Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 335 Zhang Wei Big Brother, You Are So Brave, I Punch Your Chest.Jpg

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, he handed over the follow-up to the Bible priest and the others, turned around and left the restaurant, preparing to go back to the room to take a shower, change clothes and go out for supper.

Watching Zhang Wei leave.

Matt did not forget to hold the book and boasted:

"Frye, look quickly, og! I got the Jade Emperor's autograph, you guys are so slow, you don't know how to ask for an autograph with me."

The biblical priest waved his hand and scolded with a smile:

"Okay, okay, stop worshiping Matt, I think it's more important to deal with the matter here quickly than signing."

Father Dagger also echoed:

"Matt, you look like this. I almost thought that you didn't get Mr. Zhang Wei's signature, but got God's signature. Let's deal with things quickly. It just so happens that you just became an exorcist priest, so you should know the process."

The words did not fall.

Father Dagger glanced at the werewolf corpses around him, patted Matt on the shoulder and continued:

"After all these are dealt with, I will apply to the bishops to take you to an exorcism, complete the first exorcism in your life early, and break your virginity, haha."

The biblical priest also nodded:

"If it weren't for Mr. Zhang Wei, we would have died twice today at the hands of werewolves. I'm holding back my anger now, find the ghosts as soon as possible, and send them to God."

His words speak out.

Matt put away the Bible and nodded:

"Indeed, damn it, now that I think about it, I just became an exorcist priest and died before killing any ghosts. That's really embarrassing."


the other side.

at this time.

Zhang Wei didn't know about high-end restaurants, so after taking a shower, he went out to find something to eat.

Walking in the street.

Ding dong.

A WeChat notification sounded.

I clicked on my phone to see that it was Zhang Chao who had sent me a message.

[Zhang Chao]: Zhang Wei, just now shit, I finally remembered the account password of my international forum, and now I will send you the forum address and account password.

【Zhang Wei】:ojbk

[Zhang Chao]: By the way, why are you still not asleep? I thought you were asleep.

【Zhang Wei】: No, I was waiting for you to send me the account password just now, and then I was hungry. I went out to eat and met a group of werewolves with guns. .

[Zhang Chao]: Fuck, a werewolf with a gun? Is Hawaii so exciting at night? It's worthy of the free Emirikon, even the ghosts follow the trend.

Zhang Chao sent a message, and looked back at a group of monks standing beside Wu Nian with Bartley sniper rifles, ak47 and other firearms.

Those are the brothers and sisters of Wu Nian.

not long ago.

They rushed to support and helped deal with those ghosts. What surprised him was that when the Wutai Mountain monks saw the ghost, instead of clasping their hands together, they drew their guns and fired a burst. Zhang Chao almost thought he had crossed to the Erwu battlefield.

at the same time.

Brother Wu Nian was chatting cheerfully, chanting Amitabha Buddha with palms together, and happily telling how many ghosts he shot and killed and how many ghosts had their heads shot.

Looking at the scene in front of him.

Zhang Chao couldn't help but looked down at the phone again, showing a smirk, and said:

"It seems that it is necessary to fool Wu Nian's brothers and let them go abroad to exalt the majesty of my Daxia's Buddhism. The scene of Daxia monk and foreign ghosts shooting each other out, and the scene of fighting... No matter how I think about it, I am a little excited , Alas, I'm such a pervert."

Just thinking about it.

Zhang Wei sent a message.

【Zhang Wei】: That's not true, they are still carrying rocket launchers to kill two priests, but they happened to be at the scene, so they helped solve it

[Zhang Chao]: Wow, Zhang Wei big brother, you are so brave, you can beat your chest with a small fist jpg

[Zhang Chao]: But I'm not envious, because there was a shootout on my side just now, Wu Nian's senior brother came to support, good guy, you haven't seen that scene, old Middle East.

【Zhang Wei】: Haha, really, how are you doing now?

[Zhang Chao]: All the problems have been solved. Not a single ghost is left behind. They all died under my Little Demon Immortal stick and at the gunpoint of the Wutai Mountain monk.

【Zhang Wei】: What you said, I almost took out my student card and got on the bus.

[Zhang Chao]: Hahaha, I’m just going to the kindergarten car. I want to get in the car. I suggest taking Wu Nian and Xia Mei’s car. I heard from Xia Mei’s friends that Wu Nian and Xia Mei are doing well.

【Zhang Wei】: I can't go up, I'm in Hawaii now.

[Zhang Chao]: It's okay, I've been in Sanjin City recently, I'll secretly take photos of Wu Nian and Xia Mei dating and send them to you.


Zhang Wei looked at the information sent by Zhang Chao and captured the key information:

【Zhang Wei】: Are you in Sanjin City recently? Are you not afraid that sister Mei will beat you? That counts as absenteeism.

[Zhang Chao]: It was counted before, but it is not counted now, because this is the order of the old lady. She asked me to be stationed in Sanjin City recently as a temporary worker to handle supernatural events for Sanjin City. Sister Baoer gave me a thumbs up.jpg

【Zhang Wei】: What? Is Sen Luosi making a lot of noise about Sanjin City?

Information about Zhang Chao.

Zhang Wei understands that this kind of personnel transfer is obviously due to the lack of manpower in Sanjin City. Combining with the previous events, he thought of Sen Luosi's glasses making a big fuss in Sanjin City.

[Zhang Chao]: It is indeed because of Sen Luosi, but now Sanjin City is fine, just lack of manpower.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Chao didn't hide anything and told the truth.

Since the last time Glasses received an order from Sen Luosi to go to Sanjin City to cover the Northeast side to attract firepower, he made a lot of noise, especially after Huahua bombed the temple on Mount Wutai.

that time.

Mount Wutai was angry, no matter how good-tempered the monks were, they wanted Sen Luosi to look good, and most of the older generation of eminent monks took action to catch the glasses.


Glasses fled quickly, seeing that Mount Wutai was blown up, and the effect was achieved, so he hurriedly greased the soles of his feet and ran away.

Also for this.

After discussions between Mount Wutai and Sanjin City, it was decided that some eminent monks and seniors would go to capture the glasses, and the other eminent monks would go to the Northeast to save face in Senluosi over there. These eminent monks and seniors just went to support them.

So now Sanjin City is short of manpower and was transferred to support.

【Zhang Wei】: So that's the case. How is the situation in Northeast China now?

Mention the Northeast.

Zhang Wei also attracted attention.

[Zhang Chao]: The situation is not optimistic. Recently, several masters have died. They are all old ghost exorcists who can at least deal with the ghost king. It was the mastermind Sen Luosi who did it.

[Zhang Chao]: Zhang Wei, you don’t know. I don’t know if the latter was forced to be anxious by our Department of Defense, or what. He’s been crazy recently, and he doesn’t hide anymore. Do it yourself.

[Zhang Chao]: Now the ghost exorcists in the Northeast and the Five Northeast Families are in a state of panic. It is said that the Five Northeast Families have banned juniors from going out. They are afraid of encountering the behind-the-scenes. .

[Zhang Chao]: Not to mention ghost exorcists, those who were transferred to support before, except Qilinwei who can deal with ghost kings, all others have returned. Now the northeast can be said to be full of masters.

[Zhang Chao]: To be reasonable, Zhang went to Hawaii for you, otherwise you would probably be visited by the Department of Health and Dao, and invited you to the Northeast to support. Who told you to fight the ghost king.

[Zhang Chao]: Fuck, no, I seem to be able to do it now, although it depends on you, but it's the same, I won't be transferred, no, I have to keep a low profile.

[Zhang Chao]: So Zhang Wei, don't come back in a hurry. The situation in Northeast China is very tense now.

Look at the information.

Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled, and he immediately sent a message to Zhang Chao:

【Zhang Wei】: Is the man behind the scenes very powerful? There are so many masters, they can't be killed? Because she is a mortician?

[Zhang Chao]: Yes, every time she makes a move, she is a corpse sewn by herself. She has all the strength of the main body, but if the main body is not found, it is basically difficult to kill. This method is similar to that of a paper maker. Ghosts can use paper and sewn corpses as puppets.

[Zhang Chao]: But it’s not a big problem. If it’s a mortician of her level, to sew a corpse with the same strength as her own body, special corpses are needed, such as the iron coffin zombie, so the number of corpses will not be many. Four tops the sky.

[Zhang Chao]: I heard that the behind-the-scenes already had two sewn corpses. After losing two masters, they were destroyed by the joint efforts of several seniors. I think there must not be many corpses of the behind-the-scenes, and it will be a long time to continue. We can find her body soon.

[Zhang Chao]: So the Department of Health and Justice is very nervous now. One is to deal with the behind-the-scenes as soon as possible, and the other is to prepare for the support of Sen Luosi. The Department of Defense needs to guard against this move.


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