Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 329 The Priest Encounters... The Jade Emperor?


On one of the tables in the restaurant, there were two figures sitting. They were dressed in the costumes of Christian priests, and they didn't notice Zhang Wei, who was drinking juice there. They were the two priests who met werewolves on the streets of Hawaii at noon today. .


If you recognize it, you will recognize it. Zhang Wei didn't plan to strike up a conversation. He came for dinner, and he didn't intend to have any contact with foreign ghost exorcists. The priest went.

"Hi sir, do you have a reservation?"

A waiter came over and bowed slightly.

heard the words.

Zhang Wei withdrew his gaze and responded in fluent English:

"No, I came here directly, are there any tables?"

A high-end restaurant like this doesn't mean that you can eat right away, and you usually make a reservation in advance, but Zhang Wei didn't. He just planned to visit when he was hungry. If there was space, he didn't think about anything else.

"Yes, there was a guest just finished eating, and now we are clearing the table, can you please wait a moment, sir, we will clear it right away."

The waiter responded.

Zhang Wei nodded:

"It's okay, then I'll wait for a while, you can give me the menu first, I'll order first, by the way, how fast are you serving the food here, no matter how I see it, the guests over there haven't served the food yet."

As he spoke, he glanced at the two priests not far away, and noticed that there was nothing to eat on the two priests' tables, only two glasses of juice. In this case, the food was either served slowly, or he was waiting for someone. Only when everyone was full did he let the waiter serve.

"Sir, we serve food very quickly here, and those two priests are waiting for someone, so let us serve food later."

The waiter replied and went to get the menu for Zhang Wei.

the other side.

While Zhang Wei was ordering, the two priests were still talking, looking at their watches from time to time.

As the waiter said, they were indeed waiting for someone. Today they were invited to dinner by a Christian friend, and they are now waiting for him to come.

at this time.

After glancing at his watch, the Bible priest said:

"It's already 10 o'clock, and Matt seems to be late again. This guy is even late for the celebration banquet for becoming an exorcist priest, so there is no one else."

The dagger priest heard the words and responded with a smile:

"If he's not late, he won't be Matt, but it's understandable. He had always wanted to be an exorcist priest. He passed the test this time and became an exorcist priest. He must dress up happily."

"Haha, it's possible that Matt wasn't dressing up, but started bragging about his experience in Daxia on the way here."

The biblical priest seemed to think of something and took over the words.

As soon as his words came out.

Father Dagger exclaimed lightly:

"Huh? You mean Matt said he met the Jade Emperor in Daxia? Did he tell you too?"

Mentioning this matter, the biblical priest nodded dumbfoundingly:

"Yes, he told me, and he told me as soon as he came back from Daxia, when he went to my house, no, not only told me, but also told my whole family, almost everyone he knew said."

in words.

The biblical priest was a little speechless:

"My God, Fry, you must have seen it, how excited Matt was when he mentioned it, and talked endlessly, if I hadn't made him drink holy water and performed an exorcism on him , I almost thought he went to Daxia to be possessed."

"Hahaha, I think so too. Now Matt is not so much a believer in God, but more like a believer in the Great Xia God."

Father Dagger laughed.

Because he laughed too loudly, and involved the wound he suffered from beating a werewolf this morning, he grinned in pain.

Seeing this, the biblical priest shrugged:

"No way, who made Matt encounter ghosts when he went to Daxia that time. That time he said that he prayed to God for help, but it was useless. The Jade Emperor saved him. It's no wonder he converted, but that's exactly what happened, Ma. After he came back, he worked hard to become an exorcist priest, so it was a blessing in disguise?"

"But I don't think God will be happy. After all, Matt is now a half-bearer of Daxia gods? Hahaha, God, forgive me for joking, Amen."

Realizing that he was joking too much, the biblical priest hurriedly made a cross, changed the subject and said with concern:

"Fry, are you okay? Why don't you go back and rest first?"

"no, I'm fine."

Father Dagger covered the wound on his face and said:

"It's not that I haven't suffered a more serious injury than this one. Today's injury is not bad. At least I didn't die. It's nothing to survive this small injury."

The biblical priest nodded:

"Indeed, it's really lucky to be able to survive today with only such a small injury. Otherwise, the two of us would have met God now, and Matt would have to celebrate with us in front of our tombstone, and he wouldn't be able to drink such delicious juice. Already tasted the food."


He took a sip of the fruit juice, and was able to avoid death, feeling very happy.

Father Dagger agrees noncommittally:

"It's also thanks to the two big summer ghost exorcists. I think it must be a gift from God. God let the two powerful big summer ghost exorcists nearby guide them to save us."

The words are not finished.

He changed the subject again and joked:

"Of course, it may also be the guidance of the Jade Emperor. After all, our friend Matt is a believer of the Jade Emperor, hahaha."


The two priests looked at each other and laughed, joking with each other.

Immediately afterwards.

The biblical priest said:

"But to be honest, those two Daxia ghost exorcists are really powerful. Without them, we really couldn't survive. Thinking about it this way, we are also related to Daxia. Our friend Matt was rescued in Daxia. We He was also rescued by the Great Xia Exorcist."

"It's true, and I'm sure if we tell Matt about this later, he will definitely talk about the Jade Emperor again. Speaking of which, why hasn't Matt..."

Just as he was about to finish speaking the three words, Father Dagger subconsciously glanced at the door, and his voice stopped abruptly.

Then a smile appeared on his face:

"Matt is here."

He saw it.

At the door of the restaurant came a figure also dressed as a priest, it was their friend Matt.


Both Father Dagger waved to the door and said:

"Matt, this way."

In this high-end restaurant, their voices and actions were not too loud, and they maintained a gentlemanly demeanor, but Zhang Wei had noticed the two of them, and Zhang Wei, who was looking at the menu, heard their voices and subconsciously looked at them.

He noticed them looking at the door beside him.

Zhang Wei also looked over.

at the same time.

Matt, who was standing at the door, heard the voices of the two priests, and couldn't help but smile on his face, but he was just about to walk over, as if feeling someone was looking at him, he turned his head instinctively.

This look.

Matt's face changed in an instant, and he stared at Zhang Wei, who was staring at him, and screamed out in shock the next second:

"Jade, the Jade Emperor!!!"

He recognized Zhang Wei.

That was when he traveled to Daxia not long ago. Once he went to the Wanda Mall in Shuozhou City of Daxia. He encountered a supernatural event. During this period, he prayed to God for help, but what he waited for was a fairy riding a big yellow hand. That fairy, he I asked a gentleman from Daxia next to me, and he told himself that it was the Jade Emperor.


(ps: Readers who don’t remember this Matt, you can read Chapter 212, hahaha, he was mentioned before)

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