Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 334 If You Add System Points To The Characters, What Will Be The Effect?

Zhang Wei didn't notice the changes in everyone's expressions. He was immersed in his exorcism at the moment.

【Ding! The werewolves are terrified, you Bactrian... No, you are not a Bactrian at all, you are a devil, Satan, Cthulhu, demon, monster, Hachimo (Japanese monster)...]

[Host obtains system points +100]

The system prompt sounds.

Although this time the system points were only 100 points higher than before, Zhang Wei was not surprised. Without him, only two of the previous eight werewolves remained.

Their wolf eyes were filled with fear, and they retreated repeatedly as they watched Zhang Wei approaching.

At last.

The companions died one after another, and under the fear of death, the psychological defense of the two remaining werewolves completely collapsed. They lost the will to fight and turned around to run out of the restaurant.

But just turned around.

Zhang Wei had already appeared behind him, standing at the door of the restaurant.

at this time.

Zhang Wei's clothes and face were splattered with blood. It was the blood of a werewolf. He grinned at the werewolf in front of him, showing his teeth stained with blood, and replied slowly in English:

"It's not appropriate for you to use a gun to go away like this."

in words.

Under the terrified gaze of the werewolf, Zhang Wei wrapped his arms around the werewolf's neck, and pulled the werewolf's body towards him, making his body stick to him. On the belly of the werewolf.

The trigger is pulled.

Puff puff puff puff...

The muzzle of the gun hit the werewolf's abdomen, and there was a dull sound of bullets. Under the impact of the bullets, the werewolf's stomach, which was on the back, trembled violently.

And Zhang Wei circled the werewolf like this, holding it with a gun, advancing all the way, and the werewolf retreating all the way, recreating the scene of a classic American movie, where the protagonist kills the villain with a gun at close range.

【Ding! The wolf vomited blood, you bastard, what the hell are you...]

[Host obtains system points +60]

Clinking bullet casings fell to the ground.


Where the werewolf retreated, bullet casings scattered all over the ground. When the gunfire stopped, Zhang Wei let go of the wolf man, whose abdomen had been shot through. He looked down and opened his wolf mouth overflowing with blood, wanting to say something , Unfortunately, Zhang Wei didn't tell it. He pulled his hands and tore off its two wolf hands.

"How could this be, why ordinary bullets can kill Eli."

The one who spoke was the last werewolf left.

Zhang Wei turned his head when he heard this:

"you guess."

Naturally, he wouldn't tell the other party that he had added system points to the bullet, which was more powerful than a silver bullet.


Zhang Wei didn't give it time to guess, and quickly got rid of the opponent.

Looking at the mess everywhere, he shook his head:

"It seems that tonight's supper can't be eaten here. Go back and change your clothes first. Mr. Father, I helped you deal with the werewolves. I shouldn't need to reimburse you for these losses."

As soon as his words came out.

The biblical priests who were absent came back to their senses.

The biblical priest nodded quickly:

"Of course, this is the area that our Holy See is responsible for, and these werewolves are coming for us, the Jade Emperor... No, Mr. Zhang Wei helped us solve it, and we should deal with it later. Thank you, Mr. Zhang Wei, for saving us again."

"You're welcome, that sentence is still easy."

Zhang Wei smiled.

Just when he was about to go back to his room and change his clothes.

"Wait a minute, Jade Emperor."


Zhang Wei looked back and saw Matt walking towards him quickly, worshiping:

"Master Jade Emperor? Sir? I don't know how to address you better. In short, long live the Jade Emperor, long live, long live, that...can you sign for me, and you can't deny it now, your identity."

As Matt spoke, he made a crappy Chinese bow to Zhang Wei, and then motioned Zhang Wei to look at the dead werewolf corpses around him.

Feeling Matt's fiery eyes, Zhang Wei couldn't laugh or cry. He heard that some foreign Christians were very fanatical. For example, the Pope was praised by the believers for his high status. up.

Now it seems.

He believed it.

It's the fanatical believer in front of him who doesn't believe in God, but another emperor. It's his own stinky brother, whom he calls the Jade Emperor.

Originally Zhang Wei wanted to persuade him, but when he saw Matt's fiery eyes, he didn't bother to explain. He felt that no matter how much he explained, he couldn't explain clearly. Who made himself stronger, and he didn't know him very well, nor did he If it is necessary to explain, the misunderstanding will be a misunderstanding, and it can't be done anyway.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei replied:

"I can only say Mr. Matt, I am indeed not the Jade Emperor, believe it or not, as for the signature, I did not bring paper and pen."

"I have one."

Matt replied immediately, pulling out a pen and a Bible from his clothes.


He pointed to the Bible and said:

"I didn't bring paper, just sign here, my lord Jade Emperor."


Zhang Wei froze for a moment, glanced at the Bible in Matt's hand, but still signed it.

He knows that no matter in foreign countries, many priests will carry a Bible with them to show their worship of God and to facilitate preaching.

Not long.

Sign your name.

Zhang Wei wrote the word "Zhang Wei" on it, and Matt asked him to sign it. Naturally, he signed Zhang Wei to return the Bible to Matt.


Before returning it back, looking at his signature, Zhang Wei inexplicably thought of something. Adding points to the system by himself is to add points to things or people. You must know that system points are claimed to be able to add points to everything, so can you add points to text? ?

If you can add some text to the text, what will the effect be?

Do whatever comes to mind.

With a thought in Zhang Wei's mind, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

【Ding! Bless the word 'Zhang Wei' 1 system point]

the other side.

Matt watched Zhang Wei sign his name. Although it was Zhang Wei, he didn't mind. Anyway, it was enough that Zhang Wei signed it. He took the Bible signed by Zhang Wei and held it in his arms happily. Thank you again and again:

"Thank you Jade Emperor for signing, I will definitely cherish it."

He made a decision in his heart that he must keep this signed Bible well and keep it with him at all times so that he can pay his respects and pray to the Jade Emperor every day.

"You're welcome, Mr. Matt, it's just a broken signature."

Zhang Wei waved his hand and continued:

"And Mr. Matt, you don't need to call me the Jade Emperor. I'm really not. The Jade Emperor is Zhang Bairen. I'm Zhang Wei. You can call me Zhang Wei."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang Wei."

"Oh, and one more thing."

Zhang Wei raised a finger:

"Don't worry, I'm not dad, I just want to tell Mr. Matt, don't tell the Jade Emperor long live long live, you are cursing the Jade Emperor, the Jade Emperor lives long live? Doesn't this mean that the Jade Emperor has a short life?


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