Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 328 Gratitude Is The Traditional Virtue Of Daxia

With the death of the ghost king.

The ghosts completely lost their fighting spirit, and looked at Zhang Chao and the Black Demon Fairy beside him in horror like frightened birds, before turning around and fleeing here.

"Stop them, don't let them escape."

Captain Sun shouted.

But as soon as the words sounded, Zhang Chao had already made a move, forcing Hei Moxian to do it.

at the same time.

There was a dusty sound from behind:


The voice was not loud, but it seemed to reverberate in everyone's ears. Xia Mei was shocked when she heard it, and looked in the direction of the sound source in surprise:

"No thoughts!"

Xia Mei cried out in surprise.

From the direction Captain Sun and the others came, a figure dressed in monk's uniform appeared, and the figure in the front was tall and tall, with a youthful and ethereal appearance, and looking at his appearance, he was very handsome. People are attracted by this figure.

It also followed Xia Mei's words.

Everyone knew who came, this is the boyfriend of the beautiful woman with the Buddha string, who is known as the little eminent monk of Mount Wutai.

Xia Mei and the others noticed Wu Nian.

the other side.

Wu Nian, who came to support, also noticed Xia Mei. When he came, he chased away the fleeing ghosts, and ordered his brothers and sisters to exorcise the ghosts.

Although he didn't know what happened here, Wu Nian saw the fallen ghost king's body and knew that the greatest danger was gone. Because of the crowd, Wu Nian didn't go after the ghost with his brothers and came to the crowd to check the situation.

"Amitabha, all benefactors, are you all right, benefactor Xia Mei, are you all right, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Wu Nian clasped his hands together and looked Xia Mei up and down to see if she was injured.

Seeing that Xia Mei was not injured, he was relieved with a paralyzed face, but he didn't notice it himself.


Xia Mei, who has been paying attention to Wu Nian, and her two friends saw each other, and Xia Mei smiled happily:

"It's not too late. Didn't you call your friend Zhang Chao? You don't know Wu Nian. If Zhang Chao didn't come, we would be in danger. Fortunately, you called Zhang Chao."

Mention what just happened.

Xia Mei and the others chattered non-stop.

Wu Nian can't laugh or cry.

Although he didn't watch it at the scene, he chatted with Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao through WeChat before. He knew that Zhang Chao had a way to deal with the ghost king. It was Zhang Wei who gave Zhang Chao a magic weapon.


He clasped his hands together and explained:

"Amitabha, Lord Xia Mei, you have misunderstood. Zhang Chao is indeed a descendant of the Maoshan School. That bala la little demon fairy is not asking for a magic spell, but a magic weapon..."

The words are not finished.

A voice interrupted Wu Nianqi's words.

"Yo, Wu Nian, when you come here, find your sweetheart first, and sprinkle me dog food in person."

I saw Zhang Chao carrying the transformation back to Ba La La Xiao Moxian and other skills, walking towards this side with a smile, and he didn't forget to grin during the process, and said to the jeans girl and the others:

"Everyone, I have already killed the ghost king, so he is safe. Don't thank me, it's easy."

As soon as his words came out.

The girls in jeans and the others were all impressed, and many people ran up to surround Zhang Chao, thanking and looking at him non-stop.

"You are really Zhang Chao. Xia Mei said that you are Wu Nian's friend, is it true that you are the heir of Maoshan School?"

"Hey, little brother Zhang Chao, I didn't expect you to be mediocre, but you are actually the most powerful of the three of Wu Nian and the others. I heard Xia Mei say just now that that ghost is very powerful, and ordinary ghost exorcists may not be able to beat it. You are amazing."

The jeans girl and jk girl spoke one after another.

Zhang Chao enjoyed the admiration very much, but was also stunned:

"The most powerful of the three? Hey, do you know me?"

"Of course we know each other. We are Xia Mei's friends. Just now Xia Mei showed us your photo, which is a group photo of the three of you."

The girl in jeans briefly explained, and then continued:

"I thought it was Xia Mei's boyfriend in the photo, or the one named Zhang Wei, because Xia Mei praised the three of you before, but now it seems that handsome is not necessarily the most powerful, you are the most powerful Yes, even the ghost king can be defeated."

"That's right, it's worthy of being the heir of the Maoshan School," the jk girl echoed.

His words come out.

Both Zhang Chao and Wu Nian were taken aback, subconsciously looking at each other.

next moment.

Zhang Chao laughed out loud:

"This should be the worst time Zhang Wei got hacked. You two are wrong. Although being handsome doesn't mean you're good, Zhang Wei is the best of the three of us. And... actually, I'm a la la la The Little Demon Fairy does not belong to me, it belongs to Zhang Wei."

Wu Nian put his palms together and said leisurely:

"Amitabha, two benefactors, just now you said that the ghost was a Maoshan magician before he was alive, but Zhang Chao's magic spell cannot be broken. Invite magic, that is the magic weapon given by Zhang Wei, that is, the little magic fairy."

Zhang Chao also nodded:

"To be reasonable, our Maoshan faction is still very serious. How could it be possible to invite me out? Little Demon Fairy, hahaha, let me tell you quietly, what Xia Mei said is right, the kind of ghost just now is very powerful, and ordinary people who exorcise ghosts are not good at it." They must have been able to fight, but... Zhang Wei has beaten and killed many people."

in words.

Zhang Chao glanced at the corpse of the ghost king not far away, and looked at Wu Nian beside him:

"Wu Nian, this time forced me to pretend, but this ghost king is Zhang Wei's head. Although it is not as good as Zhang Wei's imported goods, it is still the corpse of the ghost king."


The girl in jeans and the others froze.


That night.

Inside a presidential suite at a national hotel chain in Hawaii.

at this time.

It has been more than two hours since Sanjin City was haunted. Zhang Wei, who has the blessing of the system, knows the situation even if he is not on the scene. He is not worried about the situation there. Zhang Chao took care of the follow-up matters outside and came to pretend to him.

as predicted.

Accompanied by a WeChat notification sound of ding dong.

Zhang Wei picked up the phone and looked, it was Zhang Chao who sent him a message.

[Zhang Chao]: Young man, have you slept yet? The Fairy Prince of the Fairy Castle is here to chat with you. The Fairy Prince has a gun.jpg

【Zhang Wei】: I haven't slept yet, I'm waiting for you to brag to me.

[Zhang Chao]: Fuck, hahaha, as expected of my half-brother with the same surname, you still know me, yes, I’m here to pretend to you, Zhang Wei, now I know why you like killing ghost kings so much, To be reasonable, killing the ghost king is really cool.


As Zhang Wei thought, Zhang Chao came to pretend to him.

[Zhang Chao]: You don't know their adoring eyes, haha, but Zhang is for you to rest assured, I also pretended to be forceful for you for a while, haha, Xia Mei's two sisters and friends know that blah lah little devil After you did it, I became very interested in you, of course it may be sexual interest?

【Zhang Wei】: Then should I thank you for drinking water without forgetting the well digger.

[Zhang Chao]: That is, gratitude is our traditional virtue in Daxia, you are welcome.

The two chatted for a while again.

Zhang Wei seemed to think of something and sent a message to Zhang Chao.

[Zhang Wei]: By the way, Zhang Chao, I remember you said that there are international forums similar to the Department of Health in foreign countries, right?

[Zhang Chao]: Yes, what's wrong? It’s all in English, I can’t understand it, oh, I forgot, you graduated from a prestigious university, so you can understand it.

【Zhang Wei】: That's what I think. I'm not in a foreign country now. Send me that international forum, and I'll go up and have a look.

[Zhang Chao]: Wait a minute, I seldom go to that forum, and I have forgotten my account number, let me look for it.


While waiting for Zhang Chao's reply, Zhang Wei's stomach grunted, and Zhang Wei couldn't help but patted his stomach:

"Very hungry."

As he spoke, he glanced at the electronic clock beside the bed, it was exactly 10 o'clock in the evening:

"Go and eat something, it's free anyway."

Zhang Wei muttered a few words, then said a few words to Zhang Chao, went to the elevator, and prepared to go to another restaurant in the hotel for dinner.

Not long.

He came to this restaurant.

But before he could sit down, Zhang Wei spotted two familiar figures out of the corner of his eye.

"It's them?"


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