Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 345: A Public Restroom With Cat's Eyes At Midnight

The corner of Zhang Wei's mouth twitched, and he turned to look at the phone on the bed.

at this time.

Jingle Bell.

A WeChat ringtone came from his mobile phone.

"I figured it out. Not only am I bound to have an accident when I get back from a taxi after finishing a supernatural event, I also only need my mobile phone to chat with multiple people, so there must be a lot of shit, fuck it."

Zhang Wei complained:

"Let me see which damned cutie is looking for me at night."

He picked up the phone and looked.

When he saw that Li Junfei was calling on the caller ID, Zhang Wei froze for a moment, thinking that Zhang Chao was calling.

"Hey, Junfei, why did you call me today? Didn't you say that the toilet in our dormitory was blocked for the past two days, so you stayed with your girl friend these two days, you..."

Zhang Wei hadn't finished speaking yet.

Suddenly Li Junfei's voice came from his cell phone.

His voice was very low, as if he was afraid of being heard, and while speaking in a low voice, his tone did not conceal his nervousness and excitement:

"Brother Wei, Brother Wei, Brother Wei, I seem to have encountered a ghost."


When Zhang Wei heard it, he immediately became energetic:

"Are you sure? Junfei, are ghosts around you?"

From Li Junfei's words just now, he judged that the ghost was near Li Junfei, otherwise Li Junfei wouldn't have to speak so quietly.

As soon as his words came out.

Li Junfei replied with an "um", affirming Zhang Wei's statement.


the other side.

Luxia City, the male dormitory building of Luxia University.

It was 11:30 in the evening.

can be seen.

Li Junfei was squatting in the public toilet on the fifth floor of the dormitory, the last toilet.

not long ago.

Li Junfei took advantage of his girlfriend's company holiday, and the toilet in the dormitory was blocked, so he wanted to stay at her house for two days and take a train for two days. After all, he hadn't entered the train tunnel for many days. Working overtime, he has no choice but to go back to the dormitory.

At first, he planned to find Fat Brother to cheat with him. However, he couldn’t get through to Fat Brother’s phone from yesterday to tonight.

Li Junfei could only play black games by himself, until just now, he had a stomachache and needed to go to the toilet, but the toilet in the dormitory was blocked, so he had to go to the public toilet on the floor.


Just when Li Junfei pulled halfway.

Boom, boom, boom...

There was a crisp knock on the door, echoing in his ears, echoing in the silent public toilet near midnight.

It's not loud.

But in the silent night, it is clear and loud.


Li Junfei was stunned for a moment, then said:

"Dude, this toilet is occupied, you can go to other toilets."

in words.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he didn't expect that other than him, there would be other people who came to squat in the middle of the night, so it seemed that he had diarrhea tonight, and he probably didn't catch a cold, but that there was something wrong with the food in the cafeteria.

However, Li Junfei is still a little puzzled. He obviously chose the last toilet to avoid this situation. How can someone choose the last toilet? You must know that whether it is folklore or urban legend, there are people who go to the toilet and don’t go to the toilet. The saying of the last room, because the last room is haunted.

I am wondering.

Boom, boom, boom!

The knock on the door sounded again, asking Li Junfei to come out as if he didn't hear Li Junfei's words.

Li Junfei frowned and said:

"I said, old man, you use other toilets. I saw it when I came here just now. There are no other toilets. There is no need to fight for the toilet with me in the middle of the night."


Facing Li Junfei's words, the only response to him was a knock on the door.

Boom, boom, boom! !

Listening carefully to the knock on the door, it seemed to be a little louder.

Clay figurines are also three-point angry, not to mention Li Junfei, who failed to drive the train these two days, who was playing lol, knelt and had stomach troubles, his anger suddenly came up:

"Damn, which dormitory are you in? Are you sick? Do you have obsessive-compulsive disorder or something? Do you have to have an exclusive pit for shitting? If you don't squat, your shit will be stuck in the anus and won't come out. , or what? Are you looking for faults!"

Li Junfei cursed, he wanted to wipe his ass and get up on the spot, and he wanted to teach this person a lesson, anyway, no one would know if he beat someone in the toilet in the middle of the night.

But when he finished wiping his butt, just turned the doorknob, and was about to go out, he stopped, or rather, was stunned.

"Huh? What is this? Cat's eye? Installing a cat's eye in the toilet? Which idiot did it."

Li Junfei stared at the past with strangeness in his eyes.

can be seen.

On the toilet door in front of him, it looks the same as the usual toilet door, but it is different. There is an extra black round thing. If you look closely, it is a cat's eye.

The cat's eye is something that only residential doors can install. It is used by the residents inside the door to see the people outside from the inside without opening the door to prevent outsiders from entering.

To know.

This is not a residence, it is a place where the human body excretes waste, and it is a place of privacy, not to mention that there is no need to install this thing at all, it is tantamount to a crime.

first timing.

There is only one thought in Li Junfei's mind... Is there a pervert who pretends to be a cat's eye in the toilet to peep at boys' poop?

But soon.

Li Junfei shook his head and waved away his thoughts, jokingly, voyeurism may exist, but it’s too blatant to pretend to be peeping through peeping eyes. If you want to pretend, you should also install a pinhole camera.

If it were someone else at this time, if someone encountered such a situation, especially when he was angry, he would definitely go to the cat's eye with curiosity to see who was knocking on the door outside.

But Li Junfei didn't do that.

Boom, boom, boom!

With the sound of knocking on the door again, Li Junfei was stunned, and took a step back subconsciously.

Others may not know the truth in this world, but Li Junfei does know that there are ghosts in this world, and he has seen them many times, and now... the last toilet, the knock on the door that no one answered, the toilet The cat's eye and other weird situations made him have to think more.


There are no people outside the door.


Li Junfei glanced at the toilet he was in, his eyes lit up, and he muttered excitedly in his heart:

"I, Cao, no way, am I so lucky? I've been damned too? Doesn't that mean... the things Brother Wei gave me to protect me can finally come in handy!"

I thought about it.

Li Junfei slowly put his hand into his pocket, and touched a hard object, which was a protective object prepared by Zhang Wei for Li Junfei in order to avoid the danger of running into ghosts.

It was this amulet that made Li Junfei not only not afraid after seeing the ghost, but also confident and even excited. He wanted to use the amulet to drive away the ghost, and he could take a photo of it and show it off to his girlfriend Classmates bragging.

Think here.

Li Junfei quickly picked up his mobile phone and called Zhang Wei.


Zhang Wei, who was far away in Hawaii, learned of the situation. He knew that Li Junfei must be excited because he heard Li Junfei's slightly excited whisper. Click on the system.

【Ding! Bless Li Junfei with 5000 system points]

With the system prompt beeping.

Only then did Zhang Wei feel relieved, and then asked Li Junfei to type the situation to himself on WeChat to prevent ghosts from overhearing.

Not long.

After Li Junfei briefly explained the situation, he sent a message to Zhang Wei:

[Li Junfei]: Then what's next, Brother Wei, what should I do? (?>?<?)?.


(ps: The fourth update! I see who else said I was short! Hahahaha)

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