This was the first time the fat man had seen the tailor himself, and the tailor had always been shown as a stitched puppet corpse.

It's different from those puppet corpses.

The body of the tailor has not been stitched at all. His appearance remains at the age of the blooming season, his skin is fair, lying there quietly, stored here at low temperature, and maintains the most beautiful appearance before his life. Just like the legendary Sleeping Beauty.

I don't know if it was the first time I saw the tailor itself, or seeing the tailor himself so beautiful, the fat man lost his mind for a moment.

Wait until you come back to God.

He moved his gaze down from his face and landed on his hands.

In this coffin, not only the tailor itself was lying, but also a little girl was holding in his arms, about five or six years old. Looking closely, it was somewhat similar to the tailor.

The fat man recognized the little girl. This should be the little puppet girl that the tailor said would replace her.

Maybe thinking about what to do next.

The fat man picked up a bank card in the hand of the little puppet girl and a note left by the tailor with the method of summoning spirits. He turned his head away from the tailor and looked at another coffin. , this coffin can be called luxurious and exquisite, and there is a middle-aged woman lying in it, somewhat similar to a tailor.

That was the tailor's mother.

The "inner world" given to the tailor.

I took a few glances.

The fat man sighed and looked away. He didn't dare to waste time, and walked to the center of the basement to the side, ready to carry out the work entrusted by the tailor.

Walk around.

He looked around at the corpses around him, finally landed on the corpse of an old man, and couldn't help muttering:

"My villain is still not good enough. I should have thought that the tailor is collecting the corpses, not only for sewing the puppet corpses, but also for the resurrection plan."

If Zhang Wei is here, he will definitely recognize the old man's body.

Isn't it the iron coffin zombie he dealt with!

Fatty still remembers.

A few days ago, he paid attention to the events in Northeast China. He got news from the forum of the Ministry of Health that the behind-the-scenes retaliated against the Secretary of Health. The iron coffin zombie was manipulated by the behind-the-scenes to run away from the morgue where the Department of Health kept the corpse by special means. Come out (see Chapter 291 for details).

In fact.

When he was acquainted with tailors, he often saw the tailors manipulating and collecting dead bodies. According to what he said, they were used to mend puppet corpses. There are dead bodies.

at this time.

The fat man came to the center, according to the note left by the tailor, he moved with a ghostly aura, and waved his big hand.

The ghostly atmosphere turned into a large spirit-calling formation, covering the entire basement, with red strings all over the place, wrapping corpses one by one, hanging bells of spirit-calling, and white candles lighting up the basement.

next moment.

With the soul-calling flag as the eye of the formation, while shaking, the white candle and red rope soul-calling bell, three pillars of fragrance are lit, and as the fat man shakes the soul-calling flag, all the soul-calling bells will automatically jingle without wind, and the ghostly voice echoes in his mouth:

"The soul comes back, go to the king's constant work, what is the four directions, the place of joy to leave the king, if it is more ominous to be away from it, the soul is back, the east is not to be far... The soul is back, go to the king's constant work... ..."

Read it over and over again.

Its sound is far away.

Echoed far away, there seemed to be the sound of wooden wheels turning in the dark, and there seemed to be the sound of a door opening and closing. !

Hua Taotao's soul power like hell, swept over every corpse.


Crying ghosts and howling wolves, like the sky is crying, like the gods are crying, this small place stirred up a scene that would make the sky turn pale. First, the corpse of the tailor mother closest to the center of the array, its closed eyes, eyelids trembling slightly , and the eyelashes trembled accordingly.


There was the sound of footsteps, coming from Samsara, stepping out of the door, with crisp footsteps, gradually approaching, and gradually falling into the tailor mother's body.

But at the critical moment, the footsteps stopped.

It seemed that Huangquan Tiandi had sensed that someone was going to escape the shackles of the underworld, violate the rules of heaven and earth, and revive the life that should have died long ago. While stopping the footsteps from falling, the fat man also felt that he had endured a terrible force, and his mouth overflowed with blood.


He showed pain.

But it's not because of suffering from God's punishment, but...he has to make a choice here, he knows that relying on himself is not enough, the tailor has already done everything.


He let out an angry roar, his eyes were red with his usual hippie smile, he raised his hand to attract the tailor's body in the tailor's coffin, and hugged him into his arms, a roar that surpassed the usual ghost king resounded:

"Tailor, stand on your horse, don't die for me!"

next moment.

There were lines on the tailor's body, which were the preparations the tailor had made long ago. When he was picked up by the fat man holding the soul-calling flag, these lines were inspired.

Fatty can feel it.

The punishment he had suffered on his body disappeared completely, and the lines on the tailor's body in his arms also burst out with life-like brilliance, this is grafting!

The tailor grafted the punishment that was carried on the fat man to herself. The method is similar to the merit grafting back then. She...has prepared too much in her life, and she has used all of it today.


With the help of texture.

Fatty heard it.

The footsteps that had stopped before sounded again, and fell on the mother tailor.


The sound of footsteps is no longer one sound, but one after another. There are many, as if many, many people are coming, calling back from all directions.

for a while.

All the corpses in the basement started to move, either their fingers moved, or their hearts beat, breathed evenly, and blood flowed.

"Tailor, you really did it..."

Feeling all this, the fat man felt the charcoal stuck in his throat, and he opened his mouth dry.


at the same time.

Northeast, in a resort hotel.

Compared with the ruins before, this place is even more messy now, and the original appearance of the resort hotel can no longer be seen at all.

look intently.

In this messy resort hotel garden, there are six wounded figures surrounding a single figure.

Those are six old seniors.

As for the figure surrounded by it, it was a tailor. She was covered in wounds, and her sutured arm hung precariously on her shoulder. The blood was matched with the stitched wound all over her body. She looked tragic and shocking.

"Amitabha, Sen Luosi's benefactor, don't resist any more, just capture him without a fight."

The host of Mount Wutai said, his old eyes squinted at the two corpses not far away.

After they worked together, although they were injured, they finally killed the tailor's two puppets.

Now all that remains is the last tailor's original one.

Immediately afterwards.

The old Taoist also said:

"I have to say that you, Sen Luosi, are indeed very powerful. You can fight like this with us alone, but in the current situation and your own situation, you should catch it without a fight."

As soon as his words came out.

The tailor was just about to take action, but she sensed something, her body shook, and she looked up at the old Taoist priest and the others in an instant, with a smile on her cold face:


She stretched out her hands, as if willing to be caught.

His sudden action made the old Taoist and others startled. They resisted fiercely just now, but they gave up resistance after a few words. Then what were we fighting just now?

Just when they thought it was a fraud.

The tailor trembled violently, coughing up a mouthful of corpse blood.


The old Taoist and the others were astonished.

"It's not right!"

"Not good! Stop her! She wants to kill herself?!"

"Stop her!"

They were well aware of the tailor's puppet corpse's injuries. Seeing its sudden pale face, as if it had been severely injured, they thought the tailor was going to commit suicide here, so that their attack fell short this time.

The result was just about to step forward.

next second.

They all felt that there was a terrifying aura emanating from the tailor, not ghost aura, but punishment karma.

How is this going?

The old Taoist and others were a little confused. As seniors, how could they fail to see the tailoring situation? It was obviously punishing karma, and it could only happen if they did something against the heavens or outrageously, and it was on a scale...

"What the hell did you do?"

Lu Lianxue's grandfather, that is, the old Taoist priest asked with a moved face.

"I didn't do anything, I just did what I most wanted to do."

The tailor glanced at the old Taoist priest. Although her body and even her soul were suffering at the moment, she felt a sense of relief. It was finally finished, fat man, you did not disappoint me.


The words fell for a moment.

Under the incredible eyes of the old Taoist priest and others.

The tailor reached into his pocket and threw a few small porcelain bottles at the feet of the old Taoist and the others:

"I injured you just now. Believe it or not, there is medicine in that bottle. It is made of centuries-old herbs. It is helpful for the injury. Take it and the injury will heal quickly."

The old Taoist said: "???"

what's the situation?

Why did you give us the healing medicine under the name.


They subconsciously glanced at the old Taoist priest and remembered the previous incident. Not long ago, they fought with the tailor. Once, the old Taoist priest blocked the attack in order to save the five Northeast families that were almost hit by disaster. That time was an opportunity. The tailor It was enough to take the opportunity to kill the old Taoist priest.



Such an obvious flaw, the tailor just glanced at the old Taoist priest, apparently found it, but she didn't do it, maybe she didn't realize it before thinking about it, but combined with the current situation...

"Sen Ross, what are you doing?"

An old man asked.

To this.

The tailor looked up, taking advantage of the last breath of his puppet corpse, the stitched face showed a smile:

"I said, finish what I want to do the most, now it's done, I have no reason to fight with you, and then it's... the Department of Health, I have caused you trouble for many years, and there will be no more in the future."

The words fell.

The tailor breathed his last.

The puppet corpse lost its color and fell to the ground with a bang.

before death.

The tailor looked towards the direction of the basement where the fat man was, and murmured the last sentence of the dissipated soul:

"Fatty... thank you."


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