Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 35 Save The Grandpa Of The Huang Family

Northeast Habing City, at the airport.

Get off the plane.

Zhang Wei looked around, and his eyes fell on a group of people walking towards them.

There were a total of eight of these people.


The person walking in the front is a middle-aged man, in his forties, with sharp edges and corners, and his full leadership temperament. Even a person whose left cerebellum has been removed can tell at a glance that the other party must have a high status in the Northeast Defense Department. .

as predicted.

Lu Lianxue softly introduced to Zhang Wei:

"The uncle who walked in the front is Huang Qingshan, the captain of the Daxing City Health and Dao Department."

"I heard that it has already been appointed."

"As long as he is promoted to Qilin Guard, he will take over as soon as the future director of the Northeast Guard Department retires."

Zhang Wei nodded.

He didn't look at Lu Lianxue, his gaze was on Huang Qingshan, sizing up curiously.

Today was the first time he saw Huang Qingshan.


From the other party, he felt a familiar aura, which was... demonic aura.


He reacted:

"It turns out that Uncle Yu's amulet came from Captain Huang."

Zhang Wei remembered not long ago, when he first met Brother Yu Weihong, they each had an amulet on their bodies.

That amulet is powerful.

At that time, Zhang Wei judged from the evil spirit on it.

The person who made that talisman was a powerful celestial being.

did not expect.

That's what Huang Qingshan did.

From Huang Qingshan, he now felt the same evil spirit as the amulet.

at the same time.

Huang Qingshan was talking with Captain Lin.

He seems to have a feeling.

Sensing that someone was looking at them, the two looked at each other, and then smiled and nodded in response to each other.

"That's Zhang Wei."

Lin Tong noticed Huang Qingshan's gaze:

"It's the foreign aid that girl Lu Lianxue invited."

"Oh? Lu Lianxue invited you here?"

Huang Qingshan was stunned for a moment, thinking of Lu Lianxue's identity as Longhushan, and then thinking of Zhang Wei's surname Zhang.

He couldn't help but speak:

"Lianxue is fine, let you support us, you even invite people from the Zhang family of Tianshi Dao."

In his mouth, the celestial master taught the Zhang family.

It is the founder of Longhushan Tianshi Dao, the first generation of Tianshi, and the descendants of Taoist Zhang Daoling.

That is the real 'ruler' of Longhu Mountain.


The past celestial masters of Longhushan, that is, the head of Longhushan, are all inherited by blood relatives of the Zhang family. Although there are uncles, step-nephews, father-step-sons, Weng Chuan-in-law, etc., the legal inheritance has never been broken.

Lu Lianxue is actually Zhang's family member.

Her mother is from the Zhang family.

This is why Lu Lianxue is expected to inherit the orthodoxy of Longhu Mountain and become the 64th generation leader.

And according to the tradition of Tianshidao.

One day in the future, once Lu Lianxue becomes the head of the sect, she will inherit the Zhang surname.

At that time, he will be regarded as the real head of Longhu Mountain.

This is also the reason why the celestial masters of Longhu Mountain in all dynasties are all surnamed Zhang.

As soon as Huang Qingshan spoke.

Lin Tong knew that Huang Qingshan had misunderstood:

"Zhang Wei is not a celestial master, but a casual monk, but don't underestimate Zhang Wei."

"His ability is no worse than that of an orthodox Taoist priest."

After hearing this, Huang Qingshan said with a smile:

"Oh? So powerful? Lin Tong, you are also a Taoist priest from an orthodox family, so you belittle orthodoxy and elevate Zhang Wei?"

To this.

Lin Tong shook his head:

"I'm just telling the truth, Qingshan, you don't know what happened when we came here today."


Lin Tong broke Zhang Wei's wrist with the Xishuangbanna Bronze Armor Corpse on the plane.

Together with the fact that Zhang Wei is not afraid of the zombie poison of the Iron Coffin Zombie, he said it together.

The words fell.

Lin Tong looked at his muscles while talking:

"Hey, compared with Zhang Wei, my muscles are really useless. Zhang Wei is a muscular Taoist."

Huang Qingshan was surprised.

Subconsciously look in the direction of Zhang Wei.

"Is the physical body comparable to the golden body of Buddhism? It seems that there is a task that is very suitable for Zhang Wei."

"What mission?"

Lin Tong looked up:

"Against zombies?"

"That's not true. Although ghosts and ghosts have appeared frequently in the Northeast recently, there are indeed many zombies."

Huang Qingshan shook his head.

I heard that many zombies appeared in the Northeast.

Lin Tong's face changed, he hesitated for a while, and asked:

"Qingshan, what happened in the Northeast recently is not related to zombies, right? Don't tell me that Hanba is alive?"

"What are you thinking, you are so good at being a Hanba."

Huang Qingshan patted Lin Tong on the shoulder:

"Don't worry, what happened in the Northeast recently, I can guarantee that it is not the present world of Hanba."

"Then what task do you want Zhang Wei to do?"

Lin Tong is the foreign aid he invited from Luxia City, and he has the responsibility to care about his safety.

After all, it is to ask others to help.

It's not that he is going to deliver the head.

Facing Lin Tong for questioning.

How can Huang Qingshan not know what the other party thinks.


Qi's sharp-edged face revealed a touch of embarrassment, and he said a little embarrassedly:

"Save a grandfather of the Huang family."

"Ah?!! What are you talking about?!!"

Lin Tong was frightened.

Even though he was always calm, he screamed in shock.


Habing City, Ocean Hotel.

All the exorcists who came to support from Luxia City were arranged to live in this hotel.

at this time.

In room 2333 of the hotel.

just now.

Huang Qingshan arranged for Zhang Wei and the others, these ghost exorcists who came to support Luxia City, and assigned them to various parts of the Northeast to exorcise ghosts and demons.

Only Zhang Wei was assigned a different task.


Huang Qingshan specially called the other exorcists away, leaving only Lu Lianxue and Lin Tong who invited Zhang Wei to come to the northeast.

Then tell Zhang Wei.

His mission is to save a grandfather of the Huang family.

"Captain Lin, Captain Huang, are you joking with Zhang Wei?"

Lu Lianxue had a look of disbelief.


You must know that only the oldest members of the Five Immortals' families are eligible to be called grand masters by the Chuma Immortals, such as the eight members of the Hu family and the five members of the Huang family. .


Lu Lianxue was just about to say something more.

Zhang Wei interrupted Lu Lianxue and shook his head at her:

"Squad leader, don't say that. Captain Huang will arrange this task for me. He must have his ideas. I'm right, Captain Huang."

Huang Qingshan nodded.

"Yes, I'm not joking, but Zhang Wei what are you doing."

He found Zhang Wei folding clothes over there.

Then fold it up and put it in the suitcase.

At the same time, by the way, put the disposable toothbrush, toothpaste, and shampoo in the hotel into the suitcase.

"What can you do? Pack up your things and run away."

Then Zhang Wei changed his words again:

"Oh, sorry, I made a mistake, it's not running away."

"I got a call just now."

"The other party told me that his name is Zhang Bairen, and he is the Jade Emperor in the sky."

"He also said that I was his son. It was he who went down to earth in modest clothing eighteen years ago, fell in love with my mother Xia Yuhe by the Daming Lake, and thus had me."

"I thought this guy was crazy at first."

"Just kidding, I'm the illegitimate son of the Jade Emperor. Isn't this as fake as hearing that someone successfully bargained for a lot of money?"

"But now I feel..."

"This man must be the Jade Emperor, and I am the cub he created by accident eighteen years ago."

That's all for words.

Zhang Wei said solemnly:

"After all, there are still people who want me to save the great-grandfather of the Huang family. There are even such things. What else can't be true?"

"So I'm leaving now, and I'm going to find my father, the Jade Emperor, and ask him to take me to the Heavenly Court to report to the Heavenly Court, where I can get a part-time job as an immortal."


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