Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 324 Your Grandfather Maoshan Faction Zhang Chao Is Here! Who Dares To Be Presumptuous

Although Zhang Chao was confused by Zhang Chao's words, the situation in the downtown area was urgent, Captain Sun and the others didn't have time to ask, so they rushed to the scene immediately.

at the same time.

Sanjin City, downtown.

Xia Mei and her two good friends frantically ran away from the ghosts. From time to time, people in the crowd were caught by the ghosts. In just a few minutes, dozens of people were killed.

To this.

Xia Mei and the others have no choice, even if they have the idea of ​​saving people, they are also mud bodhisattvas who cannot protect themselves.

Xia Mei exclaimed:

"No!!! Lanlan!!!"

As the crowd fled in all directions and people died, some ghosts followed them.

It was a pervert. It was different from other ghosts. It was not in a hurry to kill people. It wandered around in the crowd looking for targets, and then found Natsumi and the others. Immediately, it quietly appeared next to the girl in jeans and grabbed her. past.

The sexy dress of the girl in jeans aroused the lust of the pervert.

Xia Mei discovered the situation immediately, and quickly stretched out her hand to pull the girl in jeans to prevent the pervert from dragging her friend away.


How can the strength of ordinary people compare to ghosts? Even though Natsumi and the jk girl tried their best, they didn't delay the girl in jeans from being dragged away, and even they were almost dragged away by the pervert.

"Hehehe, originally I wanted to have a good time first, and then come to mess with the two of you, but I didn't expect that you would directly form a group to send it off, so I will not be polite."

It was a pervert who spoke.

It found that Xia Mei came to rescue the girl in jeans, and suddenly became lustful, and stretched out the other hand to grab Xia Mei, wanting to take it with him.

"do not come!!!!"

Natsumi was terrified, screamed and reached out to pat the pervert.


A shocking scene appeared.

The sound of the Buddha curled up like an ancient Buddha reciting in Leiyin Temple, golden Buddha light bloomed one after another, turning into Buddhist scriptures one by one, as if stars in the sky were all around Xia Mei, blasting at the pervert head-on.

It was the Buddhist bead bracelet on Xia Mei's hand. At this moment, he felt that Xia Mei was in danger and inspired the sacred Buddha's light.


The lecherous ghost let out a scream, and the outstretched hand was eroded and melted by the Buddha's light, and the whole ghost was blasted out.

The bustling city suddenly fell silent.

The crowd and ghosts all looked in the direction of Xia Mei. What happened here was so shocking that it was difficult not to attract attention.


Even the ghost king was attracted, and looked sideways at the Buddha string in Xia Mei's hand:

"Buddhist magic weapon?"

It recognized the Buddha string in Xia Mei's hand. It is a magic weapon, and it is not ordinary. It needs to be cultivated by eminent monks with profound Buddhist teachings in the past. no.

"Go and catch her, she doesn't seem to have a low status."

The ghost king said something.

can be seen.

It didn't hide its surprise on its face. It didn't expect to meet a high-quality hostage here. In its view, Xia Mei can possess this level of magic weapon, and her identity is definitely not simple. It is beneficial to her to catch it. That magic weapon can be turned into a ghost in reverse, and its strength can also be improved.

for a while.

The targets of the ghosts all changed, and many powerful ghosts in red clothes rushed towards Xia Mei, but they were all stopped by the Buddha's light on the string of Buddhas, and a ghost-free vacuum formed around Xia Mei.

And outside the vacuum zone.

The fierce ghosts surrounded them, continuously attacking and roaring.

"Quick, go to that girl."

Many people also noticed this, and noticed that Xia Mei seemed to be able to resist ghosts, and they all ran to her, seeking protection in Xia Mei's Buddha's light.

The girl in jeans and the two girls also breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Xia Mei in surprise. They didn't expect Xia Mei to have such a skill.


Compared to everyone being happier, Xia Mei couldn't laugh, and touched the glowing Buddha string in her hand:

"Wu Nian gave it to me, but it probably won't last long."

Now that the Buddha string is in her hands, she can feel that the Buddha string won't last long, there are too many ghosts, if no one comes to rescue them, they are just fighting between trapped beasts, they can only wait for death slowly.

Can't help it.

Xia Mei didn't dare to be idle, so she quickly picked up her mobile phone and sent Wu Nian to ask for help.

Then the next second.

He had been waiting for Xia Mei's reply early on, and Wu Nian, who was on the way, sent back the news as soon as possible.

[Wu Nian]: Don't panic, Xia Mei, the little monk is on his way. You have the prayer beads given by the little monk, and you can last for a while. In addition, the little monk has already asked friends to help you, and you will be rescued soon.

[Xia Mei]: Really? Wu Nian, don’t lie to me, am I going to die, don’t comfort me, okay, who is the friend you mentioned, the ghosts here are so powerful, stronger than the ghosts you took me to exorcise ghosts, there seems to be a ghost ghost king.

[Wu Nian]: Believe in the little monk, the little monk is very good at supporting friends in the past. You know Zhang Chao, he is the successor of the Maoshan School, and now he still has a way to deal with the ghost king.

Follow Wu Nian to send this message.

Considering the dangerous situation there, and the fact that Xia Mei is still a girl, she must be afraid and helpless in a place where the panic atmosphere spreads among the crowd.


Wu Nian thought about it and wanted to send Xia Mei a message:

[Wu Nian]: Amitabha, Don't worry, Xia Mei, you will be fine. The little monk is born with the blessings of the great Buddha, and you and the little monk are boyfriend and girlfriend, so you will naturally receive blessings. It will be fine, I believe my little monk friend Zhang Chao, he is very powerful.

Maybe it was the blessing, or maybe it was the first time Wu Nian mentioned boyfriend and girlfriend, Xia Mei's panic eased a lot, and she hurriedly comforted the girl in jeans and other people present, telling everyone:

"Everyone, don't be afraid. Although what I said is a bit ridiculous, my boyfriend is indeed an eminent monk in Wutai Mountain. The Buddha string in my hand is proof."

"He can deal with ghosts, he has rushed over, and his friends are also on the way to support, my boyfriend's friends are also very good, he is more than enough to deal with these ghosts, he is the successor of the Maoshan sect."

"Huh? A descendant of the Maoshan School? Xia Mei, what you said is true, you won't comfort us on purpose, right?"

It was the girl in jeans who spoke, and she looked at the ankle that was dragged away by the ghost with some fear.

Xia Mei nodded heavily in response:

"Really, Lanlan, you guys have seen him before, just the group photo I showed you, and the descendants of the Maoshan faction are among them."

"You mean Zhang Wei?!"

"No, it's another Zhang Chao."

Xia Mei picked up her mobile phone to take a group photo and pointed to Zhang Chao in the group photo of Zhang Wei, Wu Nian and Zhang Chao.

Their conversation is not loud.

But it was still heard by the red-clothed ghosts who surrounded them. This was Xia Mei's intention, trying to scare away the ghosts with the name of Maoshan faction and Mount Wutai.

In fact.

The ghosts were indeed frightened by Xia Mei, and when they heard about Mount Wutai and the Maoshan faction, they all gave up their intentions.

But at this time.

The ghost king's voice came over:

"What are you afraid of? We have her as a hostage in our hands. Even if the eminent monk from Wutai Mountain comes, don't we dare to do anything casually?"

Before he finished speaking, the ghost king glanced at Xia Mei faintly:

"Do you think I don't know what your plan is? I have to admit that your intimidation is very effective, but unfortunately, if it is not the Maoshan faction, I might want to leave, but the Maoshan faction is coming. I have plenty of ways to deal with it." , because... I was also a Maoshan warlock when I was alive."

"Although I'm just a Maoshan warlock who became a monk halfway, I know how to break Maoshan technique."

His words speak out.

The ghosts are all excited.

"The boss was actually a Maoshan Warlock before his death."

"Haha, that's great. You don't have to run away. When the boss broke the Maoshan technique of the Maoshan sect's successor, he captured him instead. In addition to this woman who has something to do with Wutai Mountain, even if the Department of Defense sent the top Qilin guards, it would be too late. Don’t dare to act rashly.”

Facing the flattery of the ghosts, the ghost king didn't care, and said leisurely:

"I will deal with that Maoshan warlock myself, and you guys break that Buddha string for me as soon as possible."

The words did not fall.

As if sensing something, the ghost king looked forward, and Senhan's eyes moved:

"Here we come, the successor of the Maoshan faction."

see you.

Not far ahead, there were five or six figures rushing forward, and one of the young men was carrying a "thing" as tall as a person, and he rushed towards this side immediately.

Same time.

The young man who rushed over also noticed the situation here. Seeing the ghosts surrounded the crowd, he also saw Xia Mei in the crowd, and the beautiful girl in jeans and jk girl beside her. In order to prevent the ghosts from continuing to attack the crowd, it was rare Play handsome in front of beautiful women.

He immediately shouted:

"Your grandfather Maoshan sent Zhang Chao here, who among you beasts dare to do anything!!!"

Speaking of which.

Zhang Chao also noticed the ghost king, and the ghost king also noticed the other party.

this moment.

The two looked at each other and collided.


Under all eyes.

Zhang Chao greeted the ghost king with a few words:

"Captain Sun, the other ghosts are left to you, and the little ghost king is handed over to me to clean up. Oh, you dare to take the initiative to come here. You are looking for death, little ghost king."

For Zhang Chao's arrogance.

The ghost king didn't say much, he was already prepared, and he couldn't help rushing forward with a sneer in his heart.

But it didn't speak, which doesn't mean Xia Mei and the others didn't speak, Xia Mei shouted eagerly:

"Zhang Chao, be careful!! That ghost king knows Maoshan magic, he was a Maoshan magician when he was alive..."


It was the ghost king who spoke, and it had already approached Zhang Chao.

Even if Xia Mei and the others are ordinary people, they can still see the distance. If it is too late, even if Zhang Chao wants to retreat, the ghost king will also stick to his body. Facing the ghost king who can crack some Maoshan techniques, the Maoshan sect heirs will be very difficult. Danger.

Just when they thought about it.

However, after Zhang Chao heard Xia Mei's words, not only did he not back down, he just replied faintly:

"Oh, I see."


Zhang Chao picked up the 'thing' on his shoulders and threw it towards the ghost king:

"Little ghost king, eat your grandpa and hit Maoshan to invite magic."

Everything happens in the blink of an eye.

Everyone has seen it.

Accompanied by the heirs of the Maoshan faction shouting and throwing an object of equal height, a sneer appeared on the ghost king's face, yes, it was a sneer.

It is mocking Zhang Chao.

But the next second.

His smile stopped abruptly with the light that burst out from the 'thing'...

【Ding! The ghost king sneered, Maoshan asked for magic? I'm sorry, this is my specialty Maoshan technique, then you're done, Maoshan faction... Fuck? ! No... not good! ……what! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +130]


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