"how so."

Seeing Zhang Wei's unscathed appearance, the leader werewolf couldn't help but make a sound, and even forgot to change the magazine when the magazine was empty.

Although there is a certain distance between Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei, it can see clearly with the werewolf's ultra-high-definition vision. At first, it thought Zhang Wei was wearing a body armor or something, but it soon realized something was wrong.

It's summer now.

Zhang Wei is wearing shorts and short sleeves bought on the street in Hawaii. Even if he wears a body armor, it will only protect his chest and crotch at most. His limbs are exposed, and bullets have also hit his limbs.

can be seen.

When the bullet hits its skin, not to mention that the bullet hits the skin, the depression is gone, and the skin does not rebound.

【Ding! The werewolves were horrified. What the hell is this? It is said that Daxia people are tough, so tough? 】

[Host obtains system points +200]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

There were clicking sounds one after another. It was the sound of the trigger being pulled and no bullets ejected. They fired all the bullets in the magazine!

"Fack, change the magazine quickly, keep shooting for me, no!! Take that thing out for me!"

Realizing that the bullets had run out, the leading werewolf was shocked, but he didn't panic, and hurriedly signaled to a werewolf behind him.

next moment.

Don't wait for everyone's reaction.

The lead werewolf took something from a werewolf behind him.

Matt and the others looked intently, their faces were so frightened that they almost lost the ability to manage their expressions.




Many people in the restaurant screamed.

Father Dagger and the others were not much better, they could no longer maintain the priest's restraint, and said rudely:

"Fa~—k!! Fire rocket launcher!"

What the leading werewolf took out was a rocket launcher, or the latest American-style rocket launcher. This is not comparable to the lethality of bullets. If this shot goes down, the tank will be blown away.

The werewolves had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, and they couldn't help but smile.

very good.

That's what they want to see, you goddamn priests, to die feeling hopeless, by the way, and that Daxia man, you also feel...huh? ? ?

【Ding! The werewolves were stunned]

[Host obtains system points +210]

As they thought of Zhang Wei, they all looked at him, but they saw that they took out the rocket launcher in front of them, and the other party was not afraid at all, and walked straight towards them.


The leading werewolf was taken aback for a moment, but soon his face darkened:

"Want to die together? No way."

Words come out.

It pulled the bazooka on its shoulder.

boom! ! !

There was a deafening bang, accompanied by gunpowder smoke from the rocket launcher.

The leading werewolf fired a rocket shell at Zhang Wei, and hit Zhang Wei directly. Under the impact of the artillery fire, a wave of explosions was set off at Zhang Wei's location. Whether it was a person or a seat, etc., they were all overturned and exploded. , even the werewolves were pushed back several times by the blast.

Matt and the others who were closest were thrown upside down by the air waves.

In the eyes of the leading werewolf, the exorcist has a strong physical body and can bear bullets. For example, the Daxia man in front of him has a strong physical body, but no matter how strong he is, can he still resist rocket barrels? Impossible, that is not a level at all, So the reason why the other party came over was obviously not because they were not afraid, but because they wanted to get close to them and use the shells to take them to death together.

Think here.

【Ding! The werewolves sneered, heh! The people of Daxia only use this little trick of yours, do you think it will work, give me a cannonball and go see Satan, hahaha...]

[Host obtains system points +220]


The corners of the werewolves' mouths were just about to rise, and the smoke and dust dissipated, revealing the center of the shell.

The scene was a mess.

The marble floor was blown apart, and a vacuum zone was formed around it. Outside the vacuum zone, there were fragments of tables and chairs, and the tables and chairs that were thrown away first. There was nothing in the vacuum zone, except for a piece of air that was permeated in the gradually dissipating smoke and dust. figure.


【Ding! The smiles of the werewolves froze, I Cao? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +230]

The figure standing tall and straight in the smoke and dust finally revealed its appearance as the smoke dispersed. It was Zhang Wei. Not only was he still alive, he was also unharmed.


Zhang Wei patted the gunpowder dust on his chest and looked up at the werewolves. Zhang Wei stretched out his index finger and thumb parallel to each other, with a small gap in the middle, and then said in fluent English:

"Hey, guys, I'm serious, although I don't want to pretend, but you forced me, this cannon barrel hurts me so much, I'm only a few million points away from being scratched."

in words.

Zhang Wei, an actor in an American musical, exaggeratedly opened his hands to express the surprise in the opera:

"Oh my god, I'd die of tetanus if I scratched the skin, it's dangerous, don't you guys."

Werewolves: "..."

The three of Matt: "..."

Other guests: "..."

As Zhang Wei's voice echoed in his ears, as if he had seen God, the werewolves could no longer hold back their expressions.

"Are you kidding, how is this possible!!"

"You, why are you not dead!"

"Monster...what the hell are you?"

【Ding! Werewolves are shocked, Falk! Falk! Falk...why are Daxia people...so tough! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +240]

Matt and the others couldn't hold back anymore. They saw that Matt was more excited than before. He held the nearest dagger priest with one hand, and kept drawing the cross on his chest with the other hand and said excitedly:

"Fry, have you seen it! Miracle, this is a miracle!! Do you believe me now, the Jade Emperor really exists."

Father Dagger was stunned.

If it was said that Zhang Wei physically blocked bullets before, they still have some reasons to explain, but now Zhang Wei physically resists rocket shells, which is completely unreasonable. You must take two steps back, or spit out two mouthfuls of blood.

Just when they lost their minds and didn't know what they were thinking.

Zhang Wei was not idle, and walked straight to the werewolves after saying that:

"You guys are done, it's time for me to do it."

It's not loud.

But in the ears of the werewolves who were watching Zhang Wei all the time, the leading werewolf quickly shouted:

"Transform into a werewolf and kill him!! Hurry up!!"

next moment.

All the guests were terrified. Seeing the seven or eight burly men with guns, their tall bodies swelled even more and turned into wolf-headed monsters like iron towers. Aren't they the legendary werewolves?

They thought about running away, but Zhang Wei was so fast that they were already rushing in front of them. They had no choice but to fight. After all, they couldn't say they had no chance of winning. Their wolf claws are also terrifying. Among them, the leader werewolf is powerful, and his wolf claws can even tear apart the armor of a tank.

Since the shells can't kill you.

Then try shredding with wolf claws.


Everyone saw seven or eight werewolves like iron towers stretching out to surround a young man, tearing their wolf claws at him.

However, the expected picture of Zhang Wei's body being torn to pieces and body parts all over his body did not happen.

Some are just Martians.

see you...

The sharp wolf claws of the werewolves hit Zhang Wei's skin like Wolverine's claws touching steel, sparking sparks, and then there was nothing else. Apart from sparks, Zhang Wei's skin did no harm at all.

This scene.

Scary and funny.

Seven or eight werewolves were roaring and screaming, exhausting all their breastfeeding strength, and furiously scratched at a person who stood in the middle and tilted his head to watch them give him a brutal 'massage'.

It was also at this moment that the system prompts kept ringing in his mind.

【Ding! Werewolves go crazy, die! Die for me! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +250]

【Ding! The werewolves were stunned, fuck, screaming, blood, flesh, I have hallucinations in front of my eyes, why is there no scene of flesh and blood flying in front of my eyes]

[Host obtains system points +260]

【Ding! The werewolves were shocked and confused, brothers, are my wolf claws fake? 】

[Host obtains system points +270]

【Ding! ...]


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