Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 323 That's Our Childhood Memories, Ba La La Little Demon Fairy

The screams were loud, and as the sound rang out, screams came out one after another, which could be heard even in this busy city, which attracted the attention of Xia Mei and many others.

"What happened?"

Xia Mei looked forward and saw the crowd surging ahead, many of them were going forward.

"Go and have a look."

Out of curiosity, Xia Mei and the other three girls looked at each other, thinking that there was something lively going on, since this is a busy city after all.


They arrived at the crowded place, took a closer look, and changed their expressions, and the timid jk girl screamed out in fright.


The crowd formed a big circle, and in that circle lay a bloody and headless corpse, whose head was nowhere to be seen, blood spattered all over the ground, the scene was extremely tragic.

What kind of lively thing happened here? It was clearly a murder case, and through the conversations of the people around them, they quickly found out that just now, this headless corpse fell from the building beside them.

"Did something chop off that end? It looks like it was bitten."

It was the girl in jeans who spoke.

She is a medical student. After seeing the corpse, she was not as scared as the jk girl. Instead, she looked carefully and noticed the severed head of the headless corpse. It didn't look like it was chopped off by someone or something Down, the incisions are uneven, more like bite marks...


This bite mark doesn't look like an animal, it's more like a human bite mark.

The girl in jeans didn't hide anything. While telling Xia Mei and her guess, she was a little confused:

"Is that a human bite mark? It's strange, how is this possible, but the bite mark is from a primate no matter what, how can a primate bite off a person's head in one bite?"

in words.

The girl in jeans was about to step forward and take a closer look.

But at this time.

Xia Mei grabbed the other party, with a solemn face, pulling the two of them away from here:

"Don't look, let's get out of here first."

"Ah? Let's take a look again. It's not a big deal. We are all medical students. This is not a good time for an on-site internship."

"That's you and Xia Mei, I'm studying anesthesia."

The jk girl said, and then looked at Xia Mei aside, her doubts were not concealed in her eyes:

"Xia Mei, what's wrong with you? You won't be afraid, shouldn't you? You watched bloody movies before, and the scenes were even more exaggerated than this, so I don't see you afraid."

"I'm not afraid of this corpse."

Xia Mei hurriedly pulled the two of them, while speaking, she glanced at a bracelet of Buddhist beads on her wrist.

Although the bracelet of Buddha beads looks ordinary and made of sandalwood, only Xia Mei knows that the bracelet is extraordinary, it was given to her by Wu Nian for her body protection, and at the moment the bracelet also produced a kind of warmth, and Wu Nian told her However, if the bracelet shows a warm reaction, it means that there are... dirty things around.

Combined with the bite marks of the headless corpse judged by friends, and the tragic condition of the headless corpse, Xia Mei couldn't allow her to think about it.

Most likely.

Do not!

This is definitely not a murder case. There is a ghost nearby. It not only kills people, gnaws off people's heads, but also blatantly throws people's bodies down.

Thinking of this, Xia Mei's heart beat wildly, and subconsciously wanted to pull her friend away from the building next door where the headless corpse fell:

"Follow me quickly, I will explain the situation to you later, hurry up! This is not a murder case, you just follow me first."

Xia Mei said hurriedly.

The two girls in jeans were not stupid, although they didn't know what was going on with Xia Mei, they still followed Xia Mei and left here quickly.

Just when they are away from the crowd.

"Xia Mei, what's wrong with you, it's because you saw the murderer."

Then the girl in jeans asked.

Xia Mei shook her head:

"Didn't I see the murderer? That corpse wasn't murdered at all. That's..."


"Ghosts, there are ghosts."


Shouts of panic exploded from the crowd behind without warning, and Xia Mei's voice stopped abruptly.


The three of Xia Mei and the others looked back, their pupils shrank suddenly, and their faces turned pale with fright.


Behind that, the crowd was in a mess, fleeing in all directions in panic, the scene was chaotic, many people ran towards them, trying to stay away from the crowd, but this was not the reason for their panic, but the fact that the crowd several figures.

They were a few people exuding a chilly ghostly aura, one with half of his head broken, one with half of his body mutilated with blood, and one with only human skin remaining on his chin. It's like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, grabbing the fleeing person casually, biting off the person's head, chewing and eating, sucking the yang energy.

This bloody horror scene.

Seeing Xia Mei and the others felt a chill of horror, all the way from the soles of their feet to the sky.

It was also at this moment that the girl in jeans understood what Xia Mei had said before, why she dragged them away, it was because of ghosts!


It was still too late.

When they saw the ghost, apart from being afraid, they immediately turned around and wanted to continue running, but when they looked around, they, along with all the passers-by around, were all terrified.

look around.

There are ghosts all around, there are a lot of them, at least dozens of them, they appear just like that, grabbing people and smoking them.

The chaotic scene turned into a bloody purgatory at this moment, screams and screams everywhere, panic became the main theme here, the broken arms and fingers were flying, and the blood splashed out like no money, and sprinkled on the food stalls on the food and signboard.





flooded the place.

Xia Mei and the others were terrified and could only flee with the remaining crowd. Despair was written on everyone's faces. If this trend continues, everyone will soon be forced together, and finally be eaten by the surrounding ghosts.


the other side.

Somewhere away from downtown.

There are four people here, male and female, they are ghost exorcists of the local Department of Health, and they have received orders to go to the downtown area to drive out ghosts.

"Captain, why haven't you come here? If you don't rush over, I'm afraid it will be too late."

One of the team members said anxiously, looking in the direction of the downtown area.

Through his eyes, in the direction of the downtown area in the distance, there is a gloomy atmosphere like black clouds covering the sky, even if you don't go there, you can know that there are ghosts there, and there are a lot of them. A terrifying ghost.

"It's coming soon, wait a minute, little master Wu Nian has already told me that his friend is coming."

When the captain opened his mouth, his eyebrows were also anxious, but he still held back his dissuasion and said:

"Based on our ability, even if we go to save people now, we will die there. There is a ghost king there, and we can't deal with it at all. Only when our little master friend Wu Nian comes, can we deal with it. His friend Zhang Chao can deal with it. Ghost King."

As he spoke, he glanced at the watch on his wrist, gritted his teeth and said:

"Wait another minute. If you don't come again, we will save as much as we can."

Originally, they were notified that there were ghosts in the downtown area, so they rushed here immediately, and blocked the road to the downtown area to prevent others from entering the downtown area, but after all, it is now 8 pm, the peak of the downtown area...

Even though they rushed to block it quickly, there were still many people in the downtown area.

to this end.

They were all ready to die, and they wanted to fight against the ghost king in the downtown area to save people, but before they acted, they got the news from Wu Nian that a friend named Zhang Chao was coming to help him, and Zhang Chao could deal with the ghost king.

Knowing the situation, the team leader immediately waited here for Zhang Chao to enter together. After all, they are not strong enough to deal with the ghost king.

But if you go in with Zhang Chao, it will be different, you can assist from the side, and you can kill the ghost king and other ghosts while saving people.

Just as the captain finished speaking.

The captain glanced at it from the corner of his eye, and his face suddenly became happy:

"Come here...Zhang Chao is here...uh..."

As soon as his words came out.

Even if it was only halfway through, everyone heard it clearly, and Qiqi looked forward, and then they all froze with surprised faces.


A taxi has just pulled up.

next second.

The door of the car opened quickly, and a person got out of the car in a hurry. Looking at his appearance, everyone recognized his identity. He was Zhang Chao, the friend Wu Nian told about, and Wu Nian sent them a photo of Zhang Chao.


Seeing that his face is Zhang Chao, that's right, what happened to the 'thing' he was holding in his hand, it seemed to be a... doll? Toy? figure?

"Is this here temporarily to drive out ghosts?"

"It seems that Zhang Chao is also in a hurry. This nima doesn't even have time to hide his hobby."

"That... Is that an inflatable doll in his hand? Why does it look a little familiar?"

"You must be familiar with it. It's our childhood memories, blah blah little devil fairy."

"Fuck, it's really a blah blah little devil fairy."

They were dumbfounded, staring blankly at Zhang Chao who was rushing towards them holding the figurine of the one-to-one Lala Little Demon Fairy.

That hasty action, coupled with the 'thing' in his hand, made him look like a perverted nerd in their eyes no matter what.

Just when they are sluggish.

Zhang Chao came before them:

"Sorry, I'm late. There was a traffic jam on the road for a while, but there should be still time. Let's go, let's drive the ghosts away."

Since Wu Nian's girlfriend was in the downtown area, and there were many other people in the downtown area, Zhang Chao didn't dare to take it too seriously, he was all focused on going there quickly, and didn't notice their strange looks looking at him.

To this.

The captain nodded quickly and said:

"Okay, Mr. Zhang Chao, put your things down. Let's go there quickly. Just now I sensed that there was some movement over there. There are our logistics personnel here, so don't be afraid of losing things."

As he spoke, he looked at the figure of Ba La La Little Demon Fairy in Zhang Chao's hands without concealment. When he saw Zhang Chao coming, he was still hugging the figure of Ba La La Little Demon Fairy. Forgot to hold Ba La La Xiao Moxian in his hand, so he kindly reminded him.


In order to prevent Zhang Chao from embarrassment, and because he was afraid that Zhang Chao might have a hobby problem, and was afraid that the little magic fairy doll in his hand would be too precious, he kindly reminded him at the end that there were logistics personnel here to help keep his things.

As soon as his words came out.

How could Zhang Chao not know what it meant, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said:

"Captain Sun, this is not a toy, it's my magic weapon. Without it, I can't deal with the King of Ghosts."

Without exception.

Captain Sun and the others were all stunned. Although they were still walking straight to the downtown area, their faces were surprisingly dull, and they almost tattooed question marks on their faces.

at this moment.

There is a kind of panic in their minds, and their minds are full of question marks...? ? ? ?

what are you saying?

That thing is your magic weapon? ? you sure? ? ?

Can't help it.

They looked at the 'thing' in Zhang Chao's hands, watched it again and again, and when they were sure that it was the figure of Ba La La Little Demon Fairy, the dullness on their faces gradually turned into bewilderment.

Are you serious?

Use Ba La La Xiao Moxian to deal with the ghost king?

You haven't ba la la Little Demon Fairy yet, can't you deal with the ghost king? You are kidding me.

for sure.

If it wasn't for Wu Nian's absence, they would definitely not be able to resist asking Wu Nian... What's the matter, little master Wu Nian, did you invite your friend from the Magic Immortal Castle?


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