Following the information sent by Zhang Chao.

Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled. He was busy preparing for his trip to Hawaii these days, but he didn't expect such a big event to happen in the Northeast.

I thought about it.

Zhang Wei sent a message:

[Zhang Wei]: By the way, the Ministry of Defense has lost so many masters, so what about the five Northeast ones? How are things over there?

He promised Huang Qingshan before that he would help save the old man of the Huang family, but now that the five Northeast families are involved in the Northeast incident, the situation is not going to be much better.

as predicted.

[Zhang Chao]: There were also casualties. The five families in the Northeast lost several direct descendants of the grandfather. Among them, the Hu family and the Huang family suffered more losses. The Huang family has been weak in recent years because of the matter of the grandfather of the Huang family.

[Zhang Chao]: As for the Hu family, it was the little granddaughter who was caught by the mastermind before, and the Hu family was very angry. They first sent the Hu family to seek revenge for the mastermind, but five of them died. Three, two seriously injured.

[Zhang Chao]: But it was also because the Hu family was so angry that one of the behind-the-scenes sewing puppet died.

【Zhang Wei】: Three dead? This amount is not small, the Hu family was outraged.

[Zhang Chao]: It must have exploded with anger. People say that among the five families in Northeast China, the Hu family has the best temper, but in fact, the Hu family is also the most vicious when it gets angry. This time the Hu family is definitely not good enough to let it go. Hu A reward order has been issued at home.

Zhang Chao’s message was posted here, and Zhang Wei was subsequently sent a link to the Department of Health and Justice Forum.

It was a bounty post.

Like the Haunted Nest Forum, the Health Department Forum also has posts offering reward orders, but it is just offering rewards to those wicked people who do all kinds of evil.

Zhang Wei clicked to look.

The reward was issued by the Hu family to offer a reward to Sen Luosi. As long as someone captures Sen Luosi's high-level officials, especially the behind-the-scenes, the Hu family will definitely have a big reward.


Zhang Wei also found rewards for Senluosi from five other northeastern companies in the "Related Posts" of the post, and the rewards are also extremely rich.

[Zhang Chao]: The five families in the Northeast have been famous for a long time. They are rich and powerful and offer rewards. Now let alone the righteous exorcists like us, those evil exorcists, and even the ghost king are all moved. It can be said that now in the Northeast , both black and white are looking for the behind-the-scenes of Sen Luosi.

[Zhang Chao]: Sen Luosi is definitely the target of public criticism in the Northeast.


Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao chatted for a while, Zhang Chao wanted to have supper with Wu Nian, so he ended the phone call.


Zhang Wei put away the phone and looked to the northeast.


at the same time.

Northeast, a bakery and pastry shop.

It is now 11 o'clock in the evening, and the bakery has long been closed, but the lights in the store have not been turned off. The owner of the store and the pastry chef in the store are walking towards a table in the store with a pastry plate that has just come out of the oven.


Two figures are sitting.

One is chubby, fair-skinned, and wearing anime clothes, and the other looks like a high school girl, but her limbs are stitched strangely, and her hands and feet are strangely coordinated and inconsistent. It seems that the real body is not one person, but many. A patchwork of individuals.

"Brother, brother, here it is, it's the pastry you want, I've made it."

The pastry chef came tremblingly, his palms were full of sweat, and his hand holding the pastry trembled with fear, but he still tried his best to hold the plate, for fear that the pastry on the plate would fall, and he didn’t know if he could survive, but Once this pastry falls, disaster must be imminent.

He is the owner of this store. He is in his thirties. He opened this store with his passion for pastry skills. The business is very good. Now, after hard work and love, he is going to open a second branch.


Since yesterday, it was the first time that he felt pain in his favorite pastry. He never thought that his good pastry would cause such a danger.

last night.

A fat man came to his shop and asked if there was a kind of pastry sold in the shop. After listening to the fat man's description of the pastry, he knew what the other party wanted. It was a very old-fashioned pastry, which was only found in some small places in the south. .

Fortunately, his grandma had made this kind of pastry for him before, and he told the fat man that he would make it, and he could try to make some and sell it to the fat man.

But the fat man was overjoyed when he heard what he said, and asked the shopkeeper to do it quickly, but the shopkeeper said that he couldn’t make it overnight. First, the materials were not purchased. In the south, it would take several days to buy them. Second, he couldn’t guarantee it. Can it be like.


The fat man told the shopkeeper that he must make it for me overnight, at all costs.

Originally, when the shopkeeper heard this, he felt that the fat man was here to make trouble for no reason, so he planned to refuse. Who knew that the next second, the fat man showed the appearance of a ghost. More than one, he also has a more insidious companion ghost, like a cobbled together corpse.

The shopkeeper was terrified. If the fat man hadn't looked so amiable and actually got him the pastry ingredients overnight, otherwise he might have been so scared that he couldn't even knead the dough well.

"It can be regarded as coming, this is waiting for me."

The fat man got up and took the pastry plate in the owner's hand, walked to the table and said:

"Hey, tailor, try it out. It took me several days, but I found it. Let's see if it's the kind of pastry you want to eat."

in words.

There was a smile on his chubby face.

The tailor nodded, his pale face was also a little excited, and his eyes were fixed on the pastry.

It was rare for her not to scold the fatty's words that seemed to invite credit, because she knew that the fatty's words were not lying...

Since the last time I said I wanted to eat a kind of pastry, the fat man took her to visit many pastry shops that night, but he couldn't find it. The tailor was not surprised. After all, it was something decades ago. How could it be possible? Yes, but the fat man did not give up.

in the next few days.

The fat man went all over the shop, just looking for this kind of pastry.

I finally found someone who can make it yesterday. In order to allow the pastry chef to make pastries, I did not hesitate to run to the south overnight, across most of the summer, and transport the pastry materials from the south to the northeast.


The tailor was a little excited, looking at the pastry in the fat man's hands, his dead eyes fluctuated violently in history.

so similar.

Do not!

This is exactly the same as the pastries her mother bought before.


Restraining her emotions, she reached out to pick up the pastry and took a bite.

Accompanied by pastries.

that moment.

The tailor could no longer restrain herself, and memories appeared in her mind, as if there was a familiar and warm voice whispering to her at this moment:

"Yaya, is it delicious? If it's delicious, mom will buy you more in the future."

"Happy birthday Yaya."

"Yaya, today is your birthday, let's go, let's go buy pastries, mom is getting paid, let's buy more this time."

"Ya Ya..."

The voice echoed.

Various memories of the past surfaced in the past.

Can't go wrong.

Fatty, he... really found her favorite pastry.

The pastry looks the same.

Even the taste is the same.

The tailor stared blankly at the pastry he had bitten into in his hand for a while, and was stunned.

Fatty was also stunned, but he wasn't nervous because he saw the tailor stop eating. Even though the tailor didn't say anything, the fatty knew that he had found the right cake that the tailor wanted.


He saw... tears rolling down the stitched cheeks in the tailor's eyes.

Tailor she cried.

Different from the crying that he saw in the small broken room, that time was sad and painful, this time he could feel it, the tailor was sad and happy.


A smile appeared on the fat man's chubby face.

at the same time.

The owner of the bakery was also stunned when he saw the tailor crying, but unlike the fat man, he didn't know the tailor, he only knew that the tailor was a ghost, and when he saw the tailor's tears, he cried like a ghost?


don't know why.

Obviously the tailor's pale face and stitched appearance are terrifying.

However, at the moment when he saw the tailor crying.

The shopkeeper inexplicably had a feeling that crying made people feel distressed and regretful, but also relieved, as if he had helped the other party unintentionally.


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