Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 333 In A High-End Restaurant, Get Fresh Ingredients


The werewolves continued to attack Zhang Wei crazily, hitting the back, Zhang Wei didn't break the defense, they broke the defense first.

Especially what Zhang Wei kept saying:

"Don't stop, yes, hit and scratch my neck, oh, yes, yes, that's the strength."

"Change this side next."

"Oh~ praise my wolf god, the strength is just right, brothers."

【Ding! Werewolves mentality collapsed]

[Host obtains system points +280]

Listening to Zhang Wei's howling, these werewolves wanted to howl too, but they just wanted to howl like wolves, why is it so.


The leading werewolf couldn't bear it any longer, so he stopped his hands and took several steps away from Zhang Wei. After looking at the wolf claws that Zhang Wei had scratched almost smooth, it uttered in horror:

"What the hell are you?"

The other werewolves also stepped back and stared, which was self-evident, and they had the same idea as the leader werewolf.

Compared to them werewolves.

It felt like the young man in front of him was a werewolf.

To this.

Zhang Wei grinned and responded in English:

"Me? I'm from Daxia. Guess my height and weight. My surname is Zhang and my first name is Wei. It's not David's Wei, but Wei, who is brave and fearless."

The corner of the leading werewolf's mouth twitched. Although Zhang Wei's answer was painful, it still couldn't help asking the question it wanted most in its heart:

"Bullshit! How can people be so hard."

Zhang Wei smiled when he heard this:

"I'm not hard, I'm soft. If you don't believe me, find a beautiful female werewolf. She can make me change from hard to soft. It will take about 1-3 hours. Of course, if you find a few more, I may be more For a short time."

As soon as his words came out.

The werewolves froze for a moment.

Matt and the others were also stunned.

The guests present were also stunned.

Immediately afterwards.

The werewolves looked angry.

【Ding! Werewolves are angry, damn it! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +290]

Facing Zhang Wei's words, they have a feeling that their own female werewolf was given ntr by Zhang Wei.

the other side.

Unlike the werewolves, Matt and the others twitched the corners of their mouths, especially the dagger priest and the Bible priest, who seemed to think of something, and kept drawing the sign of the cross on their chests:

"God forgive my dirty thoughts, amen."

The faces of the guests present were also different.

can be seen.

The guest of Asiba showed a wretched smile and kept laughing.

The other guests were not much better either, squinting their eyes to try to cover up the glowing look in their eyes. I don't know if they thought of seeing some comics about female werewolves vs. brave men, or about comics about priests fighting female werewolves, or something else... …


Don't wait for them to think about it.

There was movement between Zhang Wei and the werewolves.

The leader werewolf roared:

"Damn it, you are courting death!"

The words fell.

As soon as it moved, Zhang Wei had already rushed up. The speed was so fast that Zhang Wei appeared in front of the leading werewolf with a flicker of his eyes.

"Brother Jiebo!!"

The werewolves were shocked and wanted to rescue them.

It's a pity that Zhang Wei was too close to the lead werewolf, and even the lead werewolf had no time to react, let alone the other werewolves around.


A sound of flesh being pierced came out.

The leading werewolf felt a pain, and slowly looked down at his chest.

There was an extra hand there, which was the hand of the Daxia youth in front of him. His hand pierced through his chest like a knife, the front and back were transparent, and it went straight to the back.

Same time.

The werewolves around saw that Zhang Wei was holding a still beating heart in the palm stretched out from the back of the leading werewolf, that was... the heart of their leading werewolf!

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei's voice sounded:

"What's the situation with you werewolf? Why is your body as fragile as a piece of paper than mine? Why can't I just poke through it? Doesn't it mean that you werewolves are very hard?"

【Ding! The lead werewolf wants to swear, so pretend to me, right? 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

The leading werewolf opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but his heart was pulled out, and it fell down without a word in the end.


In this high-end restaurant, a live slaughter of ingredients was staged, explaining what fresh ingredients are.

Zhang Wei dropped the heart of the leading werewolf in his hand, and it landed on a plate in the distance. He rushed towards the other werewolf, jumped up, jumped onto the back of the werewolf as tall as an iron tower, and grabbed the other werewolf with one hand. Tianling Gai inserted one hand towards the back of his neck.


Zhang Wei pulled out the werewolf's entire spine from the back of the neck, spraying blood.

He is like an emotionless chef, picking ingredients from these werewolves, breaking the werewolf's cap and taking its wolf brain, and then grabbing the legs of the fleeing werewolf and smashing the whole werewolf in rotation. At the back, only the wolf leg that was held in the hand remained, the rest of the body was smashed to pieces.

its violent scenes.

【Ding! Werewolves fear]

[Host obtains system points +200]

The werewolves trembled when they saw it.

I also saw that Matt and the others were frightened.

Can't help it.

Matt continued with the two priests beside him:

"My God, no, go to God on the horse, Fry, you can see, Yu, the Jade Emperor is so cruel, you really have to do this to deal with ghosts, God is too kind, you know that reading the Bible and sprinkling holy water is helpful What's the use, this is the correct way to deal with ghosts."

He became more and more excited as he spoke:

"How many people have been killed by ghosts, how many people have been slaughtered, how can we be merciful when dealing with them."

in words.

He made no secret of the admiration in his eyes:

"Even if he is not the Jade Emperor, he will still be the object of my admiration in the future. He is also a fart exorcist priest. Can the exorcist priest carry bullets, can he carry cannonballs, can he pick out the heart of a werewolf? No, oh~ my Jade Emperor ,Long live Long live Long live."

Father Dagger and the others fell silent, and the gesture of the cross on their chests stopped abruptly in the middle. No one knew what they were thinking, but from their burning eyes, it could be seen that they were not in a calm mood.

at the same time.

The other guests were also shocked in place.

Many people were frightened by Zhang Wei's bloody and violent ghost exorcism scenes, feared and worshiped at the same time.

"The people of Daxia are too cruel."

"I used to read history in the library. I saw that there was a man named Bai Qi in Daxia. He claimed to kill God and killed a lot of people. I think it's too fake. Now it may be true."

"I swear, I'd rather meet someone from Daxia who knows kung fu to death than provoke someone from Daxia like him."

The other guests murmured.


Among them, an old man stared at Zhang Wei in a daze. He was not a customer, but the head chef of this restaurant, a Michelin-starred chef from England who was awarded a knight.


Look at the picture of Zhang Wei's gorgeous, bloody and light hand, taking fresh ingredients on the spot.

The old Michelin chef shouted excitedly and tremblingly:

"Elegance, this anatomical ingredient is extremely elegant!!"


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