Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 330 The Jade Emperor Is Also Surnamed Zhang

Matt's voice was unrestrained, and he cried out in surprise.

In this high-end restaurant, the sound was like a grenade thrown into a calm lake, and it exploded in an instant, causing everyone to look sideways.

The two priests of the Bible heard Matt's voice and looked at it for the first time. From the corner of their eyes, they noticed Zhang Wei who was reading the menu not far away.

"It's him!"

"It's the Great Xia Exorcist!"

They recognized Zhang Wei.

Same time.

Also found Matt looking at Zhang Wei.

Immediately without waiting for their reaction, he saw that Matt first looked at Zhang Wei with a face of surprise, then rushed up excitedly, and said in front of Zhang Wei excitedly:

"The Jade Emperor? It's you, the Jade Emperor, my God, I saw the Jade Emperor in Hawaii? Am I dreaming?"

His voice came out.

Zhang Wei: "????"

Two priests: "?????"

Others in the restaurant: "???"

Seeing Matt's excited appearance, he even shook his hand with one hand, and made a sign of the cross on his chest with the other hand:

"My God, Amen, no, I shouldn't say Amen, what should I say? Long live the Jade Emperor?"

He said the last sentence in broken Chinese.

its move.

This made Zhang Wei stunned, and said in astonishment:

"Sir, what are you talking about? What is the Jade Emperor? You must be mistaken."

At that Wanda mall exorcism, Zhang Wei handed over the dispersal of the crowd to Mr. Wang’s son. He was concentrating on finding and dealing with ghosts. He didn’t know the conversation between Matt and Mr. Wang’s son, let alone what happened.

The words fell.

Before Matt could speak, two more voices came.

"Matt, what are you doing?"

"Matt, what are you crazy about? Are you worshiping the Jade Emperor to the point of obscurity?"

It was the two priests who spoke.

When they saw Matt conversing with Zhang Wei, their faces turned green with fright. Others didn't know who the Asian youth who was conversing with Matt was, but they knew that it was a big man whose strength was at least comparable to that of a ghost king. Xia exorcist.

Experts of this level, not to mention being in Daxia, are guests even if they go to various countries. They are high-end combat power, especially after they have seen the moody and violent way of exorcising ghosts from young people. The opponent's head was smashed.

Also for this.

The moment they recognized Zhang Wei, they couldn't sit still, and hurriedly got up to see what was going on.

"Mr. Daxia, we met again. I don't know if you still remember us. You helped us solve a problem this morning at Xinde Restaurant."

"Sir, I'm sorry, my friend has a brain problem. Don't be so fussy with him. He likes Daxia's fairy culture very much recently. When he sees a Daxia person, he thinks it was sent by the Jade Emperor, hahaha."

The two priests hurried to smooth things over, and pulled Matt to leave:

"The horse is very nervous. You have misunderstood the wrong person. You can't afford to mess with this person. He is the ghost exorcist of Daxia..."

The priest of the Bible turned his head and whispered in Matt's ear, and told how Zhang Wei helped them exorcise ghosts today. He was afraid that Matt would not understand how powerful Zhang Wei was, so he specifically said how terrible it was for Zhang Wei to beat werewolves, and he immediately stopped.


Speak out with things.

Not only did Matt not stop, but his eyes lit up, and he became even more excited. If it was said that he might have felt that he had made a mistake just now, but now that his friend said so, he is 100% sure that the person in front of him is the one he saw at the beginning that.

"No, I'm not mistaken. He is very powerful. It must be easy to kill a werewolf. If you don't believe me, look at the shoes he wears, which are the same as the ones he wore back then."

Matt points to the sneakers Zhang Wei is wearing.

Zhang Wei listened and looked down, he had indeed been wearing this shoe all the time, but it seems that this cannot be used as evidence. After all, unlike girls who have various high-heeled shoes, canvas shoes, etc., boys usually wear one shoe for a long time I only change them, and I rarely change shoes back and forth, except for boys who love to collect and buy basketball shoes.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"Sir, my shoes are worn by many people, and they are sold everywhere. I think you must have misunderstood the person, sir. I have a good memory, and I don't remember seeing you."

Matt shook his head:

"It's normal that you don't know me. You were busy exorcising demons at the time. I don't know if you still remember the Wanda Mall in Shuozhou City. Did you exorcise demons there?"


Zhang Wei was slightly surprised.

Wanda Mall in Shuozhou City? He had been there, and he had actually exorcised ghosts.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei suddenly realized that he should be one of the people who were evacuated from the mall back then. He probably happened to see himself exorcising ghosts. In addition, when he was so angry that a ghost was staring at Mr. Wang, he moved in a fit of anger. Presumably because of these powerful means, they were regarded as gods.

"Sir, I have indeed been to the Wanda Mall in Shuozhou City, but I am not from the Jade Emperor."

Matt shook his head again:

"I don't believe it. I have checked it. Your method is the yellow talisman paper spell used by Daxia Taoist priests."

"But you have too many papers. I also asked my friends. They said that if you want to use so many yellow talisman papers, you have to prepare in advance, and it is very troublesome to use them. How can the ghosts bring so many?" Yellow talisman."

"I've already asked. It is said that a ghost is eyeing an old gentleman in Daxia. It is an emergency, and it is even more impossible to prepare in advance."

"Also, I asked the old gentleman's son, and he said that you are the Jade Emperor."

Zhang Wei: "???"

Mr. Wang's son said something to him.

Just as he was thinking, Matt also paused at this moment, looked around, and finally landed on the waiter beside him:

"Come here, waiter, tell me, what is this gentleman's last name?"

in words.

Matt thought it was inconvenient for the restaurant to reveal the privacy of the guests, so he deliberately stuffed a dollar bill, and said:

"You don't need to tell me this gentleman's full name, just his surname. No, don't tell me, just nod your head. Let me ask you, is this gentleman's surname Zhang?"


The waiter answered, anyway, it was only the surname, not the first name, and it was said by someone else first, so he just nodded, which is not a big privacy disclosure, after all, he has given money, and he has to live.

Immediately afterwards.

Hearing what he said, Matt couldn't hold back the excitement on his face, and hurriedly signaled to the two priest friends:

"Look, Fry, look, I said his surname is Zhang, and the Jade Emperor is also surnamed Zhang."

The two priests were stunned, and suddenly remembered that Zhang Wei's surname was indeed Zhang, and the old man Daxia who called himself Daddy called Zhang Wei that way. If his friend Matt met Zhang Wei for the first time, how could the other party know? I know his surname is Zhang.

Can't help.

They remembered that when Matt told them about the Jade Emperor, what was the name of the Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen? His surname is Zhang and his first name is Bairen.

The two priests looked at each other, and they could see the weirdness in their eyes. It turned out that the Jade Emperor that my friend said really existed. Although I was not sure if it was the Jade Emperor, I was sure that it was the young man of Daxia in front of me.

at the same time.

Zhang Wei was a little surprised in place, this priest seems to have a brain circuit...


Surprised, Zhang Wei did not forget to say:

"Sir, my surname is indeed Zhang, but my name is Zhang Wei, not Zhang Bairen. If you don't believe me, ask your two friends, they also know my name...Huh?"

It's just not finished yet.

It seems to have a feeling.

Zhang Wei's eyes flickered, and he suddenly looked towards the door, or rather the corridor at the door.


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