Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 347 Yan Xiujie: This Night, The Toilet Was Frightened, It Was Too Dreamy

Accompanied by the message from Zhang Wei, the corners of Li Junfei's mouth twitched, and then there was a violent knock on the door next to his ear.


As directed by Zhang Wei, he completely angered the ghost outside the door.

Immediately afterwards.

【Zhang Wei】: Junfei, ghosts are scary. Don’t be afraid just because I gave you a shield. Now let me show you how scary ghosts are. But don’t be afraid, take out the shield I gave you Things will do.

After Zhang Wei sent this message, the toilet door shook violently and opened violently.

Yin Qi billowing, bloody.

Li Junfei's pupils contracted, and he stared at a terrifying figure outside the door. It was a ghost covered in blood, most of his face was rotten, and his feet kept dripping.

its appearance.

Li Junfei was so frightened that his chrysanthemum tightened.

"Give me death!!!"

It was gloomy and cold, and there was a piercing roar like fingernails scratching a blackboard.

The knocker looked at Li Junfei, and stretched out his hand ferociously to strangle Li Junfei to death. The speed was so fast that Li Junfei couldn't dodge even if he could react.

It was the moment when the ghost hand touched him.

boom! ! !

Light burst out from Li Junfei's body, and a faint voice resounded:

"gg bond—"

The door knocker seemed to be struck by lightning, his whole body was bounced by the light, and hit the sink behind him, shattering a sink and the glass on it.

【Ding! The knocker was stunned, what happened? How did I fly out? 】

[Host obtains system points +60]

The door knocker who slammed on the sink stared in astonishment, staring at Li Junfei who was flashing light in front of him.

What happened just now.

That person seems to be glowing?

and also……

Illusion? I seem to hear a voice. Why does that voice sound so familiar? I seem to have heard it somewhere. What is that voice called, chirping boo?

But the idea just came out, and the knocker didn't have time to think about it.

next second.

It is a pupil shrinkage.

On the other side, in the last toilet...

Seeing that the knocker was blown away, Li Junfei was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at his body, thinking he was about to belch, but he didn't expect it to be fine, and the ghost was blown away, but soon he knew this miraculous situation , it must have nothing to do with me, so I subconsciously took out the 'protection' in my mouth.

in its view.

Being able to fly ghosts by himself is definitely a protective object given by Brother Wei.


No further words.

According to the message from Zhang Wei, Li Junfei threw the amulet at the ghost.

【Ding! The knocker was stunned, is that... Pigman? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +70]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

The knocker saw clearly what Li Junfei threw at him. It was a toy model of Pig Man... No, fuck! Not a model? !


The light that bounced it away just now appeared, but this time it didn't come from the young man, but from the Pigman toy.


The Pigman toy glowed brightly, and made a voice that was familiar to Li Junfei, the knocker, and Yan Xiujie:

"gg bond!"

sound up.

Under the shock of the knocker, the Pigman toy came to life and turned into a basketball-sized Pigman.

It performed a gorgeous 360-degree backflip in the air, posing a chubby and coquettish gymnast landing smoothly on the ground.

next second.

It's in the classic Pigman pose.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here, I'm here to improve the social atmosphere, stimulate the cartoon market, the most dazzling new sports star in the sports world - Pigman!"

As soon as his words came out.

The door knocker was stunned, staring at the pigman who was less than ten centimeters away from him with a face full of ghosts, and murmured instinctively:

"...Live, live Pigman? How is this possible."

【Ding! The knocker was shocked, I was so angry that I hallucinated, or I was hallucinated by the toilet methane, I seem to see Pigman]

[Host obtains system points +80]

Its words just spoke.

Upon hearing this, Pig Man stretched out a finger and shook it in front of him, and said coolly:

"No, I'm not called Pigman, call me... gg!bond!!!"

The familiar childhood voice echoed in my ears.

Feel the 'cute' with life in front of you.

The knocker was completely stunned.


the other side.

Outside the public restroom.

at this time.

Yan Xiujie looked confused:

"What's going on inside? Is it another shot or something?"

Just now he thought it was going to be over inside, because the sound of knocking on the door gradually changed from hasty to heavy, and he thought it was going to be over, and then he heard the sound of the door opening vigorously.

hear this.

He thought it was time to come out, so he hurriedly took pictures with his mobile phone to see which pair of dogs and men were so exciting, but as soon as he took out the mobile phone, he heard a shrill girl screaming 'give me to death', and he was frightened one jump.

"I am Cao?! Isn't it a dog and a woman? Is it... a rape?"

It's not his wishful thinking.

It was the girl who screamed shrilly and seemed very angry. After doing such an exciting thing, it should be "you are awesome", "you are amazing", "very exciting" and other similar words, and it is impossible to say "here I die'.

Think about it.

Yan Xiujie, who has a sense of justice, rushed in to help rescue him.

However, the front foot just stepped out.

next second.

He heard the commotion inside again, it seemed that there was a "chirp" sound, then the girl seemed to say something, then the rapist also said something, and finally accompanied by various ping-pong-pong sounds from the toilet, and then Some are girls screaming "Don't, don't, haw..."

Yan Xiujie froze in place for a moment, and couldn't help but make up another picture... The girl resisted desperately, and even made the opponent scream, making the opponent shout angrily, "I'm screaming!", and then turned angry and beat the girl violently.

Think here.

Yan Xiujie was about to rush in to rescue him.

one in.

He saw a scene that he will never forget.

It was a female ghost, and just after he felt that he had entered the toilet, she bumped into him head-on, one of them was about to go out, the other was about to go in, and they bumped into each other.

Looking at the bloody female ghost who was close at hand, Yan Xiujie screamed in fright:

"Ghost!!! Don't kill... eh???"

Don't kill me four words have not been shouted.

Yan Xiujie was stunned.

The female ghost who rushed out didn't kill him, let alone do anything to him, she just pushed him away, then looked back at the toilet in horror, spitting blood and shouting "Don't come here", and ran straight out of the toilet .

It looks terrified.

Just when Yan Xiujie was taken aback.

"Where to run! Super lollipop!!"

A voice sounded.

Yan Xiujie saw it, and a living pigman rushed out of the toilet. It chased after the fleeing female ghost, took out a huge lollipop in its hand, licked it, and roared:

"Lingbo microstep!"

Words come out.

The pigman who licked the lollipop, as if he was on the hook, became very fast, and caught up with the terrified female ghost.

Same time.

Seeing Pig Man chasing after her, the female ghost who knocked on the door said in horror:

"Don't come here, Pig Man, don't come here!"

It all happened very quickly.

Within a few seconds, the female ghost and Pigman disappeared at the end of the corridor on the fifth floor.

Yan Xiujie was in a daze, staring at the female ghost who looked at the ragged clothes and vomiting blood, and then at the pig man who was chasing aggressively, his whole person fell into silence.

Until another person ran out of the toilet.

That is Li Junfei.

After Li Junfei saw Yan Xiujie, he was a little surprised. He didn't expect an outsider to help him up in a hurry, and told Yan Xiujie strictly, don't tell anyone what happened tonight, and then hurried to catch up with Pigman.

Wait until Li Junfei also disappeared from sight.

Only then did Yan Xiujie come back to his senses, recalling Li Junfei's words and what happened before, he fell silent again.

What the hell is going on?

Can't tell anyone what happened tonight?

How the hell do you want me to tell others, tell them... I kindly saw Pigman in the toilet, raped a female ghost, and even vomited blood on the other side, the key point is that there is another person watching strongly Pigman committed a crime, who will believe it? Children's channels don't even believe it, okay?


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