Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 344 The Department Of Health's Response, Zhang Chao Made Another Effort

Big things happened in the Northeast.

at this time.

Hawaii, in the hotel corridor.

Zhang Wei doesn't know anything about Northeast China. Today is his second day in Hawaii. He visited a lot of places. Apart from sightseeing, he also bought souvenirs for Wu Nian and Li Junfei.

"Fatty and the others have bought all their souvenirs, and Zhang Chao is the only one missing."

He said looking down at the large and small bags of souvenirs in his hand.

This kid Zhang Chao is too tricky. Yesterday, after dealing with the supernatural incident at Wu Nian, he was chatting with Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei had to choose a gift that caught his eye in order to show Zhang Wei's foresight.

"What gift is eye-catching? Buy him an unwashed bikini worn by a foreign beauty?"

The voice just fell.

Zhang Wei took out his room card and prepared to open the door.

Ding dong.

A WeChat notification sounded, and I picked up my phone to see that it was Zhang Chao who sent me a message.

"Huh? Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here."

Zhang Wei complained, and just about to reply, it was Zhang Chao who took the lead in sending messages, telling Zhang Wei that something was wrong and that something happened in the Northeast, and then told what happened in the Northeast, including the death of the tailor, and the township. Super ghosts were refined.

"Spirit-calling banner at the national level?"

Zhang Wei frowned, feeling certain in his heart. He had thought before that Sen Luosi must hold a ceremony to arrest so many people. It turned out that it was to sacrifice and train the town-level ghosts.


He sent a message to Zhang Chao.

【Zhang Wei】: Thousands of people died and came back to life, is this true or not? Are you sure it was behind the scenes?

[Zhang Chao]: It is basically confirmed. If you don’t believe it, you can ask your family Lu Lianxue. Her grandfather also participated in dealing with the behind-the-scenes. He and other older generations judged that the behind-the-scenes will be captured alive and die immediately. It is suspected that thousands of people have been resurrected at his own expense.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei had a quick chat with Zhang Chao, and then went to find Lu Lianxue. Her grandfather personally participated in it, so she must know more things, and her grandfather loves sister Lu Lianxue the most, so maybe he knows something.


After contacting Lu Lianxue, Zhang Wei got some information from it.

[Lu Lianxue]: My grandfather said that the behind-the-scenes person was very strange before he died. He obviously had the opportunity to kill him, but he didn't kill him. He also gave them healing medicine, plus the karma of the person behind the scenes' death. Grandpa and the others judged that the person behind the scenes had resurrected the person she killed.

[Lu Lianxue]: It's a pity that the behind-the-scenes person is dead. There is no way to know why he did this. There must be something else hidden, but maybe only Sen Luosi knows the truth.

Zhang Wei was stunned for a while.

But he didn't think much about it. He cared more about another matter than the behind-the-scenes affairs in the Northeast and the refining of ghosts at the national level.


He did not hesitate to send a message to ask.

【Zhang Wei】: Xiaoxue, the person behind the scenes did not hesitate to use herself as a bait to attract everyone's attention. She must not be the one who made the soul-calling banner, but someone else was needed, and the strength must not be low. Has the person who made it been found? Or find or even catch each other?

Long before, Zhang Wei had already guessed that the fat man might be related to Sen Luosi after learning that the iron coffin zombie was related to Sen Luosi's behind-the-scenes.

That's why.

He didn't think it was strange for Sen Luosi to revive the killed people. After all, if the fat man did it, he would really be able to do such unreasonable things with his temperament, and he cared more about whether the fat man was caught or not.

However, Fatty's identity has a lot to do with it, it's not convenient for him to speak directly to Lu Lianxue, so he can only ask in a cryptic manner.

[Lu Lianxue]: I didn't find out that Sen Luosi did it very covertly. He didn't expose the refiner from the beginning to the end, and the top priority is not to find the refiner, but to deal with the soul-calling banner. After all, the soul-calling banner has been refined. up.

Fearing that Zhang Wei didn't know the ability of the soul-calling banner, and that Zhang Wei himself had a grudge with Sen Luosi, he might be targeted by Sen Luosi. Lu Lianxue hurriedly told Zhang Wei about the ability of the soul-calling banner.

[Lu Lianxue]: Zhang Wei, you have to be careful, I know you are very powerful, and your ghost exorcism skills are also special, but the soul-calling flag is at the national level, as long as you wave it, you can absorb souls, fortunately, it has a certain range, So if you run into it, you must run.

【Zhang Wei】: Don't worry, I'm in Hawaii now, nothing will happen, but you should be careful.

【Zhang Wei】: By the way, what is the Secretary of Defense going to do with the summoning banner?

in its view.

The soul-calling banner is a ghost at the Zhenguo level. To deal with this level of things, unless you invite a real dragon guard, or there is only one way to defeat "magic" with 'magic', that is, use the Zhenguo level to fight against Zhenguo. class.

as expected

[Lu Lianxue]: The danger of the soul-calling banner is too high. Now the Department of Defense has reported the matter and informed the matter to Chief Sheng. He plans to ask Chief Sheng to track down the soul-calling banner. Only his level can resist the soul-calling banner. .

[Lu Lianxue]: In addition, just in case, the Department of Health and Dao also used second-hand preparations to obtain the town-level magical artifacts and distribute them to the provinces to deal with the soul-calling banners.

Zhang Wei's eyes lit up when he heard this.

He knew that Director Sheng, whose full name is Sheng Xuan, is one of the True Dragon Guards of Great Xia today, and the only True Dragon Guard who can move freely, the strongest and the weakest existence.


After chatting with Lu Lianxue for a while, Zhang Wei hung up the chat early.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei's eyes fell on the souvenir on the bed, he thought for a while, picked up his phone, and was going to look for the fat man, and ask about the situation by tapping around.

Just picked up the phone.

[Zhang Chao]: Hey, how is the chat with Ms. Lu going? Do you have any gossip? Let me know.

Zhang Chao sent a message that such a big event happened in the Northeast, Zhang Chao couldn't help being curious, so he hurried to ask.

To this.

Zhang Wei briefly told him what Lu Lianxue said, and at the same time kindly told Zhang Chao to pay attention to safety, after all, he was also besieged and killed by Sen Luosi at the beginning.

【Zhang Wei】: By the way, remember to tell Wu Nian about the matter, and tell him to be careful when going out recently.

[Zhang Chao]: I will, and you don't just talk about me, Zhang Wei, you should also be careful. Compared with us, I think you are the key target of Sen Luosi.

Facing Zhang Chao's concern, Zhang Wei smiled.

【Zhang Wei】: Xiaoxue told me what you said just now, don't worry, I'm in Hawaii now, safer than you.

[Zhang Chao]: Fart, it's better to be careful, what if Sen Luosi really goes to Hawaii to find you with the summoning banner.

【Zhang Wei】:? ? ?

Zhang Wei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he shook his head after thinking about it. Although Zhang Chao was a bit crowed, it shouldn't be possible for Sen Luosi to cross the entire Atlantic Ocean with the spirit-calling banner to find him.

Seeing that the night was quiet at this time, Zhang Wei was afraid that he would say something dark and windy when chatting with Zhang Chao. In addition, he was planning to go to the beach tomorrow, and he had been in Hawaii for two days. He was busy buying gifts and gifts for his friends. Exorcising ghosts, I didn't go to the beach, and now I'm almost busy, so I finally have time to go.

Zhang Wei immediately hung up chatting with Zhang Chao, ready to wash up and go to sleep.

"Miss Bikini, here I come!"

The words fell.

Zhang Wei walked into the bathroom.

But just as he took a step forward, his cell phone rang again.

Zhang Wei: "..."


(ps: Hey, hello! I didn't expect it, there are still chapters today, I promise readers to add more, this is the third one, and there will be another chapter later! The fourth!)

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