Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 331 My Wolf God, How Could This Be Like This?

Gazing at the past with Zhang Wei.

the other side.

The two Bible priests next to him nodded when they heard Zhang Wei's words, and the dagger priest said bluntly:

"Matt, what Mr. Zhang Wei said is correct. His name is not Zhang Bairen, but Zhang Wei. We can confirm this. At that time, he and an old gentleman were helping us with the incident. That's what the old gentleman called him. Yes, right, Mr. Zhang Wei, huh? Mr. Zhang Wei?"

After he finished speaking, he did not forget to ask Zhang Wei.

But this question.

Together with Matt, the three of them noticed Zhang Wei's actions, and saw that the other party seemed to be attracted by something, and looked out the door.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, what are you looking at..."

in words.

They also instinctively looked outside the door. At the same time, they could hear footsteps coming from the door. The sound was hurried, and it seemed that many people were running over quickly.

Just didn't wait for the question to finish.

I saw several burly figures rushing in from the entrance of the restaurant, at least seven or eight of them.

Also see the moment.

The biblical priest's voice stopped abruptly, and the three of them changed their expressions. Not only them, but also all the guests in the restaurant who noticed the door and saw who was coming at the door showed expressions of horror.


They were not the ones who rushed in, but the burly men who changed their colors, and these men were holding one or two submachine guns in their hands.

at the same time.

After those people also rushed in, they quickly glanced at the restaurant, and soon found Father Dagger and the others beside Zhang Wei.

next moment.

The leader raised his submachine gun ferociously:

"Damn priests of the Holy See, go to hell with me!!!"

It roared out.

The trigger was also pulled by him, and those who rushed in beside him also raised their guns at this moment, shooting at Father Dagger and the others.

"not good!!"

The priests of the Bible shrank their pupils suddenly, although after the other party appeared, they already knew their identities from the aura they emitted. They were all werewolves. They came to take revenge in all likelihood. After all, they just killed a very powerful one this morning. werewolf.


Everything is too fast.

When they discovered the situation, it was too late, the werewolves had already picked up their machine guns and shot at them.


From the muzzle of the machine gun, the fire snake spat out mercilessly.

da da da da...

Seeing the muzzles of as many as a dozen guns bursting out, the bullets burst out, and the deafening gunshots echoed in their ears, they were desperate.

In particular, Father Bible and Father Dagger are the deadliest. They thought they were saved by the youth of Daxia this morning, and they survived by luck, but now it seems that they cannot escape death today after all, and they are going to see God. .


They all wanted to close their eyes in desperation, waiting for the arrival of death, but at the last second of closing their eyes, they felt a flash in front of their eyes.

I saw...

The moment the gunshots sounded, a figure opened its arms and stood in front of them.

Compared with those werewolves at the door, his figure was not at all tall and well-proportioned, but at this moment, it gave them a kind of majesty, a kind of shock, unbelievable, and a kind of deep greatness.

"Mr. Zhang Wei!!"

"No! Mr. Zhang!!"

Their eyes were tearing apart. Although they didn't see the front, they still recognized who this figure was from the other's clothing.

This is the Great Xia Exorcist who Matt thinks is the Jade Emperor.

I never thought of it.

Between life and death.

The Great Xia Ghost Exorcist who had just met them once stepped forward and stood in front of them... to protect them again!


This time it was his own life that protected them.

Although they yelled, don't Zhang Wei do this, and wanted to stop them, but the speed of the bullets was too fast, and they were shot in a flash, and they couldn't give them a chance to take action.

at the same time.

Except for the three of Matt, the other guests were also stunned.

After the werewolf came in with a gun, they were so frightened that they hid under the table to take refuge. Then they saw Zhang Wei's selfless act of blocking the gun with his body.

This scene.

deeply shocked them.

"My God, what is he... what is he doing, is he an idiot."

"Fake, shut up, you idiot, this is him protecting those priests with his life, it's too selfless, my God, is this the Daxia people?"

"It turns out that my classmate from the university didn't lie to me. Daxia people are very selfless, united and friendly. He actually stepped forward. This is God. Alas, compared to Daxia people, we only shoot and kill our own compatriots .”

"Oh ~ Fake, my God, is this what Daxia calls selfless dedication?"

Even the werewolves who shot were stunned.

【Ding! Werewolves are sluggish, holy shit! What is this asian guy doing? Is the sage Confucius reborn? There is no need for it, Asian boy]

[Host obtains system points +200]

The system prompt sounds.

A werewolf on the left of the leading werewolf said:

"Fuck, is this Asian crazy? He actually used his body to block him, but he couldn't let me be the first to shoot the priest."

His words speak out.

The lead werewolf fired and said:

"Never mind him, let him block if he wants to. At worst, he will be pierced through. Those two priests must die today. For the sake of Bobock, shoot me. And don't let me get close to those priests easily. Be careful of them holy vessel."

"Don't worry, brother Jiebo, we use guns to shoot, just to avoid Bob's end. Their sacred weapons are powerful, but they are still fleshy. Don't get close to them, just shoot them with guns, haha."

Another werewolf spoke.

As the biblical priest and the others expected, the Bobok he was talking about was the werewolf this morning. They learned that his brother was dead, and it was said that he died in the hands of two low-level priests. But they came to avenge their brother, and to be on the safe side, they shot the priest.

Also for this.

Although they saw Zhang Wei throwing himself to block the gun, they didn't panic at all, they kept shooting at Zhang Wei, trying to shoot the priests directly through his body with the bullets.


da da da da...

The bullets are pouring.

Accompanied by the constant bullet casings falling to the ground, making jingling sounds, the gunshots sounded like firecrackers, one after another.

The smiles of the werewolves who had laughed ferociously before had froze.

【Ding! The werewolf was dumbfounded, Falk? how so】

[Host obtains system points +210]

Not just them.

Matt and the three of them also discovered it. After a few seconds of shooting, they suddenly realized that Mr. Zhang Wei, who was standing in front of him, didn't shoot through them, and even... why Mr. Zhang Wei didn't bleed.

Look carefully.

The werewolves and they were both sluggish.

Zhang Wei, who was standing in front of him, was shot by more than a dozen submachine guns. Zhang Wei was shot in all directions, but nothing happened.

That's right!

Just nothing.

Not even scratched.

The bullet hit him as if it had hit the extremely tough steel. The bullet hit his body and was crushed, but it couldn't penetrate Zhang Wei...

can be seen.

A bullet poured down.

In front of Zhang Wei, a pile of bullets fell under his feet, but he was not injured. He even had time to bathe in the hail of bullets, and said bluntly:

"It turns out that what the news said is true, the beautiful country is free, and it's really... so exciting~"


With the blessing of system points, even if the opponent is holding a hot weapon, they are evil. As long as it is an attack used by evil monsters and ghosts, for Zhang Wei, he is immune to all of them.

Also at this time.

Let it go.

The werewolves found out that the trigger was pulled, but there was only a clicking sound, and the bullets stopped firing. Only then did they realize...the bullets were all fired, but the young man in front of him was fine...

【Ding! The werewolves were stunned, my wolf god, how could this happen. 】

[Host obtains system points +220]

The system prompt sounds.

The sluggish Matt looked at Zhang Wei's unscathed appearance. He was stunned and excited at the same time. He pulled the Bible priest beside him and said:

"Look, look!! He also said that he is not the Jade Emperor!!!"

this time.

Faced with Matt's words, the priests of the Bible and the others were silent for no other reason. As exorcist priests, they knew very well that no matter how strong they were, in the face of such violent bullets, no matter how strong the exorcist was, he should at least be wiped out. Skin it.


He looked at Zhang Wei, and then at the ground.

Not to mention that Zhang Wei's skin was not scratched, not even a single hair was knocked off.


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