Looking at the content of the tailor's follow-up letter, the fat man couldn't help cursing.


[That's right, I need you to use the soul-calling flag to revive my mother. I told you about the function of the soul-calling flag. Even if the soul enters reincarnation, it can be brought back again. Reincarnated.

What can be pulled back is only the part of her memory soul that she drank the Mengpo soup.

But that's enough, I don't need a reincarnated mother, what I need is a pre-reincarnated mother, but resurrection is against the sky, even if it is a town-level ghost, the caster will be punished by God , you don't have to worry about this.

I have long been prepared, and I will bear the resurrection price of disobeying God. With my current body, it is enough to bear the soul recruited by an ordinary person, and I can even bear more costs.

Fatty, I have been waiting for this day for a long time, fifty years, I hope you can help me achieve it.

At that time, my mother will be resurrected, and I hope you will wash away her memory. I have refined a child puppet, and she will be my mother's daughter, Yaya. Before my mother died for me, I promised to Take good care of my mother, let my mother watch her daughter grow up, watch her marry and have children, and be able to be taken care of by her daughter when she gets old. I want to do it. This is the reason I have been living.

Fatty, I have never begged anyone in my life except my mother.

But this time, I beg you, do me this favor.

I will not treat you badly.

I also put a bank card in that place and saved 5 million. Don’t worry, I earned it myself, not by robbery. I earned it after my mother died. You can take it when the time comes 1 million to go, and the remaining 4 million to my mother and my puppet to help me take care of my mother.

in addition.

In fact, there are not only me and my mother in that place. If I have suffered enough, you can help me continue to revive my soul, and it will be regarded as paying for the sins I committed. 】

Look at the contents of the letter.

The fat man fell silent, his face was ugly, and his eyes were full of complexity:

"You tailor, why did I agree to help you with this favor? Damn it, why did I agree to this promise? Tailor, you plot against me... You know that I value promises the most."

in words.

His eyes fell on the last line on the envelope.

can be seen.

Compared with the words on the previous letter, this line of words is newer and newly added. The fat man can't help thinking that yesterday, when he brought the tailor to eat and chatted, the tailor asked for the wooden box back. Added the word.

[And... thank you for the pastry, fat man. 】

Look at this line of writing.

The cursing in Fatty's mouth stopped, and he remained silent.

Not for a while.

He silently folded the envelope and put it back into the wooden box, without saying a word, he went silently to the place indicated in the tailor's letter.

He knew he had been tricked by the tailor.

The tailor had planned everything, and he didn't give himself time to think, because the tailor was fighting to the death with those older generations. If he hesitated here, the older generation would definitely find the location of the tailor's body by following the puppet.

At that time, I will not be able to complete the tailor's request.


Let the tailor arrange it.

Perhaps from the very beginning when she joined Sen Luosi, the tailor arranged for herself to be the object of help today, but the last pastry was the only thing that disturbed the tailor's thoughts and made her make a small change in the plan, that is, adding the last sentence .

along the way.

The fat man was silent, he was always lively and unrestrained, but now he was walking forward with a sullen face, recalling his past with the tailor in his mind.

Meeting a tailor for the first time.

That was when he first became a ghost, he killed a red-clothed ghost as a ghost, complacent, and the tailor appeared and invited him.

Follow up.

As a ghost recruited by the tailor, he followed the tailor for a while and saw the madness of the tailor. In order to improve his strength, he did everything he could to perfectly interpret what is cold-blooded and what is scary.

Also for this.

He doesn't like tailoring very much, and always fights with her.

until later.

As he grew up at an astonishing speed, especially when he became the King of Ghosts, he was so happy that he wanted to find someone to share with. Unfortunately, he didn't have many friends, and the only friend he had was the tailor who scolded and bickered with him every day.

He didn't even think about it, he was going to go to the tailor to show off, he became the ghost king faster than her, so he had to make a good mockery of it, but that time, he saw by chance that the tailor went to the cake shop alone, bought a cake, and One person found a place where no one was around, put a candle in, blew out the candle, and said to himself, "Happy birthday to myself".

Also from that day.

He knew that the tailor might not be as cold-blooded and scary as he imagined.

Memories flooded my mind.

The fat man scratched his head, trying to find a way to save the tailor, but he couldn't think of anything for a while.

After all, it was a plan that the tailor had spent his entire life arranging, how could it be possible for him to come up with a solution in such a short period of time.


Fatty arrived at the place.

It was a suburban house bought by a tailor, and it went straight into the basement, and there was a hole in it, and a large basement was carved out by the tailor, with an extremely spacious area.

one into it.

The fat man froze on the spot.


But it wasn't the spaciousness of the basement that shocked him, but... the neatly arranged corpses.


The fat man murmured in shock.

There are too many corpses, at least thousands of them. There are people, zombies, demons, etc. Go to the nearest white fox corpse and look at it. There is also a message on it. Look around, all the corpses are there!

looked down.

The message was written on the body:

【Hu Shiliu, the sixteenth granddaughter of the Northeast Hu family's eighth grandpa, was captured by me. I needed her demon blood to refine the town's state-level ghost summoning banner, and I killed her and drained all the blood. 】

The fat man was silent, and looked up at the group of corpses that had been laid out, and understood what these corpses were, they were all people and ghosts killed by the tailor.

Can't help it.

He thought of the few words in the tailor's mind—【That place...has paid for the sins I committed. 】

It turned out that she had already thought about it, not only to use the soul-calling banner to resurrect her mother, but also to resurrect the people and ghosts killed by her.

understand the situation.

The fat man was a little bit wanting to laugh and a little bit swearing. Fu Fu looked at the evocation flag in his hand, then looked at the corpses all over the place, and the two coffins in the center:

"Kill these people, use them to refine soul-calling banners, and finally use the soul-calling banners to call back their souls and revive them. Tailor, tailor, this bug is stuck for you, you can do it! But you just give them consideration, why don't you give it to me?" Think about it for yourself."

this moment.

Fatty already understood.

I understand all the tailor's plans, and I also understand...why the tailor has to crazily improve his strength, not only to save his mother, but also to make himself strong enough to bear the pain of resurrecting her. kill people.

And she did.

Today's tailors are very powerful, so powerful that the older generation can't fight against them alone, they need to work together to deal with them.

"No wonder you heard that I have the head of the ghost king, you were so eager to get it at a high price, you tailor... oh."


As the fat man said this.

He was already standing in front of the two coffins, and his eyes fell on one of the coffins.

can be seen.

Lying on that coffin was a young girl in bloom. Although she was pretty, she frowned before she died. She died in pain. She seemed to have unfulfilled wishes and a charming and charming temperament.

That is the identity of the tailor.


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