Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 346 When You Encounter A Ghost, How To Correctly And Effectively Irritate The Ghost

Li Junfei just finished sending the message.

However, before Zhang Wei sent a message, a familiar voice came.

Boom, boom, boom...

The knock on the door sounded again, as if Li Junfei hadn't moved and was urging him to look at the cat's eyes.

Also at this time.

Just as Li Junfei was about to take action, a message from Zhang Wei came from his mobile phone. Looking at the content on it, he was taken aback for a moment, and then changed his steps from retreating to advancing, stepping forward.

It seems to have sensed Li Junfei's actions.

Boom, boom, boom...

There was another knock on the door.

Li Junfei also came to the toilet door and stopped, but he didn't stretch his head to look at the cat's eyes, but reached out and knocked on the toilet door when the knock sounded.

Boom, boom, boom...

There was a rhythm to the weird knocking on the door, each time it knocked once first, then knocked twice.

Li Junfei knocked twice first, and then knocked three times, knocking more than the other party each time.


Li Junfei could feel the moment he knocked on the door.

Outside the toilet door, the regular knocking stopped for a while, as if the 'person' knocking on the door was stunned by Li Junfei's actions.

Then there was another knock, knock, knock on the door.

【Ding! The knocker froze for a moment]

[Host obtains system points +80]

next second.

Without hesitation, Li Junfei followed Zhang Wei's instructions and knocked on the door.

Boom, boom, boom...

In the following time, a strange scene happened in the public toilet at midnight.

I don't know if Li Junfei and the 'person' who knocked on the toilet door were competing, or if the 'person' who knocked on the toilet door was competing with Li Junfei.

Boom, boom, boom...

Boom, boom, boom...

Boom, boom, boom...

Boom, boom, boom...

Perhaps it was because every time Li Junfei knocked on the door, he immediately knocked back.

As a result, outside the toilet, there was a regular pause to knock on the door, and every time Li Junfei knocked, the outside of the toilet door followed suit.

The two seem to be competing whose hand speed is faster and whose reaction is faster.

The voice is getting faster and faster, more and more urgent.

Boom, boom boom... boom boom, boom boom...

at this time.

Maybe it was due to the rivalry with Li Junfei, neither Li Junfei nor the 'people' outside the door noticed that there was a person in the corridor outside the toilet looking in the direction of the toilet in a daze.

If Li Junfei was here, he would definitely recognize this person. He was a student from another major who lived on the same floor, named Yan Xiujie. Although he was 1.8 meters tall, he was actually very timid and afraid of ghosts.

Also for this.

He rarely goes out at night.

But today is an exception, he was still sleeping, but maybe he ate something wrong in the cafeteria at night, and he had a stomachache in the middle of his sleep. According to the past, when he wakes up at this time, he will definitely wake up his classmates and turn on the light to go to the toilet in the dormitory to shit. But it's so hard to die, another classmate also had a stomachache, and took the lead to take the pit and shit.

no way.

He couldn't hold it anymore, and in the end, he had to either pull it in his pants like Baideng, or go to the public toilet, and he chose the latter.

Then, with fear in his heart, he covered his stomach with one hand and the constricted chrysanthemum with the other, twitching step by step, opening the door of the dormitory to the public toilet in fear.

"There are no ghosts in this world. Don't scare yourself. It's just shit. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Yan Xiujie hypnotized himself.

But as the saying goes, the more he talks about it, the easier it is to think of fear. The more he reads, the more he can't help but think of many horror stories that others have told him, such as the shadows in the student hallway at night, the ghost in the last room of the toilet at midnight, etc. The sound of footsteps behind you in the dead of night and so on.

Just thinking about it.

His expression changed suddenly, he was stunned, and looked in horror at the public toilet which was less than three meters away from him.

what sound? !

Who is it, who is in the toilet!

Yan Xiujie felt that the chrysanthemum was tight again, and he listened to make sure he heard it right. He heard a voice coming from the public toilet in the middle of the night.

Boom, boom, boom...

It sounded like a knock on the door.

You must know that it is close to midnight now, who would not use the toilet in their own dormitory at night, choose to use the toilet in the public toilet, and go to the toilet immediately, why knock on the toilet door without bringing toilet paper? But there's no need to knock on the door. Just call the other people in the dormitory. Don't you have a mobile phone?

Yan Xiujie shook his head to rule out this possibility.

In today's 20th century, how can someone go to the toilet without a mobile phone.

Can't help it.

He thought of a folklore that a classmate once told him. It is said that there are ghosts in the toilets at night, especially the last one.

The more I think about it, the more scared I become.

Just when Yan Xiujie was scared enough to go back to the dormitory.

Boom, boom boom... boom boom, boom boom...

There was another knock on the door.

And this time the knocking on the door was endless. In just one minute, the knocking on the door was regular and progressive.

for a while.

At the entrance of the public toilet, Yan Xiujie, who was standing with his feet inwards and covering his stomach with one hand and the indented chrysanthemum with the other, froze in place.

Doesn't seem to be haunted?

But what is this doing, practicing percussion in the toilet in the middle of the night.

Think about the back.

As if thinking of something, Yan Xiujie showed a wretched smile on his face that was still full of shit before

"Isn't this percussion, it's..."

in words.

He imagined the inside of the toilet...


Yan Xiujie's ears kept knocking on the door, while Zhang Wei, who was far away in Hawaii on the other side, also had system notifications in his mind.

【Ding! The knocker feels provocation]

[Host obtains system points +70]

【Ding! The knocker is competing, you have the guts to try knocking again]

[Host obtains system points +80]

【Ding! Knocker's Wrath Center]

【Ding! The ghost knocking on the door crazily cursed knocking Lima ()]

[Host obtains system points +100]



The sound of percussion music continued.

Li Junfei followed Zhang Wei's instructions, whenever the ghost knocked on the door, he would knock back, and knock louder and more times than the other party.

And outside the public toilets.

Yan Xiujie went from being horrified at the beginning to being stunned, now he only has a perverted smile, feeling like the shit has been wiped out by the knock on the door, standing there waiting for the percussion to finish, and waiting for you to come out when the time comes, to see if I can't catch up.


One person in the toilet is playing "percussion music" there, and one person outside the toilet is playing with the mobile phone. He looks up from time to time to hear whether the knock on the door is over, and then continues to play Lianliankan.

The scene is extremely harmonious.

for a moment.

It lasted about half an hour...

Accompanied by a few knocks on the door, Yan Xiujie couldn't help but look up to the toilet:

"It seems to be over."

He clearly felt that the knocking on the door in the toilet was no longer hasty and dull, it was no longer like percussion music, duangduangduang, like a person venting his anger.


Compared with Yan Xiujie, Zhang Wei, who is far away in Hawaii, knows what's going on, but the door knocker is angry because the reminder sound is ringing in his mind.

【Ding! The door knocker has become manic from knocking on the door, knocking on grandma, Nima's! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

【Ding! The knocker is hysterical and crazy]

[Host obtains system points +110]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

A message from Li Junfei also came from Zhang Wei's mobile phone.

[Li Junfei]: By the way, brother Wei, you let me knock like this, does it have the effect of exorcising ghosts, teach me quickly.

To this.

Zhang Wei replied.

【Zhang Wei】: Well, I am teaching you, when you encounter a ghost, how to properly and effectively irritate the ghost.

[Li Junfei]:? ? ?


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