with your chirp, how did you become like this..."

Before she could finish speaking, the vampire's voice interrupted her.

"Fake!! Shut up!! You bastard, do you think you can cover up your pussy by pretending to be poisonous!"

in words.

The vampire had a stern look on his face, stood up in pain, and said fiercely:

"You are so ruthless, you actually put poison there."

As soon as his words came out.

The girlfriend was completely dumbfounded.

ah? !

What? !

I'm poisonous? Are you kidding me? ?


Before the female companion could figure out the situation, the next second she saw a scene she would never forget.

Right in front of her, the beautiful European and American man who haunted her in her dreams gradually became so ferocious that his face was deformed... No! It was really deformed, it became ugly, and it grew fangs.

", quickly give me the antidote!!! Cough cough cough..."

The vampire roared and coughed blood, no longer hiding, revealing his true body.

Can't blink.

His body changed suddenly, from a handsome man to a ferocious one with sharp teeth, like the terrifying appearance of those bat gargoyles in western architecture, and bat wings that looked like statues grew out of his back.

in its view.

It is impossible for the other party to kill him with poison for no reason. He is sure that the other party is a ghost exorcist and recognized his identity as a vampire, but he couldn't beat him, so he used this despicable (forced) method to kill himself.

【Ding! The vampire is coughing up blood crazily, it’s so painful, what kind of poison is this, no, I must get the antidote quickly, or I’m going to die]

[Host obtains system points +60]

The vampire was terrified.

He found that as he transformed, his condition declined even worse. The burning sensation spread from his mouth to his whole body, burning his whole body. He knew that if he didn't get the antidote, he couldn't last long. He will... die!

at the same time.

Looking at the beautiful man who turned into a vampire in front of her, her female companion was terrified and yelled out in horror:

"Ah!!!! Strange, monster?!"

Although she has never seen a vampire.

But she had never seen a pig running, and had eaten pork, so she recognized the appearance of a vampire, which was very similar to the vampire statues on the four corners of the eaves of western buildings. This is a vampire monster.

She was terrified.

It never occurred to me that the handsome man was a vampire.

It's a pity that I don't have time to think about it now. I was riding a vampire hard just now. She fell to the ground and kept kicking back:

"Don't come over, help!!"

"You are still pretending to be on the horse, cough, hurry, cough, give me the antidote..."

The vampire roared, and stepped forward with a step, his hand with sharp nails stretched out to grab his female partner.

Same time.

He kept coughing up blood from his mouth, although his appearance looked ferocious, but his face and breath were sluggish no matter what he looked at, as if he was dying of illness.


When his hand reached a centimeter away from the front of his female companion, he stopped.


The vampire fell to the ground with a bang, gasping for breath in pain, breathing in and out, dying, looking at the female companion who was close at hand, but one centimeter seemed far away:

"Here, give me the antidote."

【Ding! The vampire is in pain, am I going to die, I never thought that one day I would die like this]

[Host obtains system points +80]

The system prompt sounds.

The vampire who fell to the ground and was still stretching out his hand looked at the naked female companion in front of him, then fell powerlessly and hit the ground.

This scene.

It looked weird.

A woman in white fell down on the ground, with her legs spread out in a kicking posture, and directly in front of her, a terrifying vampire monster was staring straight at the ground, and she didn't know whether she was looking at a wall or a person, or Both.

Then the next second.

Boom! !

The terrifying vampire's body toxin reached its limit, starting from Ji'er, and then the whole body exploded, turning into blood mist.

【Ding! The vampire watched his female companion die with reluctance, and visited countless flower bushes. Unexpectedly, one day, I would be fucked to death by...]

[Host obtains system points +90]

The female companion was stunned.

Looking at the vampire that had turned into blood mist, the female companion was stunned, she didn't have time to care about the blood splashing all over her body, just stared blankly, her mind froze for a while.

She is not stupid.

Through the words of the vampire before, combined with the situation of the vampire I saw before, even if I was in a daze, I knew what was going on.

Think about it.

The female companion subconsciously looked down, looked at the black hole below and murmured, then raised her head to look at the place where the vampire died in front of her, and after a while she came back to her senses and said in surprise:

"My wall can poison vampires? my wall so powerful..."

The words fell.

She was once again shocked in place by the truth.

I didn't expect that.

I never thought of it.

Does he still have such a potential ability? If he hadn't met a vampire, he would not have discovered that he still has the ability to 'hunt' vampires.

Thinking back to what I have seen before, the plots in those magical American dramas, such as vampire hunters and so on.

She was stunned.

Could it be...

A vampire hunter in your blood? Had vampire hunters in your family before? So your own body can kill vampires?

The more she thought about it, the more she couldn't help it, she picked up the phone and called home:

"Mom! Is our family a descendant of Van Helsing vampire hunters, has there been a vampire hunter, or is our family a vampire hunter? Tell me quickly, I already know the truth, I just met a vampire, you can't hide it me."

She spoke excitedly and incoherently.

The mother of the girlfriend on the phone: "????"

"Baby, what are you talking about? What Van Helsing vampire hunter? Damn, are you on drugs again!"

"I'm not on drugs, Mom, I met a vampire just now, but I just fucked it, really fucked it, I killed the vampire with my batch."


The female companion didn't hide it, and excitedly told her experience just now.

Girlfriend mother: "????"

I was stunned for a long time.

The voice of the female companion's mother came from the phone:

"What are you crazy about, vampire hunter? Murder vampires? My God, damn it, you must be on drugs, come back to me immediately, I've called rehab, put me in rehab! !"


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