Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 343 It Comes True, But She's Not Here

the other side.

The basement where the fat man is.

at this time.

When the tailor uttered the last whisper, even though they were separated by a long distance, he held the tailor's body in his arms, and even had the soul-calling banner, and he heard the tailor's whisper of soul.

The fat man was shocked suddenly, and looked towards the tailor in his arms:

"Hey, tailor, don't say that, you don't die, I... I haven't paid you back yet, you creditor, don't die."

Through the induction of the soul-calling banner, he knew that the tailor had endured too much punishment and was on the verge of collapse.

A word from the tailor.

It was saying goodbye to him for the last time.

next second.

As if to test his idea, he only heard the sound of glass shattering, and the light lines blooming on the tailor in his arms suddenly dimmed and dissipated.


The fat man yelled anxiously with red eyes, bit his own finger, and used his own blood to repaint those lines, wanting to renew his life.

He knew what those lines meant.

This is the pattern of the tailor's graft punishment, and it also represents her life. The light pattern dissipates, the soul is broken, and she will not enter the six realms or the three realms.

this moment.

The fat man was completely flustered, he was no longer the tall villain who was always cautious and cheerful, he was no longer the senior executive of Sen Luosi, he looked flustered, shaking the tailor body, trying to call the tailor body back.


Nothing works.

The tailor is dead.

She went against the sky and resurrected others with the town-level soul-calling banner. Although she succeeded, she also suffered a price. Her soul was crushed, and the fragments became the nourishment of the soul-calling banner and were absorbed.

Watch as the spirit banner absorbs the tailor's broken soul.

The fat man was angry:

"Give it back to me!!!"

He burst into a monstrous ghostly gas.

this moment.

He really showed his full strength, with a monstrous and terrifying aura, soaring to the sky, like a king of all ghosts, no matter ghosts, demons, demons, or evil, everyone trembled in front of him.

But even so, he still can't stop the price against the sky. Unlike Zhang Wei and the tailor, Zhang Wei gathers the power of the Great Xia, and the tailor is a ghost at the national level. He only has himself as a ghost. How could it be possible for the tailor to die.


The fat man withdrew his breath, he knew that he had been exposed because of his fuss just now.

In the end, he looked at the lifeless tailor itself.

he sighed.

Then, wrapping the tailor's body, Yaya's puppet corpse, and tailor's mother, she left this place.

And it didn't take long.

Several people entered the basement entrance. They were ghost exorcists from the local Department of Health and Dao. They found out immediately after the fat man broke out. After discussion, they risked their lives to come over to see what happened.


"My God, what's going on here?"

They screamed.

Entering the basement and looking around, there are thousands of corpses, and the scene is so horrifying that even if they become ghost exorcists, they will be frightened.


Before they called to report the situation.

"It moved?! The corpse moved?! Wait, no, it doesn't seem to be a corpse."

They suddenly discovered that the thousands of corpses lying on the ground were all alive. They opened their eyes, stood up and looked around in a daze, and looked around, saying "Why am I here?" "I'm not dead." Is it?" and so on.

Also at this time.

One of the ghost exorcists of the Weidaosi who came in glanced at the figure who turned from a little white fox into a girl:

"Hu pomegranate from the Hu family?"

It's not loud.

But in this weird situation, everyone heard it, and Hu Shiliu also looked over.


Hu Shiliu asked:

"You know me? By the way, why am I here? Are you from Weidaosi? You saved me from Senluosi?"

The man was taken aback for a moment, then widened his eyes:

"Are you really Pomegranate Hu? That's great, Master Hu Ba is looking for you very hard. By the way, you were arrested by Sen Luosi, why are you here? Did Sen Luo Si arrest you here? What about Sen Luosi's people, and you, are you okay, are there any injuries?"

"I don't know, am I injured? I must be injured, I was wiped by Sen Luosi's neck, huh? Why is my neck fine, no, I should be dead?!"

As Hu Shiliu spoke, he suddenly remembered the scene before his death, and still remembered that his blood was drained.

can now.

How can I be here so well.

Faced with this situation, Hu Shiliu dared not hide it, and hurriedly asked the staff of the Department of Health and Dao.


The scene is crazy.

The staff of the Department of Health and Justice who arrived were also crazy.

After a while of their questioning, they discovered horribly and strangely that all the people, ghosts and demons in the basement, including Hu Shiliu, were dead, but now they are all alive, and this situation was soon confirmed , because they saw one of the exorcists, Qilin Wei who was killed by the tailor not long ago.

"Quick, report the situation!!"

"Ma De, what's the situation with this mother, the underworld is on holiday? Did you all come back?"

Those members of the Department of Health and Dao said in a daze.


the other side.

A place where the suburbs and urban areas meet in the northeast.

Fatty came here with his tailor mother and others.

at this time.

Hide the tailor body aside to prevent mother tailor from waking up and seeing it.

The tailor's mother came back to life. According to the tailor's request, the fat man erased some of the tailor's mother's memories, leaving only the good memories with Yaya.

Immediately afterwards.

When the tailor mother woke up and saw that her daughter was not around, she panicked. The fat man had seen it on her before.

"Who are you? Why am I here? Where's Yaya, where's my Yaya?"

"Aunt, your daughter is here."

Fatty's eyes were complicated, and at the same time he did not forget to hug Yaya in his arms to the tailor's mother.


The awakened Yaya said sweetly to the tailor mother.

"Ya Ya."

Seeing this, the tailor's mother hugged Yaya in her arms. She didn't know why, she clearly remembered that she had separated from Yaya not long ago, but seeing Yaya now, she felt a feeling of long-lost and found, an indescribable feeling. The pain seemed to be separated from Yaya for a long, long time.

"Mom, I'm here, don't cry, don't cry."

Yaya reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of the tailor's mother's eyes, just like the tailor did when she was a child.

Looking at the warmth of mother and daughter embracing each other.

The fat man fell silent. This scene was what the tailor wanted most, and now it has finally come true, but... she is not here.

Due to the fact that he personally conjured up the tailor's mother, and he has the function of the township-level soul-calling banner, when Fatty recruited the tailor's mother, he could also obtain the tailor's mother's memory under his drive.

Also for this.

Now the fat man is no longer ignorant of the tailor's past, he knows everything, he knows the details of the tailor's mother and the tailor's companionship during his lifetime, and understands why the tailor has planned the plan for 50 years.

Thinking of this, the fat man couldn't help but look at the puppet Yaya.

That Yaya has part of the tailor's memories during her lifetime, which are her best childhood memories, and they are all sealed in this Yaya's body by her.


The fat man told the mother and daughter that they had lost their memory in a car accident not long ago and that their memory was a little messed up, using the reason that the tailor had written in advance, and then arranged for them a place to live and other matters.

until evening.

Everything is in order.

when the fat man was about to leave

"Yaya, hurry up and say thank you to big brother, thank you, little brother Fatty Li, for causing you trouble."

Mother Tailor spoke.

Yaya nodded very sensiblely, and thanked Fatty Tiantian.

Looking at the appearance of the tailor when he was a child, and thanking himself, the fat man felt a little complicated in his heart, but on the surface he smiled and rubbed Yaya's head:

"You're welcome, Yaya, you have to work hard to protect your mother. You can't run around this time, you know."

At last.

Fatty left.

He returned to the hiding place where the tailor's body was hidden, and took a deep look in the direction of the tailor's mother and daughter's residence.

No one knew what the fat man was thinking at the moment.

The only thing that is known is.

The fat man hugged the tailor's corpse, walked into the night, and left the northeast.


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