Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 321 Amitabha, Isn't The Tathagata Of Arms? What Kind Of God Did Zhang Wei Give You?

[Zhang Chao]: Uh, it seems to be true.

After being reminded by Zhang Wei, Zhang Chao also reacted and noticed that Wu Nian hadn't responded for a long time.


The reaction is the reaction, but Zhang Chao didn't take it to heart.

[Zhang Chao]: Don't you want to say that Wu Nian hasn't come back for so long, you must have encountered a ghost, shit, how is that possible, troublemaker! Don't slander me!

[Zhang Chao]: I suspect that Wu Nian wanted to reply after discussing with his seniors, but Xia Mei pulled him to have a supper. I chatted with Wu Nian before, and it was the same.

[Zhang Chao]: Now that I think about it, it hurts. In the middle of the night, I was told by Wu Nian... Amitabha, Lord Xia Mei asked the little monk to eat supper. Don't talk anymore. The little monk went to eat supper first. This dog food is for me. , Shet!

Look at the message sent by Zhang Chao.

Zhang Wei had just finished reading, and he hadn't had time to type a reply yet.

next second.

No thought appeared.

[Wu Nian]: Amitabha, I'm sorry, I'm only responding to your message now.

[Zhang Chao]: Look, Wu Nian is here, Wu Nian, what are you doing, did you go to eat supper with Xia Mei, why it took so long to discuss a plan.

【Zhang Wei】: Same question.

[Wu Nian]: Amitabha, no, the little monk is indeed going to find almsgiver Xia Mei, but it is not for supper, but because something happened, and the plan is put aside for the time being.

[Wu Nian]: By the way, Zhang Chao, have you arrived in Sanjin City now? If you arrive, the monk will give you an address, and you should come and meet him as soon as possible.


Seeing the message from Wu Nian, Zhang Wei frowned.

He was talking to Zhang Chao before, but he knew that after Zhang Chao knew that he was going to Hawaii this morning, after dealing with the supernatural incident with Zhang Mei, he asked for two days off to go and play with Wu Nian, to see if he could go to Sanjin The city meets a beautiful woman or something.

And now Zhang Chao is getting off the plane, on his way to Sanjin City by car.


Why did Wu Nian ask this all of a sudden and ask Zhang Chao to meet up as soon as possible?

Combined with what Wu Nian said just now.

Zhang Wei sent a message.

【Zhang Wei】: Wu Nian, why do you ask such a question, what happened?

[Wu Nian]: The little monk received the notification just now. I don’t know if it was Sen Luosi’s glasses or which ghost force. It seems that there is a ghost king appearing, and besides the ghost king, there are many ghosts. Arrived at the Department of Health for support.

[Wu Nian]: There may be a lot of ghosts, and the number of exorcists in Sanjin City's Weidaosi resident is not enough to deal with them, so the little monk just summoned his brothers and sisters to rush over

[Wu Nian]: The matter is a bit urgent, where the ghost king appears, not only the benefactor Xia Mei is there, but also many citizens.

[Wu Nian]: So the little monk wants Zhang Chao to come over quickly and join the ranks of support.

These messages came with Wu Nian.

Zhang Wei understood right away, no wonder Wu Nian was in a hurry and kept silent until now, it was a large-scale spiritual event.


This also involves Xia Mei, who is now in the haunted place.

[Zhang Chao]: Fuck, you didn’t say it earlier, I’m rushing over now, no, I’m in Sanjin City right now, instead of rushing to your side, wouldn’t it be faster to go to Xia Mei’s side?

[Wu Nian]: Amitabha, it should be faster for you to go to Lord Xia Mei, but have you forgotten what the little monk said, there is a ghost king there.

[Wu Nian]: I have heard Captain Zhang Mei say, Zhang Chao, your strength has increased recently, and you can fight against top ghosts a few times, but you can't deal with ghost kings.

No thought message sent.


Zhang Wei, who was far away in Hawaii, raised a smile and quickly sent a message.

【Zhang Wei】: Not necessarily.

Also at this time.

[Zhang Chao]: Yes, that is not necessarily the case.

Once the message is sent.

I saw Zhang Chao who was far away in Sanjin City, he was holding a 1:1 scale figure of Ba La La Xiao Moxian. When he finished sending the message, he glanced at the Ba La La Xiao Mo in his arms fairy.

[Wu Nian]:? ?

Wu Nian who didn't know the truth was stunned.

Why is Zhang Chao so confident, and even Zhang Wei said that, and said it earlier than Zhang Chao...huh? Could it be...

[Wu Nian]: Amitabha, Zhang Chao, do you have the Bodhisattva photo enshrined by Zhang Wei?

[Zhang Chao]: Yes, I have a top-notch gift from Zhang Wei, but it is not a photo of a Bodhisattva, but it can be considered a fairy.

[Wu Nian]: Amitabha, is that... the light of the Tathagata of Arms Fire?

Wu Nian thought that when he was in the Northeast, Zhang Wei told him that he also enshrines the Tathagata of the Western Heaven Army and 98k Arhats, and Zhang Wei enshrines the gods, and he must be able to kill ghost kings, so why should he also have the Tathagata?

But the idea just came out.

[Zhang Chao]: It's not the Tathagata of Arms.

[Wu Nian]: Amitabha, what kind of god did Zhang Wei give you?

In the face of unintentional inquiries.

Zhang Chao smiled and replied with a message:

[Zhang Chao]: Ba la la Xiao Moxian.

next second.

[Wu Nian]:? ? ? ? ?

It is also at this time.

While Wu Nian was in a daze, Zhang Wei sent a message.

【Zhang Wei】: Speaking of Zhang Chao, you have discovered it now.

[Zhang Chao]: What did you find? Pretending to be deaf and dumb jpg

【Zhang Wei】: I found out that Wu Nian is going to exorcise ghosts now, doesn't that mean that he is going to see ghosts now.

【Zhang Wei】: Look! ! Damn Wu Nian, you still said that you are not a crow's mouth! !

[Zhang Chao]: Nonsense! You are slandering! Be careful I sue you for slander, this is just a coincidence, otherwise you tell me why Wu Nian saw a ghost, and I will follow him, and I still have to see a lot of ghosts.

【Zhang Wei】: Do you need to explain it? You cursed too much, and now you are backlashed.

After saying this.

Zhang Wei also posted a piece of content in which a person was laughing wildly and said, "Hey, hey, I didn't expect that, you son of a bitch!" ’ GIF.

Immediately afterwards.

[Wu Nian]: Amitabha, what are you talking about? Why can't the little monk understand? What the hell is that little monk, Crow's Mouth?

To this.

Zhang Wei told about Zhang Chao chatting with him this morning.

[Zhang Wei]: Wu Nian, do you think Zhang Chao is a crow's mouth? Hit him with me! hate him jpg

[Zhang Chao]: Nie Yi, don't provoke my deep friendship with Wu Nian, hetuijpg

[Zhang Chao]: Believe it or not, I will start cursing you right now.

【Zhang Wei】: Oh, boy, what you said, I'm so scared, but I don't mind you cursing me, anyway, I'm in Hawaii now, something happened, and it's not our Daxia territory, hahahahaha, crazy jpg


While fighting with Zhang Wei, Zhang Chao stopped a passing taxi and rushed to the place where the King of Ghosts haunts.

As a staff member of the Department of Health and Dao, even though Zhang Chao usually does nothing, but when he encounters a supernatural event that endangers the people, especially his good brother and wife, he dare not be careless, and hurriedly stops the car to go.


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