Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 320 Zhang Chao, You Are... A Bamboo Shoot

Night fell.

In Hawaii, a global hotel chain, in a high-end restaurant.

at this time.

It's been half a day since the vampires. After dealing with the vampires, Zhang Wei came here to eat. Since he had the first prize drawn by his mother, he was free of food and lodging in the hotel, so he unceremoniously ordered the last one in the hotel. Expensive food.

Also for this.

He rejected Liz's dinner invitation, and came here to eat, firstly, he had to take advantage of the advantages, and save Liz's expenses, and secondly, he was afraid that Liz would be too enthusiastic, and he would not be able to visit the night view of Hawaii tonight.

"Hey, the food here has a special flavor, yes, but the amount is too small."

Zhang Wei placed a delicate piece of pastry on the plate, inserted it with a knife and fork, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Although Western food also pays attention to the taste, color, flavor and taste, but it also pays attention to expensive and not expensive. Basically, a dish can be finished in a few bites, which is not enough for Zhang Wei to stuff his teeth. He ordered a lot of dishes and chewed carefully. Swallow slowly and eat for hours before barely being full.

"It would be great if there were more servings. Unfortunately, the West is all about high-end, just for the taste. No wonder many rich people in the West are skinny. After a few mouthfuls of food, they can't eat it." If you are full, the more you eat, the smaller your appetite, how can you be fat."

As Zhang Wei said, he picked up his mobile phone, ready to order some more food, and then went out for a stroll.

Click on WeChat.

Originally, he planned to chat with Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue, but considering that he was in class today and the end of the term was coming, there must be papers and so on, so he gave up the idea:

"When you go back, come and find them in person, huh?"

talking to himself.

Zhang Wei suddenly let out a small sigh, and was attracted by a WeChat discussion group in the WeChat chat column.

It was a discussion group named 'Super Fearless', and there were only three people. They were Zhang Wei, Zhang Chao, and Wu Nian. They were created by Zhang Chao in his free time. After all, Wu Nian is in Mount Wutai now. Zhang Wei is in Luxia City.

can be seen.

Now the number of chats in the discussion group is 99+. It is precisely because of the number of chats that Zhang Wei has attracted attention. This is the first time since the establishment of the group. Most of them are private chatting with each other.

【Zhang Wei】: What are you guys talking about so much, I don’t even bother to check the chat history.

[Zhang Chao]: Zhang came just in time for you.

[Wu Nian]: Amitabha, Zhang Wei, aren't you on vacation in Hawaii, why don't you have time to play with your phone.

【Zhang Wei】: What's wrong, Zhang Chao

[Zhang Wei]: Wu Nian, haha, I’m eating now, and the high-end restaurants here serve food slowly, so I just look at my phone.

[Zhang Chao]: We are talking about their dormitory temple building in Mount Wutai.

[Zhang Chao]: I don’t know Zhang Wei, do you know, that is, the houses in each temple are very important to the monks, and they have to give the houses a name, which follows the ancient tradition.

【Zhang Wei】: I know this, like in the imperial palace, this place is called the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and this place is the womb of a certain concubine or something.

[Zhang Chao]: That's right, that's right.

[Zhang Chao]: Didn't Wu Nian's dormitory building be bombarded by Sen Luosi? Recently, the construction has started and is about to be completed, and the speed is very fast. Then you know, you need to name this dormitory temple building. Their elders let Wu Nian take it.

[Zhang Chao]: Who let Wu Nian have the highest reputation in their temple, the younger generation.

[Zhang Chao]: Wu Nian and I are now discussing the name of their dormitory temple building.

[Wu Nian]: Amitabha, the little monk has never been good at naming names, and once the name of this dormitory temple is chosen, it will basically not be changed unless the building is bombed. For example, the main hall of Wutai Mountain has not been changed since its establishment.

[Wu Nian]: So the little monk asked Zhang Chao to discuss the name.

[Zhang Chao]: Haha, Zhang Wei, don’t think that Wu Nian’s small brain is so good, arguing with people about Buddhism is called a quack killing, but the name, he looks like an imbecile, you know he recently had a relationship with that online partner Ah, got a dog together.

[Zhang Chao]: Guess what he named the dog?

【Zhang Wei】: What is it called? But Wu Nian, you can do it, you actually raised a dog with Xia Mei, the next step is to raise a child? funny face jpg

[Wu Nian]: Amitabha, don't talk nonsense, the reason why the little monk proposed to keep a dog is because he is afraid that the benefactor Xia Mei will always pester the little monk, and it is impossible for the little monk to be with her, so raising a dog can distract the benefactor Xia Mei.

[Zhang Chao]: Wu Nian, I can understand that you let a dog divert Xia Mei's attention from you. You actually think that you are not as good as a dog. After all, a dog can draw Xia Mei's attention away from you. Hammer bed board jpg

[Wu Nian]: ...

【Zhang Wei】: Zhang Chao, you... take the bamboo shoots, hahahahahahahahahahaha

【Zhang Wei】: I guess Wu Nian will feel uncomfortable. If Xia Meizhen is distracted because of a dog, then Wu Nian, with your face, I think it would be better if you lost the bet.

[Zhang Chao]: So here comes the question, Wu Nian, what breed of dog did you buy? Chinese pastoral dog? Or a husky? Or Teddy?

[Wu Nian]: Amitabha, don't pay attention to the little monks, let's talk about the name of the dormitory temple.

【Zhang Wei】: What does your temple look like? Generally, names for buildings are either poetic or picturesque, or are chosen according to the appearance or use of the building. You are a temple, so you must not be poetic, so you choose it according to the appearance and use of the building.


Wu Nian sent a lot of photos, which were from their temple dormitory building.

[Zhang Chao]: I have to say, Wu Nian, you built this building in Wutai Mountain. It is really beautiful. Not only can people live in it, but there is also a cafeteria on the first floor. This is a good balance between food and lodging. Don’t worry about not having supper at night.

[Wu Nian]: I’m sorry. Actually, this is what I thought of. The main reason is that the brothers and sisters of the younger generation are still growing their bodies, and they will certainly do so in the future. There is a small cafeteria.

[Wu Nian]: And according to the suggestion provided by Xia Mei's benefactor, the little monk plans to let other brothers be in charge of this small cafeteria every week, and cook different special foods every week, so as to prevent the brothers from getting tired of vegetarian dishes.

[Wu Nian]: So Zhang Wei, what do you think is a better name for this.

[Zhang Wei]: Hearing what you said, I thought of a name, but I don't know if I should mention it or not.

[Zhang Chao]: Tell me!

[Wu Nian]: Amitabha, Zhang will tell you about it.

【Zhang Wei】: I was thinking, since this is a temple building, it can also serve delicious food, so it should be called "Crazy Week Temple". , can make people get up early.

accompanied by its message.

Zhang Wei noticed that the group fell silent for several seconds.

next second.

[Zhang Chao]: Fuck, hahahaha, Zhang Chao, let me give you the bamboo shoots in my hand, compared to the bamboo shoots, you are the real bamboo shoots, hahahaha

[Wu Nian]: This name...

【Zhang Wei】: I'm serious, okay? The name is very attractive. Maybe it can be turned into a tourist attraction in Wutai Mountain in the future, attracting tourists. Let tourists visit Wutai Mountain and live and eat monks OK, develop new tourism projects for Mount Wutai.

【Zhang Wei】: Think about it, does this name bring its own traffic? When tourists hear it, I, Cao, does Wutai Mountain also have "Crazy Thursday"? It's not fast, oh, yes, maybe you can contact KFC and Wutai Mountain Do a joint event.

[Zhang Chao]: Don't say it, I am a fan of KFC and Wutaishan. I express the ecstasy of the two chefs.

[Zhang Chao]: But to be reasonable, what Zhang Wei said makes sense. This name can really attract traffic to Mount Wutai, and you also mentioned Wu Nian.

[Zhang Chao]: You set up a Crazy Weekly Temple, and then set up a place where you can stay with guests, experience the food, accommodation and transportation of Wutai Mountain monks, and then have a KFC joint event, get some kind of Duck Monk toy, I Cao, this passenger flow The amount does not come slowly.

【Zhang Wei】: That's what I mean. When the traffic comes, you can earn a lot of money in Mount Wutai, and even more incense money. You can better offer incense tributes to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. It kills two birds with one stone.

【Zhang Wei】: Maybe there will be extra money to repair other houses in the temple.

[Zhang Chao]: I agree.

[Zhang Chao]: Talking about Wu Nian, why don’t you tell Zhang Wei what Zhang Wei said, talk to your brothers, and discuss with them, I think this plan is good, hahaha.

[Wu Nian]: ... Amitabha, stop singing together, this name is inappropriate for this little monk.

[Wu Nian]: But you have reminded me, this is not something that I can decide, but also the opinions of my brothers and sisters. After all, they will also live here in the future, so I... go and ask them.


Wu Nian went to the brothers and sisters and told Zhang Wei's naming plan.

first timing.

The brothers and sisters were stunned, and then many people were about to reject this plan on the spot, but after hearing that they could earn a lot of incense, attract pilgrims, etc., and make money to eat all kinds of delicious food, etc., many of them stopped opened mouth.

the other side.

Zhang Wei didn't know about Wu Nian's situation, and was talking to Zhang Chao:

[Zhang Chao]: By the way, how is Zhang Wei doing in Hawaii, is there a lot of big waves, hehehe.

【Zhang Wei】: To be honest, I haven't been to the beach yet.

[Zhang Chao]:? ? ?

[Zhang Chao]: Are you kidding me? Didn't you go to Hawaii in the morning? It's late at night. You've been in Hawaii for at least half a day, and you haven't been to Hawaii yet? What the hell is going on with you?

【Zhang Wei】: You're right, I've gone to hell.

[Zhang Chao]: Fuck, is it true or not?

[Zhang Wei]: Really, you are the one who curses in the morning, you bastard, what are you talking about, you don't know that I met two ghosts this day, a werewolf and a vampire.

[Zhang Chao]: Ah, well, I don't take this blame, I just said it casually, and I not only mentioned you, but also Wu Nian, but you are the only one who has something to do, and Wu Nian is fine, stubborn jpg

[Zhang Chao]: To sum up, it’s not me who cursed you, it’s you who is a moron, yes, that’s right.

The two chattered for a while, chattering back and forth.

For a long time.

Zhang Wei froze for a moment, seemed to think of something, and sent a message to Zhang Chao.

【Zhang Wei】: Zhang Chao, have you noticed something?

[Zhang Chao]: What's the matter? Are you moldy? Yes, I found out.

【Zhang Wei】: The q version of Leo Fei kicks jpg, I'm fucking you, I'm not talking about this, I mean, did you find out, why Wu Nian hasn't replied until now, it's been a while, right? Discuss it with the brothers, it's time to discuss it.

After sending the information.

Zhang Wei looked at his phone.

It was almost half an hour before Wu Nian went to discuss with his senior brother.

It stands to reason that it's just a plan, and there are so many seniors, it's unlikely that they won't be able to give an answer in half an hour.


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